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Summons of Ser Ephrem Kervallen

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Summons of Ser Ephrem Kervallen

12th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 106 B.A





LET IT BE KNOWN, that, in connection to incidents in the Battle of St. Lothar’s Hold against the forces of the Scarecrows, SER EPHREM KERVALLEN is being summoned by the Magisterium of Balian, to defend himself against the following charges:


  • 1 Count of Disobedience of the Royal Office, a Crime of Treason (“Lex Criminalis Art. IV.011D - Where an individual refuses a direct order of a member of the Royal Family or Duana, this shall be the crime of Disobedience, a felony.): For disobeying direct orders from the Royal Magister of Balian to bring in the Scarecrows alive for Trial, and instead fully intended on killing the perpetrator after multiple reminders.

  • 1 Count of Death Threats against the Royal Office, counting as Harmed Majesty, a Crime of Treason (“Lex Criminalis Art II.02C - Where an individual intentionally physically harms a member of the Royal House or Duana, this shall be Harmed Majesty, and charged with the penalty of Treason” and “Lex Criminalis Art. VIII.03 - On Attempt - Where an individual actively attempts, but fails to commit, a crime, the individual shall be held liable with a mitigated punishment according to the crime which was attempted.): For threatening death upon the Royal Magister of Balian after the aforementioned disobedience.

  • 1 Count of Assault, a Misdemeanor (“Lex Criminalis Art. II.01A - Where an individual intentionally makes an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another, this shall be Assault, a misdemeanor.):  For calling for an Illicit Duel to the death upon another citizen, without consultation, approval, or oversight from the Crown or its Magisterium.


To answer to these above-mentioned allegations, SER EPHREM KERVALLEN is summoned by the Magisterium of Balian to trial within the next SIX Saint’s Days. If he should not appear within the appointed period, he shall be deemed guilty of Absconding (Lex Criminalis IV.04A - Where an individual fails or intentionally avoids surrendering oneself to the custody of Royal Officials at the appropriate time, this shall be the crime of Absconding, and in the case of the awaiting trial immediately confirms guilt, dismissing the need for lawful hearing.) and shall be considered Guilty of the aforementioned crimes, and thus Banished forthwith and from henceforth from the Kingdom of Balian on pain of death.


In addition, the following are requested to appear in court as witnesses to the aforementioned crimes: Dame Gwenyth Vilac-Vuiller, Victor Rorin, Lavanya Aruna, Bolvar of Joma, and Hilda Brawn. 


Due to a conflict of interest, being one of the defendants, the Magister has recused herself for this trial, thus leaving the role of Kritai for the trial to Her Majesty, Queen Sybille I, His Royal Excellency, Don Kristoff Ruthern, or to The Most Honorable, Ser Robert Joseph de Lyons, whom she is allowing to oversee this trial if necessary, making an exception to Article XI of Processus Iudicialis due to his previous experience in the office and her inability to try the case due to her recusal.






Her Royal Majesty,  Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia, Viscountess of Renduzzo, Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfield, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.


Her Grace, Dame Gwenyth “The Unyielding” Vilac Vuiller, Duchess-Consort of Aquilae, 

Lady Sentinel of The Royal Sentinels, Cavalier of the Order of St. Michael, 

Royal Magister of the Kingdom of Balian


The Most Honorable, Ser Robert Joseph de Lyons, Viscount of Enderoca,

Erudit of the Order of the Silver Comet, Kritai of the Kingdom of Balian

Edited by SmartScout
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Hilda Brawm looked over her court summon, tutting a little, “Damn, they got my name wrong… Something to correct at the trial, I suppose.” She then tucked the missive into her desk drawer and went to her balcony to have a cigarette.

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9 minutes ago, SmartScout said:

For calling for an Illicit Duel to the death upon another citizen, without consultation, approval, or oversight from the Crown or its Magisterium


“Seems I won’t be wasting my time then. Gratitude towards the law system of this nation.” Dhen spoke out as it returned back to holding a blunt and awkward conversation with a passing by citizen 

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