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A Drop in the Sea


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Trigger Warning: Upsetting and Unsettling Themes and Imagery




In sinew’s embrace, her limbs entwine,

Globular eyes gaze into the depths of her soul’s design.

Organs cling, a visceral ballet upon her skin,

Gore-laden walls exhale in rhythm, a heartbeat’s din.


No escape from the tightening coil,

Viscera encroaching, a consuming turmoil.

Swallowed whole by the relentless tide,

Its stench and blood in her lungs abide.


Darkness, a humanoid silhouette in the gloom,

A hollow tune, a voice that ushers cold doom.

Imprisoned by shadows, her essence entwines,

In the poetic dance of macabre confines.


It is only a matter of time.


Into the chasm of flesh, she descends,

An endless plummet, where all-consuming silence attends.

No sound, no substance, absolute and stark,

In the abyss, she’s lost within the dark.


A void of nothingness, profound and deep,

Where echoes of existence in silence sleep.

No end, no beginning, just an infinite fall,

Through the caverns of emptiness, she enthralls.



“I wrote you poems about the ocean,

And you left me to drown in them.”

- Mahin Ismail


Eyes agape, she springs into wakefulness,

Chest rising in painful rasps, a symphony of distress.

Sweat adorns her skin, a glistening sheath,

Silk and hair cling to limbs, like whispers beneath.


Deadweights lie beside, paralysis disguised,

As if thrashing against fate is denied.

She turns, seeking familiar warmth, but in vain,

No comforting hands, no solace for her pain.


The darkness, a suffocating shroud,

Walls in flux, an unsettling crowd.

Lungs deprived of air, a desperate plea,

She must escape this impending decree.


In the void, no solace, no embrace,

She teeters on the edge of life’s fragile grace.

The moment lingers, a dance with the unknown,

In the shadow's grasp, she’s left alone.


A surge of cold through limbs, a tremor’s embrace,

She stirs from the void, leaving that desolate space.

Steps of a wraith, ethereal and light,

Through the door, closing silently in the hush of night.


Away from the emptiness, into the unknown she treads,

Leaving behind the room of shadows and dread.

Her journey unfolds like a spectral ballet,

Moving from the coastal village to the capital’s glistening array.


Through veils of mist and whispers of night,

Her presence a ghost in the shroud of moon's light.

Towards the radiant city, its majesty untold,

Her purpose veiled, her destination's stronghold.




To the shores she arrived, a journey’s toll,

Collapsed upon the sands, the bile took its toll.

Heart spilled onto pearlescent grains,

Before the statues, where dominion reigns.


The Mother and Father, in green and horned might,

Yet, in her gaze, fear and a frown took flight.

She reached, fingers longing for divine touch,

Yet, they retreated, always a bit too much.


No matter how she ran, towards them with might,

They stepped back, elusive in the shifting light.

Eyes yearning, hands grasping in the empty air,

In their distant presence, an unanswered prayer.


Up the rugged ledge, soft skin meets stone's embrace,

Rocks tearing, a painful dance in this solitary space.

At the precipice, she stands, a silhouette in twilight's glow,

Gazing into the abyss, where darkness ebbs and flows.


A moment poised on the edge, a dance with fate,

Her silhouette etched against the canvas of the weight.

Downward eyes peer into the void's consuming black,

A heartbeat away from a plunge into the track.


Wind whispers secrets, caressing her tousled hair,

As she lingers, suspended between earth and air.

On the ledge, a story unfolds, a tale untold,

In the quiet symphony of a world untold.


Breeze, a wild dancer, through her tresses did thread,

Skin torn by its caress, where the tempest led.

Impact bruised bones, water freezing her blood,

Sinking down, down, into the dark, where shadows stood.


A comfort embraced her in the watery abyss,

Contrast to the terror, the pit's haunting kiss.

A pearl within the sea, she found her reprieve,

A tranquil haven where the waves weave.


In the depths, where silence reigns supreme,

She lingered, held by the ocean's dream.

Lungs aching, yearning for the breath of air,

Salt's sting, a reminder of the surface's glare.


Nearly seafoam, a spectral ballet,

Drifting amidst the forever turbulent play.

In the vast expanse, she became one with the sea,

A whispered tale in the ever-rolling symphony.

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