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Issued at Year 182 of the Second Age





Political involvement in an inherently feudal vassal to our Most Serene State of Lurin is something hard to do as a common man living within our Most Serene March of Cerulia. Hereby I am making it possible for the common man to be elevated temporarily in favor of having our people be given a voice, where the Marq of Cerulia will grant you their blessing to act in their name.


Due to our Marq being spread thin through the affairs of the march and greater state, the Mayor of Cerulia will be granted authority on various levels. Along with this authority, they will be able to budget for Cerulite matters and host events freely as they wish at our coffers expense within reason. The following is guaranteed by our Most Serene March of Cerulia:


The Mayor of Cerulia may:


-Budget and spend this budget of Cerulite Matters

-Decide what crops Cerulia will grow on their fields

-Gain access to the resources of The Cerulite Trading Company

-Perform their duties as a high ranking government official within Cerulia

-Carry the title of Mayor of Cerulia freely for the duration of mayorship

-Propose projects to the Marq of Cerulia
-Host festivals during times of prosperity at cost of Cerulite coffers
-Host trainings of our Cerulite Levy
-Host tournaments at cost of Cerulite coffers
-Rescind free access to Cerulia from criminals or undesirables
-Let their voice be heard during Cerulite Council meetings


And their duties are exactly that.


However, not all need to be performed by The Mayor of Cerulia, with the bare minimum being to attend Cerulite Council meetings, decide the crops, create a budget and host an event of sorts during their tenure.


A Mayor of Cerulia may act as such for a single Esht month after their election, and on the day of retiring from the position, they may start up another campaign to be elected once more. The campaigning and voting phase will last one year at most to elect a new Mayor of Cerulia. If it fails to bring out a single vote then the position of Mayor of Cerulia will cease to be for the duration of an Esht month as if a Mayor had been elected.


May the best descendant have their voice be heard.






The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion,
Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin, Founder of Cerulia, Brickmaster of Lurin


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