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IMPERATOR HOMINUM | To Protect Mankind

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A publication was spread through the cities and settlements of Canondom




To the peoples of Canondom,


In my travels over the past decade, I have noticed a gap which has divided the sons of HOREN, one which has brought about suffering and despair upon them and their own sons. This gap has worsened a condition which had previously existed, that of a dwindling faith. Perfidious things lie in wait for us, they wait for the day we renounce our heritage and for the day that we turn our backs upon one another in favor of personal desires.


The shadows of this world encroach upon the domain of MAN, and it is only through faith and a RIGHTFUL ruler, that such a DARK TIDE shall be defeated. I call upon all men and women to dig their fingers into history, to seek the truths that lie there-in. A pious and powerful emperor shall protect mankind, it is only through their will that humanity’s desires will be coalesced into a shield and a blade powerful enough to hack away at the perfidious DARK TIDE.


So has GOD bid HOREN to be faithful to Julia and to his people, so shall he bid us all to rejoin a common home, a home built with bricks of faith and honor, a home which shall be large enough to accommodate the whole of the family of MAN. For that is what our race is, brothers and sisters! A family who have endured much and has been temporarily separated by the bickering of feuds and the dangers of the outside. The day arrives soon, the light will rise and with GOD’s help, an emperor will rise to protect us all.





Sigmar The Pious

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