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The Subudai Confederacy

Ibn Khaldun

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Time changes all things, whether it be the features of a landscape as time purges rock with water to break it, or air to brush along the sands of a desert. Time is no different towards the foundation of a people, time gives freedom for events to cause fissures and formation for a people; leaving at the end of a duration a changed perception of them. Nonetheless, if anything has been kept same, it is that the Subudai are respectful towards various cultures, having earned respect of even the War Uzg in their time of existing in Asulon. For this one similarity towards how the Khagan had given rise to the nomadic Subudai, there are many more differences and variations to how he envisioned them to be.

The Subudai Nomads have evolved in their societal and cultural aspects, leaving them a changed people from many events occurring and years being passed; shaping them such as the air and water shapes the earth with erosive means. Sauros Alanbataar had been one of few truly remaining Subudai from the times of old and kept their traditions strictly, being intellectual whilst giving the image that he was but a pauper and a poorly-taught person, literate whilst some stereotypically thought him illiterate. Many of the Subudai have taken up many different cultures, different weapons, different professions; nonetheless they are Subudai by blood.

The Subudai have made their homes atop the plains of Levanthus, the lands east of Alras and north of Norjun. Various yurts, tents, hovels, longhouses, and various other structures dot the landscape vividly in a tapestry sewn to present the many cultures in their unique honor. The influence and manpower that the many Kotans [Tribes] possessed have shifted from being spread evenly between Ulfgar, Kirvel, Jahvid, Mongol, Antianeirai, Dothrokai towards being centralized into two Kotans: Kirvel and Jahvid. Khagan Sauros Alanbataar has recently decreed that the Kirvel adopting Ulfgar Kotansmani [Tribesmen] will hold the settlement of Varivik whilst the Jahvids adopting Mongol Kotansmani will erect the settlement of Agrabah.

The Subudai will now be a full confederation with the greatest collaboration between Kotans and the Boyan-Horde.


Born in the foothills bordering the vast desert to the west of Al'Khazar, the Jahvid collective remains a small yet culturally rich group within the Subudai hegemony. The first of the Jahvids can be traced back before the “modern” history of Aegis. With the birth of Al'Khazar brought men and women of many trades; artisans, craftsmen, carpenters and the like. Though a multitude of these workers remained close to the city, small contingents set out to brave the untamed terrain, aiming to harness the rich resources of the lands. It was these figures that would be the ancestors of the Asulonian Jahvid.

For countless years these tradesmen remained at relative peace; the region, still fairly unpopulated, posed little threat to the ambitious workers. Those that resided in the foothills enjoyed a fairly sedentary lifestyle; miners, grape-growers, shepherds and even dye-makers established a strong industry in the region, boasting secure profits from selling their wares to the expanding Al'Khazar. Few brave souls ventured further into the desert to reap the lucrative resources within. These desert-dwellers developed an impressive glassblowing industry, along with harvesting the fine incense sprigs native to the region. Even pearl-divers lived within their tents, venturing to the edge of the continent to engage in their deadly business. Though the profit great, those that set foot upon the red sands lived with little peace. Small orcish raiding parties were often sent out to harass and pillage these artisans, causing them to turn to a nomadic lifestyle. Constantly camp was packed up, every man taking charge of his tent, the groups constantly on the move.

Soon those of the foothills dealt with perils brought by the popularity of Al'Khazar. Bandits set eyes upon the relatively defenseless encampments, often raiding stores by the blanket of night. The tradesmen, unable to garner the support of the Orenain military, resorted to their own methods of defense- mercenaries, sellswords and the like. These men that lived by the blade proved sufficient for a short time, though many eventually deserted or even joined the robber bands. The tradesmen soon found themselves in the face of poverty, the prospect of returning to the city much a possibility. It was then that Belshazzar Jahvid, the serving leaderhead of a trade camp, approached the array of camps within the foothills. He gave any willing tradesmen the choice to join this collective, only asking for their co-operation and aid for the overall welfare of the people. Many agreed to such a proposal, knowing their work would go to ruin without the combined might of their peers. This would be the true beginning of the Jahvid collective, though the group was not referred as such until several years later.

