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Office of the Okarir'Akaln

Merit System

13th October 



Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya! As the Silver City strives towards progress and health for all its kindred, we have highlighted a few tasks which upon completion beget mention and praise for their critical nature to the state at large. Unlike many petty nations Haelun'ors people have long been above the sin of greed, and have been generous in their donations towards the betterment of all.


Self Report Form: Report your points here!


Recurring Quests

- Mina Reserve; 50 Minas (+2 Rep)
- Stockpile Reserve; Iron, Copper, Gold, Redstone Block, Leather, Netherite (+1 Rep per stack)
- City Event (+3 Rep)
- Meet and greet; roleplay with pink tags and make them feel welcome to the city. (+1 Rep)
- Earn a medal for service to Haelun'or! (+5 Rep)
- NPC Quest; An NPC will occasionally appear by the city noticeboard! They have a quest, complete it first and claim the reputation! (For fetch quests, deposit in barrel beneath NPC)(+4 Rep)
- Player Quest; A player quest will occasionally drop. Complete it and claim the reputation. (+5 Rep)


When you complete the quest, fill out the following Google form, take a screenshot of the evidence of your quest completion and- you're done!

Reputation gained does slowly decrease over the years, but the decay is not drastic.

Got a good idea for a quest that improves Haelun'or? Write it at the bottom of the Merit report form!


As you aid the city your achievements will be made known. The Gazette will occasionally release a segment mentioning the good that you've done and how attractive and pure you are. Wow! Lots of our neighbours read the gazette, so you'll be famous!


Good Citizen (20 Rep)
You have contributed greatly to Haelun'or and the people of the state are starting to realise as much. 


Honoured Citizen (60 Rep)
Are you the second coming of Larihei, or a saint in disguise? Your achievements and aid of the city are to be commended, you are an asset that should be covered by the Silver Council.

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