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[!] The following missive has been sent out to the varying clusters of Paladins, wherever they hid.


Our history is one of infighting, of power struggles, of cowering, of silent hatred and envy. No more. No longer. Have you so readily forgotten the pacts signed, the decrees given by the Aengul we serve, Xan? Have you forgotten the lessons of Elysium and their defiance against our creeds? Or do you simply turn a blind eye to what has been decreed, to what is demanded of you as HIS Embered? 


I did not witness the unification but I know the tale well. I know the reason well. We are tasked. Azdromoth’s death is our purpose. Yet in the Keeper Alatariel’s absence you scatter to the wind, you cower away and live as recluses, ashamed of your Embers, your brothers, your sisters. You struggle for power, you shun our Order and scheme for your own. No more. No longer.


You will obey the Silverblade’s vision. You will work with your fellow Paladins. You will not hide yourselves from each other. You will not bar Paladins from chanceries. You will not tolerate darkspawn in your chanceries. Have you forgotten that these are our sacred connection to Xan? Have you forgotten?


Submit to Order, kneel in unison to Xan and work together or face the consequence. 


Unity is Salvation,

Salvation is our Liturgy.



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Soufflé (sofiele) grumbles as she begins to write a letter, she hopes those of her lance are not mixed up in all this. The woman begins to write further, as she uses great cursive to format her citations and words. The Elfess sends her letters off to her members

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"Unity or Blood I guess means nothing to some. If we are tasked with the death of Azdromoth we should be together like what was demanded of those of the past." Hileia would say, reading the missive. 

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Somewhere, albeit off within the thickets of Amathine, was the young Illithor. Fable and folklore had the Brotherhood of the Golden Lion been to this youth born far from the times of the great Xannite Champions, but now to see it come into manifestation, into reality, a glimmer of hope for the protection of MAN was made present within his mind. It was justice, incarnate. 



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