Whisperings of the return of Ibless began to echo throughout Aegis, such rumors occurring between even those in Belshazzar's collective. As news of villages falling to the followers of Ibless spread, these grim rumors were only confirmed to be true. Belshazzar would record each snippet of information, carefully analyzing each isolated situation so that he might better understand any semblance of tactics the undead used. He had noticed that each target bore a similarity- that being they were densely populated urban centers, much too congested to resist the vile effects of Ibless and his horde of followers. Belshazzar began to train the valued horsemen of the collective to fight in scale-mail armor, carefully instructing the blacksmiths to forge what armaments were needed with the utmost quality. When the undead did strike, the Jahvids repelled them with waves of cavalry, first softening the ranks with a volley of arrows from their horse archers, followed by a crushing charge of heavily-armored lancers. The underestimated Jahvids boasted several victories over the servants of Ibless, but each Jahvid killed was a sour blow to the overall populace. As cities began to fall under Ibless, Belshazzar ordered the collective to pack up and seek refuge in the vast, empty wild-lands, past the wastes of fallen cities and forgotten communes.

Belshazzar understood that the time of civilization on Aegis would soon come to a close. Scouts were sent out, often returning word of another city falling, even Al'Khazar itself could not stand against the might of the undead. The “wise men” of the collective spoke of hopes across the glassy sea, convincing the carpenters to prepare the construction of several vessels capable of housing the Jahvids. Belshazzar patiently waited, knowing that the remnants of Aegis would soon take flight as well. Once word head reached Belshazzar of the fleet departing Aegis, he too issued orders for his kinsmen to board the ships, preparing for the long, uncertain journey ahead. Many lives were lost on the journey to Asulon, primarily due to malnutrition. Belshazzar himself grew weak, the number of his years great. His drive to see the Jahvid collective set foot on a new land was all that kept him pushing on.

The perilous journey did not go unanswered, as the Jahvid remnants set foot upon the new, almost alien world of Asulon. The collective, merely a shadow if its’ former self, departed for the grasslands surrounding one of the many Asulonian high deserts. As always, the Jahvids coped with their loss, starting anew. Belshazzar, however, lay on his deathbed, breathing his last words; he spoke with the various family heads within the collective, proposing an electorate system to be formed. The male elder of each family was to gather in a council, discussing the next “head” of the collective. After much negotiation, the elders agreed upon the system, thus initiating the first council of the Jahvids. The talks proceeded for a week before coming to an agreement; Farshid Jahvid, firstborn of Belshazzar Jahvid, was to lead the tribe as a figurehead. Belshazzar, having carried out his final act, passed away merely a few weeks after the council had concluded. Several months passed as the tribe begain to slowly situate itself within Asulon, though their numbers remained thin. It was then that an envoy of the Subudai came across the small camp; he came speaking of a tribal confederacy. Farshid, knowing the Jahvids faced a rocky recovery, proposed that he and his kinsman be absorbed into the Subudai as a Kotan. The scout was sent back to his own, securing talks between the two tribes. The process of integration was swift and seamless- soon the Subudai boasted calling the Jahvids their own, a symbiotic relationship that would lead to the further prosperity of both groups as a whole. To this day, Farshid Jahvid is remembered for his wisdom regarding the negotiations.

The Culture Of The Jahvid Collective

The Jahvid tribe is one of the most culturally enriched Kotans in the Subudai, and take great pride in their culture, which is comprised of a well-mannered and encouraging people, able to produce the finest wares in all of Asulon, some could say. The Jahvids have the closest relation to that of Persian and Parthian culture, and often take the time to finely decorate everything they produce, whether it be clothing, pavilions, or even their arms and armor.

As well as being a foreign and oriental in culture, the Jahvids also take great pride in their appearance and attitude, always greeting a stranger with a polite greeting, and patronizing great works of art and the like. A core part of Jahvid culture is also to hold social gatherings, welcoming almost anyone to their banquets and parties, all hosted in their largest tent, the Feasting tent. A Jahvid is always looking to impress their guests, and will more often than not go out of their way to accommodate the needs of their guests, for the sake of the Jahvid’s own reputation.

