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530 E.S.





The Brotherhood of Saint Karl continue to prove themselves as the stalwart defenders of not just the city of New Valdev, but the Dual Kingdoms of Hanseti & Ruska as a whole. Be it darkspawn or bandit, these brave men and women brandish their blades in the name of our Crown and country. However, these valiant acts leave little time for the collection of resources and supplementary materials that might further the efforts of their military operations.


Thus, the Office of the Grand Maer and the Brotherhood of Saint Karl announce THE FEAST OF BRETHREN, a festive evening of food and drink that might garner the much-needed funds needed by our soldiers in support of their necessary work. This festivity will be held within the Brotherhood's own feast hall, so attendees might see where it is the soldiers of our realm take their meals and share in hearty conversation amidst their active service.


We encourage all who attend to dress in the colors of our kingdom, black and gold, or adorn themselves in the uniform of the Brotherhood. A competitive drinking contest shall keep the mood light whilst the Grand Maer Ioanna Kortrevich and Sergeant Tatiyana vas Ruthern take offers of coin from the vassals houses of the realm. The noble peerage with the highest donation shall receive a trophy alongside a statue within the Brotherhood’s district that will proudly bear both the victor’s likeness and name.







Her Ladyship, Ioanna d’Arkent-Kortrevich

 Grand Maer of New Valdev.



His Excellency, Ser Caspian Colborn 

Lord Marshal of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl and Knight of the Order of the Crow.



Her Grace, Tatiyana Josefina vas Ruthern

Duchess of Vidaus, Countess of Metterden, Viscountess of Greyspine, Baroness of Rostig, Lady of Morteskvan, Lord of Barrows, Matriarch of All-Ruthern and Protector of the South.




Saturday, May 18th, at 3pm EST (8pm GMT)

Head inside New Valdev and turn right, towards the BSK Barracks


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Ser Caspian smiles at reading the news of the fundraiser and begins to prepare a speech, one of community, brotherhood and strength in unity between his brothers and sisters, the man truly proud of how far they had come in recent months.

"This night is for you brothers and sisters, enjoy it relish in your victories and know that whilst I hold the reins of marshalship there wont be a moment I do not push for better for you all"

The Marshal ushers men to start drawing out the brotherhood stores of booze and food, to help prepare for the grand feast hosted by the Gracious Lady Maer.



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