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~The Sorani, The Military Of Malinor~


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The Sorani

Military of Malinor


Throughout all of our existence, the elven people have faced many threats of all kinds. When the lives of those unable to defend themselves are threatened, there have always been a select few brave enough to stand up against near-impossible odds for their comrades.

As a member of the Sorani, you will heed a higher and nobler calling than any other by standing on the front lines so our families will never have to see them. You will ensure that when the enemy looms on the horizon, you will always be prepared to give your life in order to prevent the loss of others. You will become like the wind - coming from nowhere and attacking from everywhere at once.

We are currently based out of the city of Elandriel. In the future as our numbers grow, detachments in different elven cities may become a feasible prospect, but for the moment we will focus our energies in the forests because of the issues concerning the Mori.

If the fires of war are kindled, however, the battlefield will become our second home until our enemy is no more.



The new member of the Sorani. Still learning the basics of being one of us, though some pass through this stage quickly because of former experience.


Having undertaken training in various subjects ranging from fighting tactics to leadership abilities, the average Sorani soldier will continue to learn through experience and time as he/she takes on more duties. While difficult tasks will be taken up by those higher in rank, the tenacity and skill of the Sorani footsoldier is not to be underestimated.


Sorani who have proven their worth will be promoted to the next stage - the Sylvan. Sylvans will be asked to assist in training Recruits and newer Sorani, as well as getting their own hands dirty with the tasks that those lower in rank can't handle. They will also lead small groups of Solari if needed.


Only two or three elite Sorani will hold the title of Magistrate. These few can easily hold their own both in peacetime and war, possessing enough accumulated knowledge and abilities to lead the Sorani themselves if they have to. They assist the Highborn with his tasks, and give orders when he/she isn't available.


Leader of all. The Highborn is the most experienced Sorani, and is treated as such. He/she leads the charge into battle, determines how to use resources effectively and ensures the safety of all of Malinor. The Highborn reports directly to the Elven Council.

All Sorani also respect the authority of the Council, and will follow any orders directly issued by the High Prince, along with any Princes or Princesses should they choose to involve themselves directly.



A Duo will be made up of two soldiers of the Sorani, either it be the Highborn, Magistrate, etc. These two soldiers must stay together AT ALL TIMES in battle. Soldiers are able to recommend who they would like to be working with in a Duo. There is no leader of the Duo unless one member is a higher rank than another. Duo's must take orders from the leader of their Troop and Legion. It is also recommended that Duo's work together outside of battle and live close to one another.


A Troop will be made up of three Sorani and one Sylvan, who will lead the Troop. In battle all Sorani will take orders only from their Sylvan, who will be given orders by a Magistrate.


Legions will be made up of four Troops. A legion will be watched over and led by a Magistrate or the Highborn. In battle, all troops in a Legion will be given orders from only the Magistrate of their Legion, who will be given orders from the Highborn. Once a Legion is filled, a new Legion will be created and then filled up.

NOTE: In battle, soldiers will not take orders from Sylvans of a different Troop or Magistrates of a different Legion, unless it is an emergency. Outside of battle and within Elandriel, soldiers will take orders from any rank higher than them, even if they are of a different Legion or Troop.

The Highborn's command is above any other command, besides a Prince's or Princess's command.


If you wish to join our ranks, fill out the application below. You will be contacted concerning your approval or rejection.

Once accepted into the Sorani, you immediately pledge to fight and defend Malinor and her people. He you do anything to take advantage or harm the people of Malinor, you will receive punishment. (The type of punishment is bases upon the severity of the action/s)

NOTE: In the skills field, please list ALL of your skills and their levels. Leave out any skills set at 0. Be warned - if you don't possess >50 in at least one combat skill you will most likely be denied.

Please post your application in this thread - any applications posted elsewhere will be ignored.


Character name:

Character race:

Character gender and age:

Name your place of birth: Aegis or Asulon?

List your skills and abilities:

Describe your relationship with magic:

Previous history: guilds, army positions, wars participated in.


MC name:

Timezone ((Both local designation and GMT))

Is this your 1st character? If not, what other characters have you played?

When did you join the server?

Ever been banned? If so, what for?

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If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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