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The Wolverines Of Argos

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The Wolverines


The Wolverines were created by a whitewashed orc, called Scyhell. He bought a small plot of land in outer Kal'Urguan for his newly formed guild.

Shortly after its's creation, Joshua and Aryll Stonebeard, future commanders, were met by him on their first trip into the city. There were barely a handful of them when they were forced out of the city during one of the many reconstructions of Outer Kal'Urguan

The Wolverines packed their things and set off to find a new land to set up their camp. They found a clearing just out of view of the Kal'Urgaun walls. They set up camp at what would soon be Torn Hope. After several days of debate, the Wolverines decided to stay and began construction. The Wolverines spet many years slowly growing in number in Torn Hope, often venturing out to aid in the fight against the Undead. It was during this time, Braxis Silverblade was recruited and was mentored under Stonebeard.

During a fateful battle, Scyhell fell in battle and leadership passed onto Joshua. The Wolverines began to decline, losing many members including Braxis. The Wolverines struggled to regain strength, creating alliance with guilds such as the White Ravens.

However it was no use. Torn Hope was attacked, and the graves were robbed by the undead. Joshua, distraught over the loss, ventured out. Stonebeard then took command of the Wolverines

The Wolverines struggled to keep together for years, cycling through growth and decline. Eventually Stonebeard tired of this struggle, and he was contacted by the mayor of New Terriko. Stonebeard made the decision to uproot his men relocate to this unknown town. Disagreement over this decision caused more men to leave. Only a handful of faithful soldiers made it, including Stonebeard, Psiop, and Groobs.

The Wolverines built a new home in Terriko, however it was not peaceful. Orc attacks were not uncommon and the undead established a base close by. Yet the Wolverines endured. Galahar soon sprung up, right outside the front gate of the town, overshadowing New Terriko, and blocking the path to the King's Road. Despite the occasional dispute about Galahar's gates, the two coexisted peacefully. This was made even easier by the fact that Galahar was run by the head of the Silverblade house, Braxis Silverblade, the former Wolverine.

The Wolverines had yet to face another tragedy. After a disagreement over a duel between a Wolverine and a member of one of the prominent dwarven clans, New Terriko was attacked and occupied, and second in command General Groobs was beheaded by the invading force

The Wolverines struggled for revenge, but with the chaos of the undead and the Oren civil war occuring on Terriko's doorstep, there was little they could do. New Terriko found itself sitting in between the two new human nations, both asking for New Terriko to enter their kingdom.

The Wolverines realized the city could not remain independent and had to choose a side. After considering a genrous offer from the Hochmiester of Hanseti, Stonebeard and his new general, Psiop, agreed to fall in line with the Sariants.

Stonebeard, now Landmiester of New Terriko, managed to keep an uneasy peace between Galahar and his town, but the good relations of the Silverblades and Wolverines was gone. This would have lasting consequnces for the Wolverines.

Stonebeard and his men followed their Hochmiester off the ship and were led to a cold harsh land. They immediately began to build a new city, knowing their enemy, Renatus, would be doing the same.

After the new capital was finished, attention quickly turned to protecting their realm from the nearby Renatus Kingdom. Their lands were perfect for protection, tall mountains surrounding their lands. The few valleys that led into the realm were blocked off, except one, the Maw

The Wolverines were sent to protect this one entrance to the nation. For years they manned the gate of the Maw and spent their nights in the barracks on the mountain. During their stay here, the tensions between the kingdoms erupted. They repelled attacks at the Maw and soon after the Hochmiester and Sariants led the Wolverines on an attack into Renatus territory.

After several victories, peace was made and the Wolverines continued their duties at the Maw, but they grew tired and restless. Tired of being blamed for the problems of the passport system and the hordes of people being refused entry. Restless from being stuck in a cave or up on the snowy mountain. Tensions grew between the Sariants and Wolverines, leading to the Wolverines almost packing up and leaving the nation. As the men were packing their things, the latest Hochmiester granted them their own city to ensure their continued loyalty and help. The Wolverines moved into the ruins of Dovaskjor and quickly began work to make it their own. Dovaskjor was renamed to Argos.


The Wolverine ranking system is simple, and is strictly enforced. Promotions become more and more rare as you climb the ranks.

Commander - Commander Aleier holds this position. He's 1st in command, and has all control over the Wolverines and the city of Argos. He also is required to be a Sariant of the Teutonic Order.

General - General Brittlerock holds this position. He's second in command.

Captain - Captain Faroth holds this position. He's third in command.

Lieutenant - There are only supposed to be 2 lieutenants. They are in charge of all of the corporals, and have complete access Argos. They can start officer meetings, and may talk to the commander when ever they have to.

Sergeant - You're in charge of a 2 corporals and their two privates. More respect in the army, and have complete access to Argos. A new uniform with a white trim. A part of the officers meetings, including secret Wolverine information.

Corporal - You become in charge of a small team of 2 privates. You also get more access to secure locations in Argos. More respect in the army, and access to diamond armor during war.

Private - The rank above grunt. You get your uniform, and are officially considered apart of the army. More access to the Argos's secure locations, and can have 2 jobs. You also have chances to earn special missions during war. Access to iron armor.

Grunt - The lowest rank. Considered not apart of the army, and does not wear a uniform. They receive a bunk, a job, and a patch. They also get access to small amounts of the Argos's secure locations.


-The application is considered IC (except the "MC Name" and level in certain skills). So consider that when you fill it out.-

MC Name:

RP Name:

Skills (Archery, Swords, Blacksmtithing. As well as level):

What job would you prefer?:

Division (Infantry, Scouts, Archery, Corpsman):

-Once the application is filled. Send an Roleplay bird to either Groobs03, gwilson3, or TommyRedblue. We will meet you, and see if you're a qualified role-player to be apart of the Wolverines.-

((I'm updating this as much as possible. :P))

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Looks nice compared to the last one

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