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elElensir: the EDICT OF EDWYRM

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By the hand of elSohaer in the year 178 S.A.


To the Blessed Citizenry and all other Our subjects whatsoever to whom these Conveyances are directed; Greetings. Let it be duly acknowledged that We, in our unwavering benevolence, unparalleled sagacity, and solemn decree, do hereby promulgate and institute through these proclamations our MOST HIGH COUNSELOR



THE ELENSIR shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of the Silver State of Haelun’or, acting as the principal counselor to the Sohaer, and presiding over their governance.

ii. The obligation to oversee all internal administrative affairs of the Silver State of Haelun’or, safeguarding the principles of good governance in the name of the Sohaer.

iii. The obligation to oversee the operations of the Silver Council, recommending and guiding councilors in alignment with the presently prevailing policies.

iv. The obligation to maintain and nurture positive diplomatic relations between the Silver State of Haelun’or and foreign nations across the globe.

v. The obligations to ensure the well-being of Haelunorian citizens traveling abroad, engaging in peaceful negotiations with foreign nations to safeguard their continued safety and security.

vi. The obligation to uphold the lawful succession, independence, and unity of the Silver State of Haelun’or under all circumstances without exception.



THE ELENSIR shall be endowed with the following privileges:

i. The authority to issue decrees as needed, aligning with the desires of the Sohaer, exercising discretion when such legal instruments are essential for enhancing or reforming the internal administration of the Silver State of Haelun'or.

ii. The authority to direct the military forces of the Silver State of Haelun’or as required, holding commission as the Sohaer's representative.

iii. The authority to negotiate treaties on behalf of the Silver State of Haelun'or, in accordance with the exigencies of the situation.

vi. The authority to undertake the responsibilities of the Sohaer of Haelun'or in the event of the Sohaer's absence or incapacity, administering justice in accordance with the laws of the realm.



HENCEFORTH, THE ELENSIR shall oversee the daily affairs of the Silver Council, assuming the mantle of leadership alongside the Sohaer. Their commission is thus ratified forthwith; without hesitation or delay.



CALATHÂN AN NAEDWYLM (@MCVDK) is invested with the Office of the Elensir. 



BY VIRTUE OF THIS DECREE, it is ordained that should any disparities arise between the stipulations of this proclamation and preexisting statutes or regulations, this edict shall hold primacy to the extent of such inconsistencies' effect.





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A certain an Naedwylm -- now made Elensir -- sat was still buried in the documents of an old era, reading and preparing constantly for the plans of the Blessed Sohaer. He was working tirelessly, indeed sleeplessly, to ensure the well-fare of the Blessed Citizenry. “There is work to be done.”


“To Silver Ascendancy.” - “Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya.”

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