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High Elf Guild(Just Wanting To Know If There Is Any Interest)


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All this post is about is whether or not High Elves would like to create a guild. The guild would of course have a guild master and a guild house to go with it. There would High Elf based shops for people to buy from and all that are within the guild would get a share of the minas. One would of course have to apply to by admitted into the guild but there are benefits to being accepted. Just let me know you guys think. :)

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Im a dark elf, but I was just wondering, Whats the point of this guild? Merchants? Private Guards? What would the point of it be?

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Im a dark elf, but I was just wondering, Whats the point of this guild? Merchants? Private Guards? What would the point of it be?

The point would be, since there is little High Elf lore, to create some adventures just including High Elves. Also for a creating politics for the High Elves, such as a council or different factions.. generally just to spice up the game-play. It is for sure not a try to seclude ourselves from the rest, just for a little bit more RP and or fun. Of course making a dark elf, and wood elf guild would be awesome.. then we could have an Elf council (that consists of the leaders of the wood, dark, and high elf council leaders) that represents all the non-nobility elves and their ideals. At least this is what I would wish upon it.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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