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[REPOST] [Taken] Player for Child


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" Through the dark tall trees of Norland sits the city of Vjardengrad,
where a mother and her family lives peacefully... "

--== Looking for someone to play Jamison C. Anarórë ==--

-- Son of Estel Foxtrot-Anarórë --



In Character Information:
Jamison Anarórë
A.K.A Jamie, Jam-Jam

Human, Age 8

Male (gender may be changed according to your preferences)

Absolute blank slate - you're free to write up a personality for him!


Located in Vjardengrad, Norland, in the Anarórë home.


Living Relatives:

- Estel Foxtrot-Anarórë (mother, chieftain of clan)
- Artemis Anarórë (older brother)

(Full family tree, including list of deceased
relatives, can be given upon request at
any time.)


Adopted child
(with Estel and Artemis being elven, and Jamieson human)


Out of Character Information:

I only ask you're a chill person, and that you don't have issue with our
clan members! 


A picture of the skin can be seen above, however,
you are completely alright if you want to change the outfit,
or even make your own skin!! I have a base skin for Jamison
that you may use for any outfit changes.


Need more info, want to know more, or want to play Jamison?
Message me on Discord!: Lunan_EXE (display name; mrow)
OR, message me in-game!: VaporwaveParrot

Note: I am not actively on the forums, please do not contact
me on here. Try Discord or in-game.

Edited by Lunan_EXE
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