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The Shepherd Call Answered

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The Shepherd Call Answered

Since the tragic massacre that had shaken his world, Debb had experienced the profound grace of Allah. Fourfold had Allah replenished what was lost, a testament to the strength of his faith and the unwavering nature of divine providence. Tonight, as he gently supported the struggling ewe, he felt the weight of that blessing, a reminder of Allah's mercy and generosity.


As the lamb finally brought forth new life, its weak cries echoing in the stillness, Debb felt a surge of gratitude towards Allah. He cradled the newborn lamb in his arms, feeling the softness of its wool against his roughened hands. In that moment, he knew that this lamb was a symbol of renewal and hope, a sign that even in the darkest of times, Allah's light would shine through.


With a heart full of gratitude and a mind filled with awe, Debb decided to name the lamb "Barakah," meaning blessing. It was a fitting name, a reminder of the countless blessings that Allah had bestowed upon him, both big and small. As he watched over the mother and her newborn, he knew that this moment would stay with him forever, a testament to the power of faith and the beauty of Allah's creations.


Inspired by the beauty of the moment, Debb felt compelled to put his feelings into words. Sitting by the flickering light of a lantern, he took out a piece of parchment and began to write. His words flowed freely, a testament to his faith and his gratitude for Allah's blessings. He wrote of faith and resilience, of hope and renewal, of the eternal love of Allah that guided him through even the darkest of nights.


As the first light of dawn began to break on the horizon, Debb finished his poem, a heartfelt tribute to the believers, a testament to the strength of their faith and the beauty of their devotion. He knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would face them with unwavering faith, knowing that Allah was always by his side, guiding him and blessing him with His infinite grace.


“In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate,


From the heavens above to the depths below,

In every creation, Allah's glory does show.

In every drop of water, in every blade of grass,

In every grain of sand, Allah's mercy does surpass.


The stars in the sky, the moon's gentle glow,

The sun's radiant light makes the flowers grow.

Each creature, each plant, each mountain tall,

Allah's handiwork, in them we see His call.


From the rivers that flow to the oceans wide,

In every ebb and flow, in every changing tide.

In the wind that whispers through the trees,

In the birds that soar on the gentle breeze.


In the mountains that stand, majestic and tall,

In the valleys below, where rivers do sprawl.

In the deserts vast, where sands do shift,

In the snowflakes that fall, each one is a gift.


In every living thing, in every breath we take,

In every step we make, in every choice we partake.

In every joy, in every pain we endure,

In every trial, in every success we secure.


Allah's mercy knows no bounds,

In every creation, His love resounds.

So let us be grateful, let us be kind,

For in Allah's mercy, true peace we find.”


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"Subhan Allah, Glory be to Allah, lord of the worlds. Alhumdillah I am a Mumineen, and Alhumdillah, All praise be to Allah, for the blessings I have received." Said Shamil as a girl read the poem to him as he lifted a net from the river in which fish flopped wildly onto his boat, turning to offer a warm smile to her as she stood on the desert shore, he could not see her face due to her beautiful hijab and veil, a testament to her modesty before Allah. "Shukran, Thank you Zahwah, Debb's words bring good remembrance of Allah." He then took his small dagger from his woolen cloth like belt around his waste and began to kill the fish, his boat rocked side to side from the waves and the strength of the fish upon the river. He was excited to try new recipes with the fish, Humbled before Allah not as a great king, or grand Advisor, but a simple fishing boy and aspiring cook listening to Zahwah strum her oud and sing Qalasheen folk songs. "Alhumdillah, Thank you my lord." he said to himself once more.


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