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[✗] [Fjarriagua Amendment + Addition] Cursed Ice


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As it stands, Cursed Ice's lore is extremely lackluster, lacking any real depth or definition, being no more than just "steel but melts like ice". This amendment aims to provide more depth to it, a new set of weaknesses, overhauling its durability as well as granting it more content, to grant it more use cases. From flavor RP, structures to CRP & MArting, as well as the clarification of redlines. For example, we are permitted to create 1 cursed ice per day through ST verdict, yet isn't stated within redlines. That has been added in the amendment's redline to avoid confusion.

Cursed Ice will also be something that may be created by other Witches, and not only Mothers, allowing them to work on their own personal projects without having to rely on an endgame CA user to conjure up some ice.


With the opening up of the cursed ice to witches, a [3] OOC day cooldown has been added to every witch aiming to create cursed ice, while it being only [1] day to mothers. As well as redlining the usage of it to anyone that isn't apart of their kin, preventing instances of mass-production and bloating the market through selling / gifting random people.  

Old lore:

Conjure Cursed Ice



By imbuing ice with powerful Witch Magic while at the Altar, a Frost Mother, along with perhaps other Frost Witches, may create an ice far more durable than any frost or ice formed within the natural realm, weaving their malicious arts into the ice which they have conjured forth. This ice may be used for a variety of things; from the creation of powerful weapons to entire fortresses created from ice empowered by the will and magic of the Fjarriagua. 


- Cursed Ice can be created by a Mother while at the Altar in non-combat, the amount directly proportional to the number of Witches aiding. This ice has the durability of steel or stone and may be used to create MArt enchantments, tools, weapons, or structures of ice. In the case of tools or weapons, they must be signed by an ST in order to be valid. Structures need not be signed unless they have other properties beyond their durability.


- Cursed Ice must be made at an Altar, done by the Witch conjuring ice and then weaving their own magic into it, giving it a darker blue shade, if not purple even. 

- Cursed Ice and it's conjuration acts the strength ranging from stone (when conjured for anything larger than what may be worn upon one's person), to a high-carbon steel (when used for items wearable or equip-able on ones pesron)
- Cursed Ice may be used for construction or MArt creations
- Cursed Ice may not be enchanted without MArt usage
- Cursed Ice for greater usage (builds, or manipulating so), requires RO permission to use. If there is no RO on tile, it refers to ST to attain approval. Cursed Ice Structures may not be requested to be built by world team or ST. 
- Cursed Ice is immune to mundane or alchemical flame, though magical flame of any kind would affect it as if it were normal ice.

- This ice cannot be made during combat nor used for combat purposes on its own.
- Cursed Ice may only be made in the quantity of (1) sole item as it is a excruciatingly draining procedure for both the Frost Mother and any aiding witch.

New lore:


Conjure Cursed Ice



By imbuing ice with powerful Witch Magic while at the Altar, a Frost Witch may create an ice far more durable than any frost or ice formed within the natural realm, weaving their malicious arts into the ice which they have conjured forth. This ice may be used for a variety of things; from the creation of powerful weapons to entire fortresses created from ice empowered by the will and magic of the Fjarriagua. 




Cursed Ice can be created by a Fjarriagua while at the Altar in non-combat, the amount directly proportional to the number of Witches aiding. This ice has the durability of steel or stone and may be used to create MArt enchantments, tools, weapons, or structures of ice. In the case of tools or weapons, they must be signed by an ST in order to be valid. Structures need not be signed unless they have other properties beyond their durability.


Upon harsh strike on one's flesh, or extended physical touch such as leaning against a wall of Cursed Ice for longer than [2] emotes, this frigid material will leave behind a second degree frostbite on the affected area, being no more than the sensation of pins and needles, discomfort at most.

Those not of their kin attempting to wield such a material, such as holding a weapon or wearing an armor made of it, will feel utterly repulsed by it, as if rejected by the very curse that inhibits it, finding it impossible to make use of the ice. Structures, on the other hand, emit an unnerving aura.

Creation Limits

Each Fjarriagua may only create one item per [3] OOC days, its size depending on the tier of the Fjarriagua. While Mothers may create Cursed Ice once per [1] OOC day.

The number of Fjarriagua partaking in the creation together directly affects the size OR number of creations. This means that [2] T2 Fjarriagua may combine their efforts to create a singular longsword like a T3 Fjarriagua could create by herself.

      Worn on one’s person | Structures

T1: Tiny accessories only | 2x2x2

T2: Nothing larger than a dagger in size | 4x4x4

T3: Nothing larger than a longsword in size | 6x6x6

T4: Nothing larger than a spear in size | 8x8x8

T5: Nothing larger than a set of armor | 10x10x10


A higher form of ice, these objects, oddly enough, seem to be immune to all forms of mundane and alchemical flames, unlike their mundane counterpart. Yet, flames of magical nature seem to be capable in purging this accursed ice.   



