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I am opening a new tavern soon, and I wanted to have a list of drinks which are consisting of inside jokes in the community. Ooc jokes are welcome, irp jokes are welcome, whatever.

In short; give me your best cocktails, where the ingredients are jokes based off of communities/magics/nations/cultures/players/characters within lotc.

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Valindra would be a fullblown Molotov cocktail or absinthe


Aaun would not be its own drink but it would be a drop of rum that goes in a bunch of other drinks,


Haense would be Vodka or Carrion Black 


Balian would be orange juice


Haelun'or would be white wine, though they'd want to be a fullbodied red.


Celia'nor would be some strange white-wine cocktail that swears it doesn't taste like wine but does..


Krugmar is Guzzoline. Can and will kill you and your liver.


The druids would be a bloody mary, I think.


Halflings would try to replicate the taste of weed in a drink- it wouldn't be strong, but it'd definitely be more than booze.




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Toilet bowl water for the lot honestly.

Anyways there's a cocktail called a "Zombie" which will be on the nose for our necrotics

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Balian is a red wine, Hohkmat is the alcoholic version of the Battery Acid you see people make on tiktok


For famous characters specifically, Gashadokuro is a fruity cocktail but when you drink it, the alcohol is 99% rubbing alcohol and you die. Azdromoth is a tamarind whiskey sour, Xan is a stella in a fancy glass

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The Naya Barakat. It's a cup of sliced onions. Cry. Cry now


The Sermi. No matter how many times you drink it Arthur keeps refilling it you can't get rid of it it just keeps coming back oh god oh no oh no


The Vicnan. A straight glass of rum but you get punched in the face when it's handed to you. 


Ice Water With Lemons: The lemons have will'o inside of them. Thanks Obok. 

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