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Out for some Air (and Treasure!)


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A faint salty aroma comes from these water-stainded pages


Diary of Fagh

10th of The Amber Cold, SA 162

The stale and damp air ot the mines was starting to get to my head, and was making my thoughts more foggy, but not in a fun way like when smoking a good Jungle Kush. I didn't want to give up on helping the horde, but I also didn't want to die suffocated in the mines.


So I went fishing.


The desert is not known for their great sources of water, and even less for his waterborne creatures, so I started travelling south along the coast, and found a quiet spot to fish,  not much visited and not so hot as the heart of the desert, mostly thank to the sea breeze, praise Ankrus.

When I was a little cub, I had to fend for myself and hunted fish only on shallow rivers and with my bare hands, but now that I got a new family at Orcgrimmar, I could finally afford a proper fishing gear, with a net, a pole and a bag for my findings.

The change of air was really doing wonders, and even though my findings consisted mostly of lost peglegs, rugged flags and other junk, I managed to find some good fishes and have a nice change of pace.

I even managed to find a beautiful round pearl!: it was as smooth as an olog brain and had a emerald hue. I was so exited that I showed It to Grommash, our great Rex: he seemed to have liked it, so I wanted to give it to him, but he gave me an even better idea! I'll soon go to our weponsmiths and ask them to make a fine pece of jewelery with it. 


But in the meanwhile, we grind and we fish!

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