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The March Of Glory~


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Event Planners, MC Names:

Aoze, Preferably an Australian GM. Or possibly even a nocturnal person. *Looks sheepishly at Brettdude20*

Event Type:

Erm...Fightin' monsters?

Event Date:

Friday, the 22nd of June. 5:30pm AEST. (Thats Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Factions/Nations effected by the event:

Australians, or people of the similar time-zone.

Event Location:

The woods outside the Cloud Temple.



An old man stumbles into the Sanctuary, and all chatter ceases. You look at the man, and it turns out to be a monk. His robes flickering behind him, give him the illusion of a walking shadow. But something much more real then a shadow is in him.

There are claw marks on his face, and an arrow stuck in his rib. As the man groans, he mutters a few words. "The monsters...In the forest..." at those words, the man collapses, and a few monks sprint up and begin inspecting the man. They all stand up, fear in their eyes, and one announces "He is dead. These monster must be rid of. Who can complete such a task?"

Men from all over the temple begin to arrive in front of the monks in a steady stream. Many of them are suited up, ready for war and a fight. As the monks wish them luck, they begin their trek into the forest. As they near the forest, they see spiders and skeletons in an abundance. Zombies occasionally seen, and there are many mutated pigs.

One of the men, wishing to rid these monsters from the land, shouts out an in-deciphable cry, and charges towards the mass of monsters. The man is quickly shot down by a storm of arrows, but it motivates all other men. As they sprint to the monsters, a legendary battle begins...

Concept Images/Screenshots:


Other Information: Australians. R kul.

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Haha, I love it. Perhaps... Bath Salts?

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-Edited with an actual time-

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While I love that you are trying to promote Australian RP. I would really like to see a more detailed event for the Australians, instead of just killing monsters.

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This event has been denied by the Event Team. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

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