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Evalyn Rorke

º Gamer9726 º

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Character Name: Evalyn Rorke

Nicknames: Known to some as simply "Vulkina"

Age: 54

Gender: Female

Race: Wood-Elf

Status: Alive


Height: 5,6

Weight: 128 pounds

Body Type: Shorter than the average elf, and rather slim.

Eyes: Emerald Green

Hair: Long, and dyed green. You cannot see most of it, however, because she wears a hood.

Skin: A light tan color.

Markings/Tattoos: Parts of her face are scarred, but she tries to hide the worst of them.

Health: She is in relatively good health.

Personality: Evalyn is kind natured, to an extent, but she is extremely loyal (sometimes to the point of irrationality) due to her past experiences with traitors. It is hard to gain her trust, and once you've lost it, it's nearly impossible to regain. She can be quite proud and somewhat vain, but she always does what she believes is right.

Inventory: She normally carries around a bow made from yew, a custom made sword her father gave her called Vallei, and a small notebook.

Further Details: Her eyes seem to have an everlasting glint of determination in them.

Life Style

Alignment*: True Neutral, slowly moving in the direction of somewhere in between that and Lawful Evil.

Deity*: -N/A-

Religion: -N/A-

Alliance/Nation/Home She lives outside Oren (even though she does not like it), but her alliance is to Laurina.

Job/Class: She has applied to the Elven Navy, and is awaiting a response.

Title(s): -N/A-

Profession(s): She used to be captain of a ship, before a mutiny in which she was forced to walk the plank.

Special Skill(s): She knows how to read maps, captain ships, and has many useful naval skills (seeing as she spent the overwhelming majority of her life at sea). She is also good at making harder decisions.

Flaw(s): She can be very proud and vain sometimes (one of the reasons she wears her headgear--to stop her scars from showing). She can also be quick to anger, and seem unsociable if she is already annoyed about something/someone.


Current Status: An aspiring learner, but not actually learning yet.

Arch-type: Arcane

Sub-Type: Water Evocation

Rank: -N/A-

Weakness(es): -N/A-

Strength(s): -N/A-

Current Spell(s): -N/A-


Fighting Style: She prefers to fight at a distance with her longbow, but when she is forced to fight at a close range she uses various techniques she picked up from fighting pirates at sea. She uses a very light (But also small) spatha and so her attacks are very quick. She relies on dodging rather than blocking.

Preferred Weapon: The Bow

Favored Weapon: The Longbow, or her spatha, which she has named "Vallei".

Archery: Her preferred fighting technique. She is a very skilled marksman.


Parents: Eliri Rorke (Father) and Olayna Baleir (Mother)

Siblings: -None-

Children: -None (ever)-

Extended Family: -None (that she knows about)-

Pet(s): -None-


-I will add my history when I am finished with my character's biography. I've been writing one for a few applications I'm planning on filling out.-


-None (yet)-

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