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[Vision] Damnation


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If allowed, this vision is open to all, as most visions should be.


The scent of burnt spruce fills the air.


You open your eyes, and see yourself sitting in a wooden chair in a ramshackle hut, with a campfire burning before you. A window to your side reveals the hut to be placed on the top of a hill, overlooking a spruce forest; in the distance, a winding, vast stone staircase leads high into the clouds, partially obscured by fog.


Your attention is pulled, forcefully (you know not what by) back to the fire. The flames crackle, grow black - and a creature briefly materialises…



…before vanishing. The flames return to normal.


Your heart briefly stops - sweat pulses your brow, and your body shakes. 

The door opens; a white-haired, golden-eyed elf enters, standing behind you. You see the knife rest against your throat, feel it as it cu-




A familiar scent fills the air.


You open your eyes, and see yourself sitting in the same wooden chair in the same ramshackle hut, with the same campfire burning before you. The familiar window to your side shows, once more, the hut to be placed on the top of a hill, overlooking a spruce forest; in the distance, the winding, vast stone staircase leads high into the clouds, partially obscured by fog. Nothing has changed.


You blink confusedly, before once more, your attention is pulled, forcefully (still, you know not what by) back to the fire. The flames crackle, grow black - and again, creature briefly materialises…





…before vanishing. The flames return to normal.


You knew it was coming, but it did not matter; your heart briefly stops, sweat pulsing the brow of your shaking body. There is, it seems, no bravery to be found in this little hut.

The door opens; a white-haired, golden-eyed elf enters, standing behind you. You see the knife rest against your throat, brace yourself even as you feel it as it cu-




The cycle repeats. Each time the circumstance the same, but the creature unique; each time a monster you've never seen before, a creature utterly unique, realised only by your mind. The cut remains constant - the elf, silent and murderous, never leaves.

Eventually, after what feels like an endless span of time, you wake - sweat glistening your brow, heart thumping for dreamt horror.

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Juniper awakes in the middle of the night with a scream, bolting upright in her bed. She gripped her chest, gasping for air.


"It's not real..." She whispered, hoping it was all just a bad dream. Something snickered in the back of her mind as she continued to mutter and ramble to no one, "It's not real, it's not real."

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