Along with this social and respectful attitude, the Jahvids also crave knowledge, always willing to learn, and making no mistake to document anything new they hear of. And, due to their foreign culture, they have often been isolated from the rest of the races and cultures, and strive to record any details they may find of these “Strangers like them”. This approach to learning often brings a Jahvid forward as a questioning one, always asking for more and never truly content with their findings, for hopes of there being more to acquire.

Class Structure

The Jahvids have developed a simplistic class system in the tribe, capable of differentiating a tribal’s specific skill, and speaking to the right person for the right request. This class system is divided by color, and each high ranking member (Satraps) of the class is required to wear an amulet signifying their status. The simplistic class structure is explained below, and each class is equally important, with no class outweighing the other.

The Artisans: The main craftsmen of the tribe, the Artisans are the most skilled in producing fine colored fabric, as well as any non-military needs the tribe may need. The Artisans also are the hosts of most social gatherings, and can also be seen documenting the tribe’s culture and findings, archiving its history as the tribe progresses. The Artisans’ color is orange.

The Diplomats: The Diplomats are the eyes and ears of the Jahvids, capable of opening and closing relations with other tribes and establishing alliances or agreements with foreigners. The Diplomats are the most level-headed of the Jahvids, and are well respected for their well-mannered behavior to almost anyone they meet. The Diplomats’ color is blue.

The Warriors: The self-explanatory title describes it all. The Warriors are the main military arm of the Jahvids, each capable of defending the camp to the death if need be. The Warriors are also able to construct and maintain logistical support of military equipment in the tribe, allowing a swift and deadly Jahvid force, willing to launch an impeccably fast raid, or mount a hasty defense of a particular area. The Warriors’ color is green.

The ‘Wise Men’: The Wise Men are the spiritual leaders of the Jahvids, and guide the tribe through its daily prayer in more often a congregation, as all Jahvids are expected to be somewhat independent with their religion. When not leading in prayer, the Wise Men are also the cultivators, and even alchemists of Jahvid lands, capable of planting crops able to withstand the desert heat or whip up an alchemic remedy for an ill tribesman. The Wise Men’s’ color is brown.

*As well as having these four class colors, the color red is also reserved for the Satraps, or the tribal heads of the Jahvids, who convene regularly to discuss tribal dealings, both current and future.


As well as being foreign to most of the humans of Asulon, the Jahvid tribe has also developed its own language throughout its history, and with the migration to Asulon, the language is being slowly integrated with the common tongue on the continent. Below are just a few words the Jahvids speak in their native tongue:

General Speech

Inshakur: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night, Welcome, Greetings

Maha’sallah: Farewell

Na’an: Thank you

Fa’un: Stranger

Massa/Massas: Sir/Ma’am (Formal)

Ma’jure: A common insult


Elvella: Elf

Dwa’mi: Dwarf

Hara’im: Human

Arkallah: Orc


Shallah: Prayer/Meditate

Khoda: God

Spi’rah: Spirit

Wand’i: Wind

Shammah: Sun

Sna’ad: Sand

Imam: Priest/Spiritual Leader


Dorn: Dark/Black

Blin: Blue

Ran: Red

Shim’er: Yellow/Gold

Orni: Orange

Grussah: Green

Bornah: Brown

Le’at: White


Grah’lan: Grassland

Deserah: Desert

Montani: Mountains

Hellas: Hills

Planirah: Plains

Tendrah: Tundra

Osmanu/Lak’wan: Ocean/Water

For’ah: Wood/Forest


Satrap: Tribe Leader/Council Member

Sultan: Leader

Hevah: High

Bruna/Brina: Brother/Sister

Festara: Feast/Feasting

Jal: Servant/Slave

Cahria: Camel

Xeyme: Tent/Pavilion


In this tribe,the Syrmatae would have less power and influence then in the other Kotans,due to the presence of a council,which is made of all the most prominent Kotansmani in the Kotan.The Syrmatae would consult the council if any decision was to be made.The decisions that wall in that are:Would the Kotan establish relations with that settlement,would they raid if presented with enough reasons,and so on, but he/she(the Syrmatae) will always lead the caravans,a representative of his tribe with the Khagan,and would lead in skirmishes,raids and his/hers word is always respected.He also tends to the daily activities of his fellow Kotansmani.When the Syrmatae dies,the Kotansmani choose,in a democratic fashion,who shall be the next Syrmatae.The wife of the Syrmatae would have an honorary title "Udovica".

