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A Call to the Path of Purity


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[!] A missive emblazoned with a blue cowhead is sent across Aevos by dilligent Rah'mun couriers. Upon opening it the following contents are seen.



Leh-iy, denizens of Aevos.


The darkspawn forces of Isfet - chaos - and impurity roam the lands of Aevos with impurity, poisoning the land with horrific scars, corrupting the minds of the innocent and creating demon-spawn with their infernal charms. The only answer to impurity is purity - and that is why the Temple of Hesthor calls for new servants. Aspirants who seek to learn the ways of Ka’tau, the faith of the Rah’mun people, and serve beneath the banner of our goddess Lady Hesthor of pure waters are encouraged to visit Rah’tuma and talk with a netjer (priest) of Hesthor or the Pharaoh himself.



A mighty shrine to Hesthor located in the Temple Hesthor in Rah'tuma


A group of Hesthorian warriors preparing to purge Isfet

As a guard of Hesthor’s temple, you will serve to protect one of the most important sites of purity in the whole world. You will be trained in the art of wielding a Khopesh and spear, and you will also accompany netjer as they perform mighty acts of Heka across Aevos. As a netjer (priest) in Hesthor’s priesthood, you will learn to wield Heka to drive out the impurity of Isfet across Aevos. You will also help cleanse afflicted souls with Hesthor’s waters and shepherd curious minds on journeys to the immaculate river in the heavens. You shall function as a teacher, mentor, and warrior all in the same sense. You will join a mighty tradition that has already challenged the likes of the Azdrazi and other lesser isfetians.


Visit Rah’tuma outside of Nor’asath today to begin your journey on the pure path!


[!] Directions are scrawled upon the bottom of the missive giving directions to Rah’tuma



Coordinates are -2390 / 61.000 / 2459




Discord: https://discord.gg/TksJ5rGU32



Hello all. If you are interested in ancient egyptian military rp and/or shamanism-spiritualist RP with the same theme, this is an open invitation to join the city of Rah’tuma. All we ask is that you have a devotion to driving a good narrative and a willingness to play in an authentic ancient egyptian setting.  Our discord is below, and more lore information can be found below:












His Lordship Pharaoh Atemu-Ta, 

The Keeper Of Ka’Tau And Voice Of The Gods.








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"Thought this was my purity trial for a second there", mused a probably impure high elf upon reading the title.



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