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~ The Harvest Grove & Its Values ~

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~The Harvest Grove & Its Values~



With the recent founding of the Harvest Grove I was asked what sets us apart from others within the Order.  In response to this and the recent recognition that we have gained as our own individual group, I felt it to be necessary to list down the values and goals of our grove so as we continue forward there shall not be confusion as to what makes a Harvest Grove druid part of the flock.



~ Values ~


  • Community - The Harvest Grove is committed to their community, being the Druids that make it up as well as those within the lands they inhabit.  We are to care for one another as if we are family, offering aid and services when needed.
    • This feeling should also be extended to all Druids, even those apart of other groups and circles.


  • Openness - The Harvest Grove and its members shall do their best to remain open to the outside world.  We are here to serve not only ourselves, but those outside the order as well.  We should be easily accessible so that any who wish to learn more about the Druidic Order and its values can find us easily.


  • Whimsy - Harvest Grove Druids should never take themselves too seriously, while it is important that we recognize when a situation calls for us to be serious, as a whole we should approach life with a sense of whimsy and fun.  Life is meant to be lived and people are meant to be loved, laughter and happiness are large parts of what drive us.


  • Education - The life of a Harvest Grove Druid should be spent both helping serve the aspects and nature as a whole, but also in pursuit of knowledge.  This goes for both ourselves and others, we do our best to remain accessible so that we may educate others on the Order and so that we may expand our ranks and followers of the aspects as a whole.


  • Service - Harvest Grove Druids are to live in service of the people of the world as well as nature itself.  Those making up the grove should ensure they always have food on hand for those in need or just be willing to extend a helping hand when required.  If one needs a place to stay until they can get on their feet we can offer them a warm bed, a nice meal, and good company.  We are the harvest, and thus should be willing to share our bounty with all.




Founded by Halflings The Harvest Grove has made a point to integrate many of the weefolk's values and traditions into it's group, truly attempting to form a sense of community and family amongst it's members.  Relationships are at the forefront of our minds, knowing by serving those around them and carefully nurturing friendships one can truly help to serve nature to a larger extent.




Gorilla Druid and Head of The Harvest Grove

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