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[Recruiting] Reformed Church

Pastor Petrus

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The Reformed Church denomination was established dozens of years after the creation of Aegis. The main Human Church underwent a split related to church-orderly and theological issues. After that, the Reformed Church developed an own doctrine. In Aegis, we were one of the biggest religions with at least one church for each race. We believe in the God of Asulon, and his servants (the Aengul and the Daemon, although they have a small place in our doctrine).

Right now we exist out of 4 congregations around Asulon and two Pastors. That means that there are some vacant posts.

When you have a feeling that you should be an ordained minister within our denomination: Send a letter to the chairman of the Curatorium (board of trustees): Pastor Petrus. When you are accepted, you have to study some books. When you have achieved enough knowledge; you can be a Pastor. The denomination will provide housing for you and payment will depend on your commitment. Which is: leading a church, writing books, do missionary activities.


~The Reformed Church Curatorium

"The Split - Historical review of the Reformed Church"

20 years after the creation of Aegis. The Human nation is one of the mightiest kingdoms in this world. The world is experienced as a great paradise yet. As we travel to Al' Khazar, we see a lot of activity: shops, soldiers and lots of humans. Al' Khazar is not only the capital of the Human empire, which reaches to the Far East, but also of the whole world. People from all races and social classes live here.

When you walk near Al´Khazar, there’s one thing what you see immediately: the big cathedral. Al' Khazar is not only the educational center of the world, but also the central place of pilgrimage. But.. As the knowledge propagated, the religion became less important. Literature, mathematics and biology replaced the old important religion of the Humans.

Oren was a big country with many villages and cities. But there was only one church with one high priest. That man was a priest, leader of an army and many other important jobs. Therefore, the church had no chance to develop an own theology or doctrine. Sermons where never held and the mass of people had no rules, nor any idea to reach the eternal life.

At that time a member of the Human church got a call from the God to become a priest and develop a theology. The guy, his name was Judase, followed a long study at Orens theological academy in Al' Khazar. He was recognized as a talented speaker and preacher throughout Aegis. For some reason the Human church didn’t get the boldness from God and couldn’t accept Judase as a pastor/priest. He was someone who wanted to build churches everywhere and wanted to do evangelism through missionary posts. He never intended to leave his Human church.

Meanwhile, Judase had attended other religious schools (Druids, mages and several others). But never could he find the true Faith. He had the order to reform the Human church. When the Oren became more and more sinful every day (because of the bad functioning church) Judase tried to be a priest there again. He was not accepted.

He got many visions from Aeriel, a holy angel from God (known as Aengul) "Reform my Kingdom before it falls." After that Judase left together with a part of the main church members. They called themselves the "Reformed Church". The idea was to form a temporary church and return to main church when Asulons God showed his grace again.

Near the cloud temple of Aegis was a small empty place, next to the busiest road of Aegis. Judase and the alarmed members build a small chapel there. Judase was inaugurated as the Pastor. And a church council was chosen which is and was called: the Curatorium.

More and more alarmed members attended the congregation. People from all races were allowed, which was something totally new in Aegis. The small church was near Krugmar, the country of the orcs. Even some orcs attended the services. A missionary post was opened in Krugmar and Pastor Judase had to lead that congregation either.

As the church was too small for all the former Human church members and the new members, a new building was designed. Also a church was opened in front of the Holmes agency (police office) also people from the Whisper Isles (A Human settlement) attended there.

In the following years, churches where established in: Kal'Uruguan (Dwarfs), Kramoroe (A settlement in the desert, nearby Al' Khazar), Whisper Isles, Laurelin (Elfs), Snowy Fields and even a church in Al' Khazar was made! The denomination existed now out of: 8 congregations, 1 missionary post, a library, a special army (to protect the church for the undead), some shops to raise some funds for the church and a theological academy which educated two new pastors. A big part of Aegis was now a "Reformist". Three pastors (Judase, Subona, and Rob Mills) needed to lead the big denomination, which was an extremely demanding job. But under God’s grace, it was possible and many people where converted to the true Faith: The biggest religion at that time.

Rise and Fall... The undead came, one of their missions was to defeat the Reformed Church. It never happened. Until the last day of Aegis the first church near the Cloud temple stood his ground. Wouldn’t that be a sign of God? Pastor Judase died a few years before the fall of Aegis. Pagans and heretics were everywhere, his body decided to attend the eternal life.


In Asulon, there was a son of Judase, Petrus. Together with his fathers members he set sail to Asulon. However, in Asulon he became a murderer, a sinner, a thief. But Petrus experienced a dream from the true God. He said to continue the life work of his father. All Petrus sins were forgiven and he converted to the true Faith. Together with some other members, which were still from Aegis, he continued his father’s work.

All the members decided to settle in the city of Alras and the farms of Alras. A church was established in a very small apartment! The members and their Pastor moved several times and after a while there were two Reformed Churches in Alras. Because the members wanted to reach all the borders of Asulon with the true Faith, an extra pastor (Kilross) was inaugurated and new churches in different Kingdom were and are inaugurated.

The Human church, the mother church still exists. They have changed a lot. They share the same history, but the Reformed Church is still a separate denomination. Why? In our history, we’ve experienced God grace upon us. In Aegis, but in Asulon as well. Miracles happened and are happening. Asulons creator is with us and will be with us. That’s what we pray for ourselves and for all the souls in Asulon. And that’s something which is special in Asulon: we are not bound to kingdoms or races and we have such a big history…

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