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[RP] The Weaving Of A New Destiny

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“What is sight, without vision…?”








The aheral woke up once again, finding themselves in a dark and desolate forest, their tired, ill eyes blinked once, twice and upon the third, the girl finally realised that she could see again, did she get her sight back? Has she finally escaped that horrendous, inhumane void that had chased her for as long as she could remember. . . ? Those thoughts soon left her mind, the silence was deafening, and as far as she knew, she sat alone in the middle of a road within a forest she only knew too well. As what little leaves were in these dead woods danced around the teenage she soon came to a sickening realisation: it was just like last time.


Crunch. . . CRUNCH. . . CRUNCH. . .


Celestina was not alone. As the Fiyem quickly stood they could hear the sounds of dead branches breaking draw closer and closer to her position. Her breath got heavier, her chest rose and fell in a seemingly never ending dance of fear. She felt as if she was a child again, her body, unresponsive to her orders, she remembered that cursed day, that creature. . . That monster. . . Those claws. . .


Caw. . . CAW. . . CAAAW. . .


She turned around and began to run, the survival instincts of her body had kicked in. The monstrosity followed suit, from the corner of those precious eyes of hers, she could see the terrifying presence dashing through the woods around her, leaving crow feathers behind, they were but a shadowy, dark blur as it seemed to be everywhere at once, above her? Next to her? The Adiler wouldn't know, the only thing they knew is that they had to continue running. Suddenly she began seeing things hanging from the trees in front of her that stood to the side of the road, the smell of rotting flesh filled the air as she soon found out what they truly were: bodies. The Princess could recognise every single one of them, some of them were her friends, some, family. But one thing stood out from their carcasses, none had eyes, all seemed to have bloody, empty eye sockets. The child's eyes widened, unable to let out single scream of help, unable to form a single thought. . .


WoooOSH. . . THUD. . .”





The demon stood now before her, it's gaze looking into her very soul, her very being, death would be a much suitable fate than whatever cruelty this Abomination was capable of. She was powerless, once again, unable to defend herself, the monster cackled, cawed as it raised one of its talons. . .


SQWELP . . .


Celestina let out an inhumane scream of agony as the creature took away her sight, she stumbled, fell on her back, rolled in pain, blood pouring from her now empty sockets as she desperately covered them with her gauntlets. The void, it was here, once again but was this really her fate, to remain in the darkness for the rest of her life, not that it mattered, the crow demon was ready to finish it's pray off as the aheral began praying.




It was as if one was looking out a window, as the pain continues coursing through her veins, she couldn't help but notice that within the void, there was something, a vision. A burning star, no, a comet of pure light seemed to rush towards her. The demon who was about to finish her had noticed it aswell, as soon as it turned it's head, the loud noise of it's skull being crushed echoed through out the dead woods, the comet turned into a silvery figure, a towering, veiled, armoured woman, large pearly white wings on her back and a large, crown-like, golden halo above her head, her face though, faceless.




The being uttered no words as she sent the abomination flying towards the woods, the sound of more bones being crushed and flesh being burnt could be heard now, Celestina could only see her savior, nothing else. However when she turned towards the source of the sounds, she saw another figure, a dark silhouette standing above the corpse of the raven demon, seemingly hacking at it with what looked like a halberd, flames roaring all around it when it suddenly turned towards the blind girl.




The girl felt a warm hand around her cheek that quickly turned her head to face her savior. It took it's veil off brought it on Celestina's lap before taking hold of her hands. Darkness took over once more. . .




I do not own any of the art used in this post.


Edited by TheDrHedgehog
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