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The Guardians of Benevolence


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The Guardians of Benevolence


~Formation of the Guardians~

The Guardians of Benevolence is a mercenary group founded by two Lords from the city of Khabbi, Jess Stormborn and Tiburon Leary. This group is not old like many of the groups and guilds found within Asulon, but instead a new group hoping to survive the tests of time. The basis of this group is not to earn minas or fame, but instead to protect individuals who do not have the strength to protect themselves.

Forming in Khabbi, this group was created by the pair in part to respond to an attack by bandits against the city, who stole a large portion of the city’s recent gatherings of ore and lumber. This event combined with other reasons led the two friends to form the Guardians.

This guild is built on a foundation of instating a new, easier life for all people around Asulon. They are here to protect the well being and values of all men, especially those without the power to protect themselves. They recognize that the voices of weaker people are not often heard, and that these people are often oppressed by those stronger than themselves. While the group is a mercenary group and can be hired by most individuals or groups, the Guardians strongly favor the weak and defenseless, allowing payment in whatever means is available to them.

~Laws of the Guardians~

1. All shall respect fellow Guardians and the innocent. Punishment shall depend on severity of the offense.

2. All Guardians must show loyalty to the cause. If broken then termination is imminent.

3. Guardians will need to follow orders and behave appropriately. Punishment shall depend on the severity of the offense.

4. No evils shall be committed on fellow Guardians. Punishment shall depend on the severity of the case.

5. While membership in other guilds is permissible, it is not encouraged if the group is known to abuse or oppress others.

6. Each Guardian is expected to follow the laws of where they are located to the best of their ability unless it is necessary not to support our ideals. These cases shall be judged on a case by case basis.

~OOC Law~

1. The goal for this guild is to create a friendly group of people who promote a positive roleplay experience. If one continually demonstrates poor roleplay abilities (without demonstrating willingness to accept constructive criticism or overall improvement), then they may be kicked from the guild.

2. Each Guardian is expected to follow some of the basic rules of roleplay. This includes keeping IC and OOC emotions and views of people separate, not meta-gaming or power-gaming and not making the gain of items or minas a primary incentive for your actions (although that does not mean gaining wealth cannot be an incentive for your character’s actions, so long as the roleplay is enjoyable).

3. Be respectful to others. We do not want you to flame, troll or unnecessarily start arguments with people. It represents the guild badly and creates a bad reputation OOC which will affect the guilds effectiveness IC.

~Guild Rankings~

While we are a mercenary guild, we really look for any person willing to help out the guild. The rankings within the guild are achieved by participation, and are not necessarily based by combat skill or experience.


Head Guardians

To achieve the rank of Head Guardian, one must show extreme levels of dedication to the guild. While the title does suggest that only one member may achieve the rank of Head Guardian, this is not the case. Multiple members of the Guardians of Benevolence can achieve this rank, through extreme dedication to the guild’s cause as well as showing extreme willingness to help those in need, even if it means making a personal sacrifice. They are also the lead decision-makers of the guild, and while Guardian Councillors help in the decision-making of the guild, the Head Guardians have the final say.

Guardian Councillors

The Guardian Councillors, like the Head Guardians, show strong leadership and dedication to the guild and its values. Likewise, these members demonstrate great success in whatever skills they utilize in helping the guild, considered elites in what they do. These members are a part of The Guardian Council, the decision-making body of the guild, and advise the Head Guardians on courses of action, or make decisions in their stead. These members are able to accept jobs for the guild to accomplish, 00"]although these decisions can be overruled by the Head Guardians.

Senior Guardians

These members of the guild have shown leadership and dedication within the guild. Likewise, they have constantly supported the values of the guild, and have been a member of the guild long enough to achieve an increased rank. While these members have only a minor gain in their privileges, they do hold a superior position over Guardians. However, this superiority it meant to be maintained respectfully, only to be asserted when necessary, either in absence of higher ranking guild members, or when needing to discipline a member.


These members have shown some level of initiative and dedication to the core values of the Guardians in order to be trusted by the guild. This trust is gained by performing tasks for the guild, or holding oneself in a manner that demonstrates a clear dedication to the values of the guild. These members are more likely to be selected to perform on jobs, and are expected to help train Initiates.


Initiates are members looking to join the guild, not yet accepted as full members. Initiates must be trained up to an adequate level of skill in their primary means to aid the guild, and perform a number of tasks for the guild in order to achieve the rank of Guardian. It is rare that a new member will be able to skip this rank.

