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The Judiciary of Brabant

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[i] The Seal of the Judiciary could be seen here 







The office of the Judiciary shall be the administration that tasks itself with the interpretation of the law, registering of lawyers, and the prosecution of accused persons within the law courts of Brabant . This office requires an understanding of the law and an education of state, law, and government and in so doing, the greatest asset of anyone wishing to join this office shall be one’s merit and willingness to learn regardless of class or race. This office shall hold itself to a meritorious standard. Furthermore, the earning of positions shall be decided based upon the merit and the upright behavior conducive towards proper and good actions while in service.  




The Chief Justice

The Chief Justice of the Judiciary shall be the second highest authority of the Brabant law, second only to that of the Duke himself. His responsibilities are that of the state and the proper functions of the office of the Judiciary. This includes the training of judges and prosecutors, handling of misconduct of judges and prosecutors, and signing off on bounties and warrants of arrest. The Chief Justice shall report directly to the Duke himself. 



 A Judge’s job will be to convene a civil or criminal court when it is necessary. All judges shall report to the Chief Justice.  As judges, their job will be to use and interpret the law to apply to the case that has been convened before his court and rule in that court regarding the guilt or dispute between two or more parties. They shall to their utmost act unbiased as judges and act in proper and good faith for the sake of both parties in any trial. No judge may use or abuse his position of power for any personal or financial gain. Any proof that a judge has acted in bad faith or in breach of conduct can lead to disciplinary decisions left under the purview of the head lawmen and the Marquis himself .


Lawyers / Prosecutors 

Lawyers or prosecutors shall act as the legal force upon which the state shall seek to accuse and determine guilt of the accused in the criminal courts of Brabant. All prosecutors in the office of the Judiciary shall report to the Chief Justice. Prosecutors can not act as judges during the case and must have had training in order to successfully become appointed to this esteemed position. While all judges are allowed to be prosecutors, not all prosecutors are allowed to be judges due to the higher standard and meritorious rigor involved to be a judge in this office.  



 Associates are the first steps into entry into the office. An associate shall be trained into knowing and understanding the laws of Brabant and shall also be taught of the legal courts that reside within it. Once an associate has demonstrated a certain level of understanding deemed adequate to progress as a prosecutor, they shall then be promoted to prosecutors. Associates who by their own will, dedication, and proven mastery of the law by their superior may also be promoted to judge. 




The Chief Justice, Judges, Lawyers/Prosecutors, and Associates shall compose the Judiciary of the Duchy of Brabant, all sworn in by the Oath of Officers, as per the Scroll of Oaths. They must work tirelessly to pursue the correct and proper justice for the realm and through their work may they punish criminals and solve the disputes of the realm. And through their service, may Brabant have within itself a fair and well-working justice system that seeks fairness to all under the law and promotes the God-given rights of all its citizens.  



Signed by, 


Firr Stefan Starling

Chief Justice of the Duchy of Brabant

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