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Coastal Tiva: An Expansion

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Coastal Tiva


Coastal Tiva is a derivative from the mali’ame tradition of ‘The Language of Tiva’, a collection of floral symbolism used in worship, self-identification, and physical guidance. Although Coastal Tiva subscribes itself to the same three pillars of Aspectism, guidance, and identity as its predecessor, practitioners utilize the natural elements found along coastlines and shallow waters rather than woodland flora; furthermore, Illivirans, credited to have first introduced the coastal variant, have chosen to recognize the Duarchy as well as the Aspects.


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Art by Siua



Honoring the Aspects is deeply rooted in Mali'ame culture and this custom finds resonance within Coastal Tiva, where the traditions devoted to the Aspects are observed with the same reverence as they have been for generations.  


While their customs may vary, Illivirans, too, hold a deep appreciation for the Aspects – at the same time, they embody the symbolic significances of the Duarchy, which forms an integral part of their cultural identity and collective consciousness. As such, they have distinct and different Tiva for The Mother, The Father, Thalassa, and Faunus.


Shark Teeth

Shark teeth symbolize power, resilience, and precision. They represent a strong and determined personality, capable of facing challenges head-on with fearless aggression and unwavering focus. Shark teeth may also signify protection and the primal instincts necessary for survival, embodying the raw and ancient wisdom of The Horned God’s enduring forces.


Sand Dollar
The sand dollar symbolizes tranquility, spirituality, and inner reflection. It represents a calm and peaceful personality, attuned to the interconnectedness of all living beings. Sand dollars may also signify renewal and the cyclical nature of life, embodying a sense of mindfulness and the serene beauty found in The Green Lady’s spiritual contemplation.


The Third

Whispers of The Third may be heard blowing off the cool night air, but only the truly dedicated might hope translate these messages into the physical language written here.


Mother-of-pearl, the iridescent inner layer of certain mollusk shells, is often linked to femininity and power. Through their luminous qualities they represent the nurturing and protective qualities of the divine feminine, as well as the mysteries of the ocean.


Driftwood, weathered pieces of wood washed ashore by the tides and waves, represent the cyclical nature of life and the connection to both the land and the sea. Mirroring Thalassa’s Pearl, driftwood also represents the protectiveness and stability of the divine masculine.


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Art by Siua



The Language of Tiva was first created with the intention of guiding elvenkind along their journeys: flowers intertwined together symbolize directions and signs within the woods that only those straying mali might interpret. Similarly, anchored rings of floating driftwood give the base to shells, flora, and other elements which report the paths ahead of any sailor who knows the language: pearls and sand dollars nestled into a piece of driftwood tells of a nearby place of worship for the Duarchy, where the binding of oyster and conch shells details a concealed area in need of further exploration.




Clam Shell
Safe Places
The clamshell symbolizes protection, stability, and practicality. They represent a nurturing and supportive presence, as well as a down-to-earth approach to life. They may also signify resilience and the importance of finding security in one's environment.


Seawater Pearl
Place of Worship
The seawater pearl symbolizes peace, spirituality, and inner reflection. They symbolize tranquility, mindfulness, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.


Sea Kelp
Dangerous or Unwelcome Places
Kelp may be used to symbolize invasive tendencies, suffocating environments, and the overwhelming force of unchecked growth. While essential to marine ecosystems, kelp exhibits negative traits when it overgrows and dominates underwater habitats that lead to imbalances in the marine ecosystem.


Oyster Shell
Hidden Places
The oyster shell symbolizes wisdom, adaptation, and hidden truths. They represent insight gained through experience and introspection, things which may be shrouded to the naked eye, and the power of change through adversity and pressure.


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Art by Siua



Through the traditional use of inder’tayna, it is important for one to be able to assign personal characteristics of oneself or another to represent them on their cord. These shells are also used in gifts or decor.




Conch Shell
The conch shell symbolizes courage, leadership, and the ability to navigate challenges with confidence. It symbolizes the adventurous spirit and the willingness to explore new horizons.


Nautilus Shell
The nautilus shell represents wisdom, introspection, and adaptability. It symbolizes the journey of self-discovery and growth and the ability to find harmony amidst change.


Cowrie Shell
The cowrie shell is associated with abundance, fertility, and protection. It symbolizes nurturing qualities and maternal instincts. It may also represent vitality.


Scallop Shell
The scallop shell symbolizes grace, harmony, and hospitality. It symbolizes a welcoming and inclusive personality, as well as a balanced approach to life. It may also signify spiritual pilgrimage or a journey of self-discovery.


Limpet Shell
Limpet shells cling tightly to rocks, symbolizing perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. They symbolize strength and determination, as well as the ability to adapt to challenging environments.


Abalone Shell
Abalone shells shimmer with iridescent colors, representing tranquility and inner peace. They symbolize protection and emotional healing, as well as the beauty that emerges from life's challenges and transformations.


Cockle Shell
Cockle shells are often found in clusters, symbolizing social connections and camaraderie. They represent joy, spontaneity, and the importance of laughter in life's journey.


Conus Shell
Conus shells are known for their venomous properties and striking patterns. They symbolize protection and defense, as well as the enigmatic allure of the unknown.


Tiger Cowrie Shell
Tiger cowrie shells feature bold patterns reminiscent of a tiger's stripes, symbolizing strength and regal beauty. They represent protection and guardianship, as well as the power of intuition and inner strength.


Tulip Shell
Tulip shells showcase graceful curves and delicate patterns, symbolizing elegance and refinement. They represent beauty in simplicity and the appreciation of life's finer details.


Helmet Shell
Helmet shells have a sturdy, protective structure, symbolizing resilience and strength in the face of adversity. They represent fortitude and perseverance, as well as the importance of maintaining a strong sense of self.


Turban Shell
Turban shells exhibit vibrant colors and intricate spirals, symbolizing creativity and adaptability. They represent the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of embracing diversity and individuality.


Periwinkle Shell
Periwinkle shells are small but resilient, symbolizing determination and perseverance. They represent the power of persistence and the ability to overcome obstacles through sheer willpower.


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Art by tgrt



Credit to @Trinn for all the original tiva post work, found here.

Credit to @Duarchist for doing a bulk of the writing and formatting.

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Tevi the tiva maker stomps around with the shells 


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Illivirans stay winning. omw to make a sea elf

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The Fawn Druid claps excitedly at the new knowledge expansion of the tiva language. 


((On phone but I love)

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