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Issued at Year 181 of the Second Age





With my constant search for capable warriors, mages and rogues, it has been proven difficult within our borders that have not already been found by us. With the introduction of various games, we may attract or cultivate new folks to fit that demographic and bolster our forces.


I seek the introduction of a game every Esht month where vassals, houses and various organizations may join with the winner being granted Tax exemption on their vassal or manor for the rest of that Esht month.


This will create new battle ready folks within our nation and stimulate the economy for our local artisans, miners, smiths and fletchers, which could add more value to the state than the taxes we have imposed.



I personally suggest the following games, and rotating through these with a brief explanation of what these games promote and their eventual goal.




Everyone gets a location with a flag, if your flag has been captured, you are out. You may freely incapacitate or draw only a bit of blood to get others out of this battle. You may win back your flag through drawing blood or incapacitating if it is carried by them.




A slow moving construct hidden among Lurinite lands is to be moved to the team’s location, first to have it at their location wins. If blood is drawn or the person is incapacitated, they are out of the battle.




Every team gets a starting location across Lurinite lands and from there they must win over the other teams, if blood is drawn or the person is incapacitated, they are out of the battle. Last team standing wins.




Every group will be granted a farming tool to unearth as many potatoes as possible around Lurin and put such into their dedicated storage location. However, those moving around with potatoes or perhaps farming on a patch the other team would like, may engage in combat to draw blood or incapacitate them out of the battle. One may not get potatoes from their local storage or gate off their potato farms and will be disqualified if they do so.


This game may be varied with other crops freely.




A group puts forth a champion to fight for them, all champions will be put into a pit and they will have to draw blood or incapacitate the other to get them out of the game. Last one standing wins.


Perhaps more ideas may come in due time, but for now this is a sufficient amount of games to cycle through.


There are no further rules than stated other than no killing of your opponents. You may freely construct alliances and size limits can be set at the time, however, as far as I am concerned there is no limit on how large a team may be.


I hope my suggestion will be considered and implemented.






The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion,
Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin, Founder of Cerulia, Brickmaster of Lurin


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“Father petitions for things he can just do” The Silver Lubba sighed after reading over the petition.

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