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The Barrowlander's Feast

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Issued the 10th of the Grand Harvest, in the Year 162 of the Second Age





    It was one Saint’s Year ago, in the year 110 of this Second Age of the World, that the first foundations of our fair Kingdom were laid. In the shadow-stained, dreary plains which came to be known as the Barrow Marches, the Pendraic Expedition, led by our once King, Númenatâr Foronathor – known then simply as Ser Uther Pendraic – set down the first holdings of a realm that would come to be a Kingdom in its own right in just a few short years’ time. It was in the Barrowlands that our people, Adunian and otherwise, were remade, reforged in the flames of war against the Mori legions and the restless dead alike. And when at last that bastion was abandoned to the torch, from its ashes rose a new people; a new identity; a new Kingdom; Númendil.


    Now, half a century later, we yet stand as a stronghold of the Light in an ever-dimming world. Though the evils of the world have darkened our doorstep since first we set foot in these lands, from the minions of the Archdevil, to the Horror-Wraith Delgorthad, to even the conflicts of the recent years, Númendil has endured and remains resolute and unbroken – and GOD willing, we shall endure through many more.


With those sentiments in mind, now therefore the following is decreed by the Will of Her Royal Majesty Tar-Caraneth Aryantë;

    I. In celebration of our Kingdom’s past, present, and future victories, and to honor our nation’s founders and those others who paved our way, the Barrowlander’s Feast shall be established as a national festival, to be held on a semicentennial basis.


    II. The first Barrowlander’s Feast shall be held in the Great Hall of Minas Aranath in the coming Saint’s Day.


Personal invitations are directed to:

   The Royal House Arthalionath of Númendil

   His Highness, Leon of the House Barclay of Minitz and his House and citizenry

   His Excellency, Shugo Kato Oijin of Sakuragakure and his citizenry 


Formal invitations are directed to:

   All current allies of the Kingdom of Númendil 


Sunday January 7, @ 6:00 PM EST

Minas Aranath, Númendil 



HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm

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The youngest princess of Númenost narrowed her eyes at the missive, "Maybe Mother will announce it's my birthday too.. Hmm.." Eriantiel set the invitation aside, "Maybe the stars will visit too."

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2 minutes ago, beetle said:

The youngest princess of Númenost narrowed her eyes at the missive, "Maybe Mother will announce it's my birthday too.. Hmm.." Eriantiel set the invitation aside, "Maybe the stars will visit too."

An addendum was quickly published!




    It is also the tenth birthday of Princess Eriantiel of Númenost, and she would appreciate gifts.

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"I miss Barrowton..."
Said Galadain, the Knight-turned-Priest. A single tear shed for the fallen walls, and the fallen comrades.

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"Our GOD is an awesome GOD." The knight said with a smile, reminiscing about the barrows as he prepared for the feast.

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The Shugo of Sakuragakure obtains his invite and sends word to the clans and villagers of the Land of Cherry Blossoms to accompany him to the Midlands.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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