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The Silenda Custodum

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The Silenda Custodum 

“Lyu’lareh, ikur’iheiuhii’iheiuh.”




Welcome to the opening of the newest enterprise beneath the walls of the great nation of Celia’nor, Silenda Custodum. An operation priding itself upon the quality of the craft that is produced, this conglomerate is a representation of the might of metal and flesh, unified into one. 


Sponsored by the might of the Royarch of Celia’nor, Illthrak Ibarellan, our benefactor and leader, we exist to serve our greater nation and the people of Man overall.


Silenda Custodum Catalogue


We operate on a commission-based system, wherein those that seek our craft may approach our walls and enter their request, producing weaponry of the specialist kind, as well as other items. 


In addition to this, we host the finest medics within our wall, capable of providing all services in manners of flesh - whether this be the amendment of one’s own lost limbs, or the correction of ugly scars and other appearances through plastic surgery, as well as further crafts, we are here to provide. 


Custom Weaponry

Prices to be negotiated upon. 


Custom Tools and Accessories

Prices to be negotiated upon. 


Custom Armour

Prices to be negotiated upon.


Limb Transplantation

Prices will vary depending on what requires transplantation. 


Anaplasty by Surgery

Prices will vary depending on what requires augmentation. Faces are unable to be done.


And much more ..


The Highest Standards


At Silenda Custodum, we channel the lands that surround us, the very lands that hosted Gotrek Industries before us, and their Dwarven kin. We uphold the highest standards of craftsmanship, offering every product with meticulous attention to detail granted to each. Our commitment to excellence is unparalleled, and so you will be met with only quality. 


Silenda Custodum - where Monument meets Master.


Lord Avagis Ingesøn, Alderman of the Silenda Custodum



His Royal Majesty, The Prince of Fi'andria, Evarir of the North, Descendant of The Silver Phoenix, Enforcer of the Star’s Will, Prince of Celia'nor,  Illthrak Ibarellan of the Principality of Celia’nor




Disclaimer: Silenda Custodum, whilst still operating as a Guild alongside being a business enterprise within Celia'nor, is not an academy, and you will not find any teaching here - those who wish to join should already be masters of their craft.


Silenda Custodum can be found in the place of Gotrek, occupying the previous ruins, 750 blocks north of Celia’nor. 




If you wish to contact us IRPly, contact child_neglecter via Aviary. Any further questions can be answered by me on my Discord: myholyland.


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Angstrom just walked out of Silenda Custodum satisfied with his rhinoplasty operation.

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“He.. replaced me.” A gremlin wept from the great beyond.

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4 hours ago, Morigung-oog said:

“He.. replaced me.” A gremlin wept from the great beyond.

"Boo-hoo, guess how I feel." An old man rambles, to nobody in particular.

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11 hours ago, Morigung-oog said:

“He.. replaced me.” A gremlin wept from the great beyond.


6 hours ago, AdmiralLB said:

"Boo-hoo, guess how I feel." An old man rambles, to nobody in particular.


An already successful young businessman ignores the plights of the needy and the failed, stroking his chin with all the smugness of a man of success.



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