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Balian's Treasure Hunt


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Treasure Hunt



Pieter Bruegel the Elder – children’s games, 16th century


ON THE 21st OF Sigismund’s End, 94 B.A.




It is imperative that our new generation of children, be they royalty, peer or otherwise, are nurtured and allowed to flourish as what they are - children, despite the war and strife we face.


Balian plays host to the Children’s Club. It welcomes any and all youth within its walls to socialize and meet. Parents and caretakers can be assured that whilst visiting our beloved city, their children can enjoy themselves without fear.


All those allied to Balian are welcome to escort their children to the city, to take part in:


A Treasure Hunt


Within Protoregne there will be a number of tokens to collect. Hidden in nooks and crannies, though always within city bounds, I hope to not only encourage guests to explore, but to work together and to adventure, and to have fun.


The three who collect the most tokens within the allotted time will win various prizes, curated from all across the globe.

(All prizes are child friendly, I promise)


[OOC: Thursday 7PM EST, Portoregne - Balian Capital]





His Highness, Elianos Hadrian Novellen,

 Prince of Balian




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"The children are surely going to treasure this hunt," hummed Enrico with a faint smile.

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