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The Levy of Garenbrig

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The Levy of Garenbrig
Vassal of Numendil







Honor and Duty


The Levy of Garenbrig, being a levy raised to serve Tar-Caraneth and her holdings, follows much the same doctrine as the capital soldiery.
Derived from the Barrowton Guard, defenders of the March, protectors of Canondom,

guardians of the people. Their purpose true and bound, the Guard protects Numendil, the glorious white City of Numenost, and all other holdings of the Tar. It is the driving force behind the fist of the Tar and their Knights.
The Levy of Garenbrig serves mostly to protect the western watches of Numendil, the cliffs bordering the dead Oasis, and the rugged Hills of Garenrbrig.



Soldier of Godrick by Drawsouls on DeviantArt

A Garenbrig Guardsman holding vigil over a fallen brother in the lower cisterns



Duties of the Levy

Mount and Blade

A Garenbrig Knight rallying the levy as they begin their training


As written by Ser Garen Glennmaer, Captain of Numendil, every Numenedain soldier is expected to take on the following duties:


Uphold the Peace.

Keep Safe the Gate.

Keep Safe the People.

Hunt the Darkspawn.

Slay the Beast.

Help Thy Comrade.

Serve Thy Liege-Lord.

Cleanse the land of all its Darkness.




Rations and Wages


To Serve Numendil does not come without thanks. Food, Bed, Board and Wages will be provided every saint’s week to each guard and knight. Exceptional performance warrants promotion, and further benefits. Guards may be heightened to the rank of Serjeant, and entitled to higher wages and command over lower ranks, though these promotions are optional and come with plenty more responsibility. Those include training lower ranks, and organizing their trappings and rations.

Knights are entitled to further pay, should they deem necessary, though many opt for none.




From Knight to Noble

It is not uncommon for the Canonist denizen to wish for more, to strive for Greatness.
Knighthood is the most Reliable path when one's Goal is to achieve Nobility in the eyes of GOD and their fellow man.

In Numenost, when a Knight attains the Position of a "Knight of the White Court", they are at a prime position to begin their ascent. In Garenbrig, the Knights are given much the same treatment.

For it is the Code of Chivalry that Knights live by, and it is this code that Allows for Greatness, and Encourages the Betterment of the Self.

Like House O'Rourke, Seregon, Glennmaer, and Arthalionath; Greatness can be achieved through Determination and Loyalty.




Trappings and Ranks

Harkening back to the days of Old, when good King Uther ruled the humble hold of Barrowton, a beacon of light in a wretched Abyss, the Host of Formindon practice traditions of comradery, humility, honor and duty, much like their counterparts in the capital of Numenost.

With a home-town much steeper, wetter, and rough, the soldiers of Garenbrig, as well as their Knights, wear lighter and somewhat looser armor, leaving joints somewhat less encumbered to facilitate mobility on a harsh terrain.

Classical, tried and true armor of Plate, Mail, Gambeson and Surcoats. Large Greathelms, bearing the Cross of Lorraine and Horen, and reliable weaponry lacking excess adornment. What trim they bear is of bronze, instead of gold, for the aurum is far better suited to crafting the tools to hunt the dark. Adorn your trappings with Bronze, and you are given ample excuse to keep shiny. A green trim means a lazy Glennmaer.


A Garenbrig Guardsman charging headfirst into a host of Ratiki squatters



Guardsmen of Garenbrig are the core of the Levy. Loyal, well-trained, and well fed. Where one might expect a levyman in a feudal dwelling to eat his bread and drink his water, the Glennmaers know all too well that a hungry soldier is a dead one. 

Dressed in the Surcoat of House Glennmaer, bearing their resolute tower, the Guardsmen of Garenbrig are expected to be steadfast and enduring, as the words of House Glennmaer encourage. `Do and Endure`. 

No expense is spared in arming the levy. Whereas hosts of old might deem one man important, and the next cannon-fodder, the Formindon warband is armed to keep themselves alive, and swinging.




A Garenbrig Knight posing for his portrait in the halls of Formindon, accompanied by his leal hound, "Corpsegrinder", and his trusty steed, "Binky"

Knights of Formindon and Garenbrig are expected to hold themselves as any other Knight of Numendil. Uphold the law, follow the scrolls and the code of chivalry to the letter. 

To be a Knight is to present ones self as the finest Humanity has to offer. Whilst a Guardsman can be an adept fighter, a Knight must also be wise. Cunning. Compassionate. Respectful. Pious.
All these things and more must you show before you can ascend to the rank of Knight, and wear your own heraldry. Ride atop your own Elcir, and fight in not just the name of Numendil, but your own.





To join the Guard, contact Ser Glyndwr of Formindon ((Pepto_Bismol_))

Or Fill Out the Form Below.

Uniform, Armor, Weapons, pay, and Training will be provided.



Application Form


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A happy Númenedan by the name of Eredain smiles proudly for Garenbrig.

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