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Kal'anart Hold


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** Several notes are sent out to various towns by runner dwarves. These gruff looking lads go to the farthest reaches of Asulon, although avoid regions that could cause them harm such as Orc Territory.**

Lookin' for lads t'er hire!

If any ov yah lads beh interested, send ah bird t'er Kal'Anart 'nd address it t'er Bazian Grandaxe.[TEEbrown] Weh beh intendin' t'er open our doors in t'e next couple ov elven days, an offical date will beh made fer ah feast in t'e 'onor ov th' 'old's builder, Oghren GrandAxe.

Journeyman: [MULTIPLE POSITIONS OPEN]- A citizen, commissioned by the Jarl to investigate nearby settlements such as towns, holds, cities, forts, etc. Will have to fill out a form of the settlement and its qualities. This person will get to know the townspeople of the area and communicate with the person that governs the area often.

Royal Cook: [OPEN]- Is payed by the Jarl to prepare food and ale for feasts at the hold. May also be subjected to cooking meat for the larder, for storage or to feed the guards.

Hold Guard: [MULTIPLE POSITIONS OPEN]- Run by the current Thane, Darain Grandaxe, protects the hold and runs "the pit", a prison inside the hold. May be required to, guard the gatehouses, patrol the streets or surrounding area, patrol the roads to the mines or farms, investigate certain inquiries, defend against attacking foes, or guard important figures that might visit. Will be payed by the discretion of the Thane.

Tavernkeep: [OPEN]- Runs the local tavern, Hardrock Tavern, sells much needed ale to the populance, conducts trade with the Hold buying ale and food.

Resident Miner: [MULTIPLE POSITIONS OPEN]- Many mines will be erected in the surrounding lands of Kal'Anart. Mining permits will be sold for cheap to residents of the hold, more minas will be required for non-residents.

Lumberjack Guildsmen: [MULTIPLE POSITIONS OPEN]- Lumberjacks hired by Longbeard Grandaxe, a masterwork at the art of timbering. A lumbercamp has been constructed on Grandaxe lands and has been dubbed Khaz'Verngaz. If you are interested in this position, post on this thread. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/50453-khazverngaz/

Humble Farmer: [MULTIPLE POSITIONS OPEN]- You could be a proud landowner of Kal'Anart. For this position you will have a choice. You can either buy the land yourself and use it for your own purposes (Must be farming) or you can be given the land by the Jarl's generosity and will have to pay the Hold in a steady supply of food.

Industrious Shoppe owners: [MULTIPLE POSITIONS OPEN]- There are many industrious opportunities in Kal'Anart. With plenty of fresh, untapped land full of raw materials, business could not be better! Shops are for sale through the Hold as they become available.

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