Due to Cursed Ice being fed the very essence of the Fjarriagua that created it, soul-affecting flames such as MALFLAME, or purging flames of magical nature such as DRAGONSFLAME & HOLY FLAMES are seemingly extremely effective, finding themselves capable of purging the curse that exist within such ice. Requiring a mere [4] strikes of such to be inflicted upon the Cursed Ice before purging it of its innate curse.

Within the first [3] strikes, the Cursed Ice will begin to visibly crack, its color seemingly grown lighter in appearance, as if shifting from an obsidian hue to more of mundane ice, as if the very curse within the ice partially dissipated. While on the [4]th, the object will be rendered fully mundane ice in nature, although extremely brittle, the accumulated cracks shattering the item on the spot.


Magical flames of non-purging capabilities, such as Voidal flames, instead directly melt the Cursed Ice, requiring a total of [4] strikes to fully melt affected areas. This may be done through either separate attacks or channeled flames. Flames twice as hot such as voidally-conjured Blue Fire double the strength of the strikes, counting as [2] entire strikes per hit on the Cursed Ice instead.


-Only magical flames may destroy Cursed Ice, as well as anything that could physically break steel.

-Cursed ice does not bend like steel, instead shattering should enough force be applied to physically shatter it. What would cause dents on mundane steel would instead cause cracks within the cursed ice.

-A mere [3] magical flame strikes is enough to destroy the item, whether through separate attacks, or through channeling.

-Purging flames destroy the entire Cursed Ice item, regardless of the affected area, as it strips the ice of its curse. Magical flames on the other hand, only melt the areas that they strike.

-The weaknesses apply only to objects of Cursed Ice (steel durability). Structures of Cursed Ice may not be griefed, unless granted consent by the person responsible over the build, such as an RO, PRO, or owner of the build, following the rules of destroying builds. Should proper consent be granted, then one may begin to melt the build using magical flames as if one were to melt mundane ice.

-Damaged Cursed Ice will naturally regenerate out of combat, within the healing aura of an altar, so long as it is not fully destroyed.

-While Malflame may purge the essence within the Cursed Ice, it may not latch onto if as if it were flammable.

-Flames twice as hot count as [2] strikes.

[OOC] Purpose:


Current lore Cursed Ice does not properly delve into what weaknesses it could have, as this amendment will add a new set of weaknesses to the item, that being Malflame and Holy flames of all types.

The 'durability' of the ice has also been reworked, clearly defining how much it can properly take before melting off, while allowing it to not be completely garbage. This way, Fjarriagua may weigh their options before deciding whether to opt for mundane steel or Cursed Ice as their tool of choice, offering proper counterplay to both sides.



A Fjarriagua, should she wish, may inscribe the symbol of a Frost Cursing curse within the Cursed Ice as she creates the item, essentially allowing that curse to inhibit the unholy ice, yet dormant, lasting permanently within the weapon.

The curse within may be activated within the span of [2] emotes, lasting for a total of [4] emotes on the weapon before dissipating, transferring that curse should it make contact with bare skin or flesh, leaving behind a bruise-like mark, with the symbol of the curse. Should it strike flesh or skin before its dissipation, then the curse will prematurely dissipate off the weapon.


-The curse may only be transmitted should it make contact with flesh or skin, following the rules of Frost Cursing

-The process is similar to Frost Cursing, requiring the Witch to conjure a chunk of ice, carve the symbol within and sink it into the item, the symbol appearing on the surface of the object of Cursed Ice.

-Dissipates on the first strike against flesh or skin, OR after [4] emotes pass.

-Cursing may not affect structures.

-Curse effects must be implemented in the item description.

-After the implementation of the curse within the weapon, it may no longer be changed, requiring the witch to make a completely different item for a different curse.

-Can be activated in disguise, but the activation must require visible tells on the weapon, such as a dim glow radiating the item's color (dark blue, purple, black, etc), or veins sprouting from the curse's engravings throughout the weapon, or wisps dancing on its surface, etc.

[OOC] Purpose:


Frost Cursing is abysmal, finding zero usage due to the requirement of 3 emotes of extended touch on bare skin, making its use practically impossible outside of slapping it on someone post-capture. This addition aims to circumvent the issues with Frost Cursing, allowing a Fjarriagua to find use for it, in a way that makes sense thematically (cursed ice)

- Cursed Ice must be made at an Altar, done by the Witch conjuring ice and then weaving their own magic into it, giving it a darker blue shade, if not purple even. Its appearance may take on appearances similar to obsidian, dark-coloured glass-like apperances, or glossy metals, its transparency ranging from fully opaque to slightly translucent, similarly to ice.