The culture of this Kotan is a bit different than usual.This Kotan is more peaceful then the rest,but would still engage in conflict if the presumed target has done any harm to any Kotansmani of this tribe,or any other Subudai.The Kotansmani would welcome all travelers,sit around with them by the campfire,trade food,stories...They prefer to stay in one place,only moving if it's critical,but will always move if the Khagan says so. They also hold feasts,called Drevlas,which are held once a year,in a certain time of the year when the stars are at a certain place at a certain moment.It's an evening spent in singing,eating,drinking...

In battle,the Kotansmani of this tribe mainly use melee weapons,such as axes and swords,and most of them dislike using a bow and arrow,but have respect for the skilled archers of the other tribes.Each man and woman is expected to fight,wearing little to no armor,excluding the Syrmatae and the Gospodars.The Kotansmani are usually bright skinned and haired,though there are a few exceptions.They are also higher then the Kotansmani of their fellow Kotans.

The Social Structure:

Vojnuks - The warriors of the tribe,prefer being on ground then on horse,the majority of them use axes in combat,but there are a few sword users,those being the men who spent some time with the more advanced cultures,such as Oren.

Zanatliks - Craftsman of the tribe,proficient in either making food for the tribe,or making an repairing armor and weaponry.

Skupljaks - The gatherers,they gather resources for the tribe,by either lumberjacking,mining,farming or fishing,although priority is now on getting food and wood.

Some tribesmen can fill multiple roles,for example,a Vojnuk may be skilled in lumberjacking,and to that and his warrior job,and a Zanatlik can perhaps mine/gather the materials/ingredients himself.

Those who prove to be the best in their craft,are part of the Elder Council,and advice the Syrmatae(also called the Zhupan by the Kirvels) and have a say in political matters.



The Boyan-Horde is the conglomeration of Sauros' family members and the Mongol Kotan due to distraught similarities and the obvious culmination that a reformed military force is needed to guard the lands of Levanthus. An experimenting military force focused on mobility and defense. The Boyan-Horde build defensive embattlements and scouting structures within Levanthus when the need is sighted and preserve military traditions such as wrestling matches, archery contests, and other assorted events. Payment may be included, but the Boyan-Horde consisting of many Subudai prefer the fruits of survivalist ways over the coin that once dried up, the parasites move to a new host.

Military Ranks

The Khagan is the administrator of the Boyan-Horde and leads the Horde as a whole when the time comes. They relegate Noyans to lead smaller scouting and aggressions, whereas the Khagan leads in large-scale conflicts unless the role is specifically invoked that a Noyan must lead. Noyans lead five-man parties such is that a total of six will be delegated to scout specific areas of Levanthus or erect defensive embattlements. The Noyan is responsible in ensuring each of his soldiers are fed and quenched of thirst. The soldiery are comprised of men and women [no sexual discrimination within the Boyan-Horde] who prize themselves as capable of surviving no matter the landscape in which they walk upon and as such, are cautious and cooperative with their fellow brother and sister in warfare and peacetime affairs.


Sauros Alanbataar [gaiusmarius8]


Tavros Aetigos [Viper3x]


Aldjiro Sel-Ahiim [sir_Wyvernos]

[To Apply, post below with details of this sort:]

1. Are you willing to reroll your character into a Subudai [by blood] character? This will not affect your chances, simply something to acquire.

2. Are you applying as a member of the Kirvel, Jahvid, or Boyan-Horde?

3. You may apply for a separate Kotan under the conditions that you have atleast three other active players! Pick a unique culture and apply!

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