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Never walk away from home

ahead of your axe and sword.




Always rise to an early meal

but eat your fill before a feast.



Heill þik,


Bróðir, health and completeness to you in these ill-begotten years. I have been out on a small expedition within the purview of nature. There are many beasts laying affront in this continent, scouring at the darkest corners of the world. 


However, as much as I would like to speak on my adventure through hearty mead surrounded by our kinsmen, there is something more grave at heart. On my journey, I came across the footprints of a large, tyrannical beast. So large were its print upon the dirt, that it seemed culpable enough to hold a large viking! To this, I would say, it seems to be much larger than a mammoth.


I hope that you would be ready to accompany me in tracking whatever foul beast lay ahead, in honourable hunt, so that we may bring its skull back to our halls. I am of the understanding that you may not know how to write, or even read, so hopefully you can show this to your respected teacher to translate. 


Outside of this news, I have no shortage of complaints. The strenuous journey to becoming a druid has taken a toll on my mind; to be truthful, the other druii have been lacklustre in gaining any significance of growth. They stand around circles, making merry, gossiping, whilst the world is asunder and wretched by evil forces. Hopefully, they can grow out from their mossy walls. 


To end this rightly, I have heard that you have succeeded in your attunement. Vælkomin, broedr, let us bathe in the wisdom of the All-Father.


Við sjáumst seinna.


Written by Thor,

[This post is written to @M1919 and others in Sólgaard].


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While perusing the Thegn's desk, Beowulf stumbled upon the letter; the giant Norn was filled with trepidation at the thought of a great battle as he read.

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