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A Call for Calm - Hyspia

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A Call for Calm

Scribed by Vicente Murietta II



To the People of Hyspia and whomever else it may concern,


I among others have heard of the tensions between denizens of Aevos, particularly Hyspians, and the Paladins of Xan. I have heard stories of both sides and, as a man who is both Hyspian and a neutral party in this quickly escalating affair, I call for calm between my fellow citizens of Hyspia. It is not the responsibility of private citizens to call for a bounty on others, nor is it the responsibility of others to make demands of a Government which has had little to no involvement in this rapid chain of events. Instead, I urge calm among my citizens so none of us make a decision we will regret for our lives.


I thereby call for the following, but do not demand:

- The Government of Hyspia issue a proper investigation into the manner at hand (that being the issue of the bounty upon the Paladins and the accusations levied upon them)

- The patience of both sides during this investigation until a verdict is made

- The refrainment of bloodshed, arrests, or other violent acts


We as Hyspians have seen what political divides can do to our society. Our Ancestors have faced the horrors of the Hyspian Schism, let us thus not allow our temperaments to get the better of us until the Hyspian Government may make its verdict known. Choose peace, in the name of DIOS, not escalation.


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“Here I was going to visit hyspia with Bolvar. Guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay home…as always” Sofiele explained in her reference.

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