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First, the Mind

𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

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Horrific images of tortured souls and twisted landscapes. The visions were relentless, invading her mind whether she was awake or asleep. Nataliya’s nights were haunted by nightmarish scenes that left her trembling in fear, while her days were spent trying to escape the clutches of the grotesque images that played like a relentless film reel in her mind. These images transcended the boundaries of the living world. The afterlife revealed itself to her in nightmarish visions that clawed at the edges of her consciousness, leaving an indelible mark on her psyche.


In her nightmares, Nataliya found herself standing on desolate plains where the sky bled with hues of blood-red and the air was thick with an otherworldly sorrow. Tormented souls, their faces contorted in agony, wandered aimlessly, their haunting wails echoing in the emptiness. The ground beneath her feet felt like cold, pulsating flesh, and twisted, skeletal trees cast long, ominous shadows. 


The landscapes she traversed in her dreams were vast and ever-changing—abyssal pits filled with the anguished screams of the condemned, towering citadels where monstrous entities presided over realms of eternal suffering, and desecrated temples where false gods demanded tribute in the form of ceaseless agony.


Among the most disturbing visions were glimpses into realms of punishment, where souls endured unimaginable torment for sins committed in life. Nataliya witnessed souls entwined in writhing chains, their bodies engulfed in ethereal flames that provided no warmth, only searing pain. Faces distorted with eternal suffering pleaded for release, but their cries fell on deaf, otherworldly ears.


These images would haunt her even in her waking hours. At times, the veil between the living and the afterlife seems thin, and she would catch glimpses of the tortured souls lingering in the corners of her vision. Faces contorted with despair would peer out from the mundane world, leaving the young farfolk in a perpetual state of dread.


Sleep became an elusive refuge, as each night brought a descent into a surreal hellscape. Her waking hours were marked by exhaustion and an overwhelming sense of isolation. The weight of the afterlife pressed upon her, threatening to consume the fragments of peace she clung to.

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