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The 18th of Snow’s Maiden, 1963

      In the early months of 1962, amidst the concluding stages of the coalition's conflict with Veletz, an intriguing incident unfolded in Haense. Sir Rurik, Prizak of the Order of Rychwald, participated in a tournament organized by the Grand Prince, who had recently concluded an alliance with the Order.


     Among the spectators at the tournament was Holly Galbraith, whose attention was captured by Sir Rurik's sheer showcase of strength. Following a persistent search, she encountered him during a wedding ceremony and seized the opportunity to solicit his signature, thus intrigued by her assertiveness, Sir Rurik extended an invitation for her to spend time in his company.


     Throughout the evening, amidst shared laughter and anecdotes, mutual curiosity and admiration fostered a burgeoning camaraderie between them. However, as dawn approached, Holly disclosed her engagement, casting a pall over their previously convivial interaction and compromising their short rapport.


     Following deliberation, Holly resolved to remain with Rurik, drafting a letter to her betrothed, elucidating her absence and expressing remorse for the entirety of their relationship. Despite lingering uncertainties, she harbored a definite conviction that her future lay with Rurik.

     In due course, Rurik proposed to Holly, prompting her acceptance after careful consideration. Opting for a discreet ceremony, they enlisted the services of clergyman Mattia of Tyria to officiate, with only close kin and friends in attendance.


Holly Brezwyck née Galbraith

Sir Rurik Brezwyck,

Prizak of the Order of the Rychwald


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Mattia of Tyria prayed over this union! Jubilation! 

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"May god be with you. Ave Haense, Ave Rychwald." Dobri remarks with a smile on his face.

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"Meet the woo." Grumbled a certain Sir Andrik.

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