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[✗] [Magic Lore] Blood Magic


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I haven't been a blood mage for very long, so this might be an unpopular opinion but I'm not sure if I want combative blood magic. I knew going into blood magic that it wasn't combative based and I was fine with that, I thought the rituals seemed fun. If I wanted a more combative magic I would've gone with a different magic or got something in addition to blood magic.


While I think the idea of combative spells would be neat, I wouldn't trade it for rituals like Call Calamity, Quiet, Spirit Spell, all of which I haven't had much of a chance to play around with. While I'm not sure what the rest of the community has really used them for if at all, I could think of some things I would want to do.


Also, while I think having a tell is important for combative spells it would make it hard to do around people. Casting blood magic in front of people is a good way of getting yourself killed and outed to a lot of people so I can't see myself using it often. Maybe if the rewrite passes blood magic might be able to be practiced more openly, but currently it's viewed as a dark magic so rituals have to be preformed in secret.


I could just not be envisioning how well the combative spells would be used and if that's the case I would like to know how others plan on using it.

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super nice to see my rendition of the runes being used :)

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Really good rewrite and update for the magic, surely makes it all tidier.

I commend the intent on shifting focus from mere enchanting to RP-generating rituals bolstered by player creativity (as imo it should always have been the case), and the desire to further limit minmaxing by making it 2 slots from the get-go, while compensating with some small combative tools to make blood mages more self-sufficient. 

I also like how "Ritual Rebound" helps clarify what happens following failed rituals, making them less ST-Reliant, and how the "Serpent's Sickness" adds a nice narrative price to learning this dark art, giving more purpose to vampirism (as Corcituri are tied to BM).



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