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Based. I think we used to RP all the way back in the days? I'm nowhere near finished my time at university but I can definitely boast to a similar experience in the server. It develops you in a very special way - good and bad. 


I think as a hobby, LOTC can really help people learn written skills as well as expand their creativity. And personally, I've enjoyed LOTC to develop philosophical thought and critical thinking through some of my characters. 


This server really is what we make of it. 


Fortune be with you Tri, good luck!

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The RP plans you made and the shenanigans we did were some of the best times I had in the server. I'm so glad to hear that you've made it out there, and hope more successes come to you in the future.

(your 2x2 eyes ascended character was peak)

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glad to hear ur doing well tri

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Helped me land As on my english exams. -- Also hi, I remember you from Arcas.

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I don't know you, but congratulations on your new job!! Good luck with the rest of your life :D

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we used to hang out a lot in G2P back in the day, and you were always so hilarious man. Glad to see you've progressed and continued to move up in life. I feel like the old friendgroup all has; moving up in the world and achieving careers.


Thanks for all the laughs and times we shared together. I'm glad you can reflect positively on what you got from the server, and what you learned about life and yourself in that process.


See you when I see you bro. Take it easy man.

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I love you like my estranged son-brother and I am very genuinely glad to hear you doing well all around, I entirely agree with your view and am on the same page. LOTC, love it or hate it, helped me grow in ways I never realized until I got older, ranging from being incredibly literate to social skills. I am really happy to see another person articulate the good that can come from this community, in a time when there is a lot of bad. It is all a matter of perspective and genuinely, wholeheartedly, good job dude. Hope to keep in contact with you for years to come!

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Hey man though I never got to know you, I find you story highly relatable. I guess now that I look back on it LOTC does teach you a few lessons especially when it comes to being social. However, I feel like a lot of people use LOTC to fill a lack of social interaction in real life. To anyoneone reading this who  doesn't  have many IRL friends and haven't really taken a break longer than 6 months please do trust me you will realize it once you do. After quitting the server in August 2022 I noticed that I was able to achieve many social goals that I had. I have had a lot of new experiences and have made a lot of new friends as well as I have noticed that my physical fitness improved similar to your situation. Best of luck in your endeavors going forward I hope that you are able to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life! 

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