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Navitas Lotharia

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The 13th of Lothar’s Gift, in the year of our lord 108 B.A


Within the city of Portoregne, a thundering cry surmounted from the crown prince as he called out for assistance. “Help, Baby!” were the only words he exclaimed over and over. The soon to be first time father was calmed by the labouring wife. Together with the doctor Gailbraith, they removed themselves to a quieter area.


To the Citizens and Allies of the Kingdom of Balian


It brings great joy within our hearts to announce the birth of a son. The child came to this world with the cries of a babe, and shall one day hold an audience with the nation's people as their king. 


Thus, the child shall be named 

Grusskarten Gotisch Regular



May the light of the Seven Skys shine favourably towards his future, and the future of his people. 


In honour of the successful delivery, a reception to greet the new prince will be held later this saints day, where commemorative gifts will be handed out to all in attendance. 



[ooc] Wednesday May 8th at 6:30pm est, Balian palace



Signed by,



 Prince of Monterosa, Duke of Atrus and Keeper of St. Lothar’s Hold.




Princess of Balian,  Duchess-Consort of Atrus.

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A ghoul, "Todd", remembering the day he raided Balian was pleased to know more life is being brought to this land to be taken once again. He would raise his glaive and placed it at his side and muttered, his crackling jaw uttering;
"A day of birth is the recognition of death."
Once more, the glaive was raised but above his head. In the empty, baron bog he stayed in with the rest of the undead, he screamed out an agonizing war cry once again that echoed through the swamp. Banshees, Pale Knights, and other spiritual undead joined in the wailing. Soon, there will be scorn.

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"Sobrino! Teu spelled my name wrong!" John hollered, scratching over the surname to respell it, 'Galbraith'.

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The Queen of Balian would sigh, truly she had wished for a granddaughter first so that there would be another Queen-Regnant to rule over Balian. Despite that light sigh, she smiled the brightest smile she had smiled since her last child was born, despite her wishes she was overjoyed with such a beautiful occasion for her son and family. As she looked towards her grand-heir she spoke a soft sentence down to him. "Yayha is going to spoil you John". As she said such, she would grin and give the boy his first gift, a large plushed whale that years back the boy's grandfather gave to her. "Your grandpater will always be with you, even if he never got to meet you dear"

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Lavanya kept the boy close for his first few months, disallowing royal Nanny’s from relieving her of his care for any moment. The first time mother fretted over her son constantly, even strapping him to her back so she could cook whilst he slept peacefully. The only times she let him out of her sight were when the child was with his father or grandmother

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A monstrous greyskinned creature sat in the square of Balian, the sun not making a difference as its brilliant rays beat down on the skin of the creature. It thought over facial expression and what it was told yesterday  “Comedic facial expressions. What is comedy to many? This I will have to run tests on.” Dhen stood up and walked into the tavern, going to subject the patrons to a pop quiz 

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"They copied my signature," the Princess of Númenost frowned. "How unoriginal..."

She passsed the missive her friend (@Generi), "At least Balian's future looks promising."

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