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The S,A(Storm's Army) is Back!!


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MC Name: Jtheo2016

RP Name: Redbain_Adelban

Age: In-Game: Unknown

Irl: 14

Desired Position on the Army: Infantry and Possible Go-To-Guy

RP Experience: Former S.A. Major (Pumped to be back :D )

Co-Founder of the Adelban Family (which I will remain to manage hopefully)

Oren Guard (for a short while)

Also, on a side note, I have read many of the posts on this page and I would like to add to the lore. If you want me to, I'll create and send you what I think a good lore would be. Also, I have taken up skin designing and I would be more than happy to design a uniform for the army. If I can, I would like to resume the rank of Major or its equivalent.

To those that don't understand the S.A.'s purpose, the S.A. used to protect the King's Road from many. Yes, at one point there were guys in our army causing trouble and I regret that, at some times, I had been one of them. But the S.A. is a great place to begin your RP experience in Lord of the Craft and, it's great to return to it. One of the saddest moments of Lord of the Craft was the day it lost the S.A., as it was not nearly as fun without it. The best part about the S.A. is that after a time, you and other members of the S.A. begin to form a small community of sorts. I still keep up with some of my old S.A. buddies back such as General Zarious and Captain Delthor. Hope this clarifies some of your questions!


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