- Cursed Ice and its conjuration acts the strength ranging from stone (when conjured for anything larger than what may be worn upon one's person), to a high-carbon steel (when used for items wearable or equipable on ones person)

- Cursed Ice may not be enchanted without MArt usage. It may also be used for construction or MArt creations.

- Cursed Ice is immune to mundane or alchemical flame, though magical flame of any kind would affect it following the Weaknesses section.


- This ice cannot be made during combat.

- Cursed Ice may only be made in the quantity of [1] sole item per Witch partaking in the creation, or may optionally combine their maximum sizes together into a singular item rather than separate, as it is an excruciatingly draining procedure for the Fjarriagua.


- Maximum creation of once per [3] OOC days to Fjarriagua T1-T4. Once per [1] OOC days to T5 Fjarriagua.


- Builds made out of Cursed Ice may either be conjured at once should there be enough Fjarriagua present for it, or be done in sections over the course of days.


- For anything that can be worn on one's person, two Fjarriagua of a certain tier may create a single item of the next tier. This means two T3 Fjarriagua may create a singular T4 Fjarriagua item for example. Or 2 T4 being able to conjure what a singular T5 can.


- Armor sets of Cursed Ice are skin-numbingly cold, as exposing oneself to [2] emotes or longer would numb one's skin, afflicting it with stage two frostbite.


- Those not of their kin (Witches, Mothers, etc) will find themselves incapable of wielding the Cursed Ice in any way, whether it be wearing it as an armor, wearing accessories, or using a tool made of it.


- While Cursed Ice visibly could be passed off as obsidian, glass, stone, or something of the likes, one may for example, during an investigation, make physical contact with the weapon, feeling its repulsion and discomfort.  







Ice is but an extension of the Fjarriagua, wielding the expanse of winter’s domain as if it was yet another limb they always had, with some becoming another mouth that may speak their voice, that may whisper visions. By infusing a portion of their essence within an object of Cursed Ice, the Fjarriagua may then whisper words to it, effectively trapping these whispers and visions within the object itself. Causing that object to glisten in a faint, icy blue. Then, should it be interacted with through physical touch, the object itself will echo those faint whispers and visions.

Red Lines:   


-This may only be done out of combat.

-The Fjarriagua infuses her energy into an item of Cursed Ice, causing it to glisten, optionally granting it a faint glow, a shimmer, or even wisps that dance upon its surface, whispering words into it in #w channel, which will be trapped within.

-Signs are required to be placed, preferably writing all that is echoed in /rpsign. Should that option be inconvenient to the Fjarriagua, they may instead prop up signs to be DMed when interacted.

-The echoes may only be freed by the Cursed Ice through a Fjarriagua dispelling it in [2] emotes, or through the destruction of the item following Weaknesses.

-While a weapon may be granted Echoed Whispers for out-of-combat flavor RP, Echoed Whisper has zero effect in CRP, practically unable to transfer whispers and visions within.

-Structures may be affected by Echoed Whispers, in small areas. Such as propping up a sign on a wall, detailing that a faint glow pulses within a wall, and upon touch, would whisper words.

-Magics, Feats, recipes or anything of that nature cannot be taught with the usage of Echoed Whispers.

-Echoed Whispers cannot be used to "record" other people's voices without their IRP/OOC consent.

-Spoken Voices will only be heard as a comprehensible chorus of whispers, perfectly mimicking the same emotions and perhaps speech patterns as of the original speaker. Otherwise being impossible to know the identity of the speaker from sound alone.

-Echoed Whispers may instead be infused with sounds of songs, melodies and other such sounds.

[OOC] Purpose:



The aim is to push for Cursed Ice to be used beyond merely CRP, granting it unique usage that fits the Witch aesthetic for flavor RP.



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frost witches try not to post an amendment every two days challenge - impossible

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18 minutes ago, Songwitch said:

frost witches try not to post an amendment every two days challenge - impossible


kiko try not to destroy the bathroom thrice a day challenge - impossible

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Very cool lore. Recently there was a new blight metal, and there are other spooks with unique metals. I think cursed ice has a lot of potential to be something cool and unique and not just re flavored steel that melts and that's it. Can't wait for this to be accepted and installed! +1

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14 hours ago, Diogen said:


kiko try not to destroy the bathroom thrice a day challenge - impossible


what the fk

why r u exposing my business

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3 hours ago, Songwitch said:


what the fk

why r u exposing my business


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make it happen. . +1 (im begging at this point)

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