~Services Offered~

The Guardians of Benevolence offer a number of services. Obviously, our primary service is that of providing work through manpower as mercenaries, primarily protecting those who lack the means to protect themselves.

However, we are available for hire for other services, including being hired as guards for the more fortunate as well as the less fortunate, as soldiers in the case of war, and as general tradesmen selling the goods we produce as a guild. However, as a guild we are very hesitant in offering certain services such as thievery, assassination or any type of political sabotage. We will often deny requests for these services, although if one hopes to hire us for such tasks, they must explain who they are and why the wish for such a task to occur. Keep in mind the core values of the guild when doing this.

Lastly, there are certain services which we will not accommodate. As a guild, we will not be involved in the slave trade, the drug trade, or the use of torture to gain information. If you believe that your circumstances warrant different treatment on the basis of our order’s ideals, then feel free to request such a service as such, but otherwise, we are not the ones to seek for such a job.


The Guardians of Benevolence are first and foremost a mercenary group. However, this group does not limit itself to only mercenaries, instead looking to hire members of all crafts and skills. However, we are currently looking favorably upon:

-Mercenaries (skilled with sword, bow, axe or any other weapon)


-Farmers and Cooks

-Architects and Builders


If you do not have any of the above skills, or you feel that you have other special skills which the guild might be able to make use of, and are interested in joining, do not hesitate to apply. We look favorably on any willing to join our guild, so long as they share the core values of the guild.


All interested in applying should send a bird to Tiburon Leary or Jess Stormborn so they can arrange a personal meeting with you, assuming they feel you are qualified to join the guild ((Post the application down below, emoting contacting one of us in some way, after which we will accept or deny you on this post. However, we would like to officially accept you in RP on the server.))

In Character:





Reason you wish to join:

Combat Skills:

Other Notable Skills:

Do you swear to follow the rules and accept the consequences for breaking them?:

Do you promise to follow your orders and show everyone in the guild respect?:

Additional Information:

Out of Character:

Mc name:

Character Alignment (See VA subforum if unfamiliar with alignments):

Do you promise to obey the Out of Character rules?:

Do you have a VA or any other application?:

Do you have a Skype or Teamspeak?:

How active are you on LoTC?:

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Name: Amon Sato

Age: 24

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Reason you wish to join: I stand for all of what you have said, and have been looking for a guild that shares the believes I do.

Combat Skills: Master swordsman

Other Notable Skills: Lumberjack, miner and weapon smith

Do you swear to follow the rules and accept the consequences for breaking them?: Aye

Do you promise to follow your orders and show everyone in the guild respect?: Aye

Additional Information: None

Out of Character:

Mc name: Xemnas2132

Character Alignment (See VA subforum if unfamiliar with alignments): Neutral

Do you promise to obey the Out of Character rules?: Yes

Do you have a VA or any other application?: I might have one accepted in the next few hours

Do you have a Skype or Teamspeak?: Yes

How active are you on LoTC?: On most days

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"Redeemer reads this with his fellow brothers of the Syndicate, laughing loudly

"Brothers, how do they expect to protect people and Khabbi, if they give us anything we ask for? They are weak, I give it a year before it's forgotten about"

They laugh and make more plans to do stuff...

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Name: Amon Sato

Age: 24

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Reason you wish to join: I stand for all of what you have said, and have been looking for a guild that shares the believes I do.

Combat Skills: Master swordsman

Other Notable Skills: Lumberjack, miner and weapon smith

Do you swear to follow the rules and accept the consequences for breaking them?: Aye

Do you promise to follow your orders and show everyone in the guild respect?: Aye

Additional Information: None

Out of Character:

Mc name: Xemnas2132

Character Alignment (See VA subforum if unfamiliar with alignments): Neutral

Do you promise to obey the Out of Character rules?: Yes

Do you have a VA or any other application?: I might have one accepted in the next few hours

Do you have a Skype or Teamspeak?: Yes

How active are you on LoTC?: On most days


Note: This is only the OOC acceptance. We will also have to rp it out.

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((We are also interested in somebody potentially creating a uniform of some kind for us, or a better symbol for the guild.

Also, for future applicants, please do some sort of emote saying you are contacting us above your completed app.))

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((i could make a uniform.. or attempt to. Send me a idea to follow or i can come up with one myself))

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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