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The Order

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As you walk along the road, you find a small book lying on the side of the road. It appears to be dusty and worn from many handlings. Much of the book is damaged and unreadable. The cover has a strange seal stamped onto it.


Flipping through the book, it appears to be a recruitment book for some kind of organization. You flip to the first page.

[For those who don't want to read on:

You never notice the small book and continue on your journey]

The organization known as The Order began as an idea decades ago, back in the days of Aegis when the Undead were still feared creatures and not creatures used to scare children into behaving. It was conceived by a group of men, all from different races and rankings. They sought to create an organization that operated in the shadows, protecting those who needed protection and killing those who deserved a swift death. They sought to bring some semblance of safety in the war-torn Aegis, so that families need not worry about when they will perish, or if they will see their families again. But before this idea could manifest into reality, Al'Khazar fell, and quickly along with it, the rest of the world. Of the group, only one survived and managed to escape into the Verge. This man, known as-

The rest of the page is ripped away, looking as if a rabbit had been nibbling at it. You continue to the next legible section.

-ttling down in this mysterious new world called Asulon, he postponed the creation of this dream, due to the need to focus on bigger priorities, such as building the city and new-found love. But when he finally had the chance to realize this dream him and his late friends envisioned, he once again postponed. Not sure that this organization was needed at the time, he decided to create another organization, the P-

The page once again cuts off, this time appearing to be due to water damage. Large portions of the next few sections are also unreadable. You finally find the next readable section almost halfway through the book. This section appears to be more of a journal, rather than history. While legible, there are many areas that are illegible due to water damage.

Alas, I have once again arrived at some unknown land. Many of my fellow travelers call this play Elysium, or something of the sorts. The name really is of no consequence to me. I must find my friends, see who made it to these lands. Perhaps they know where C-

-ren seems to have established itself in the valley bordering the ocean. How the engineers managed to bore through the entire mountain to create a passage in such a short time eludes me. I still cannot find my family. Did they not make it to Elysium? I must continue to sear-

-ot find them. I pray that they managed to make it, and are simply too occupied with other matters to come search for me. I must move on. Perhaps I will find them in the future. For now, I must focus on the matter at hand. To-

-gmen attacked Oren today. They descended from the mountains around Oren, attacked everyone relentlessly. They caught everyone by surprise and managed to push into the city before anyone even knew what was happening. Fortunately, they were pushed out of the city swiftly when the city rallied and fought back. The assault continued for the rest of the night, but the walls of Oren held firm. What worries me is not the attack, but why. Something is afoot here, and I do not like it.

Illegible print

Its been two weeks. The base is complete.

The Order has been formed.

The journal ends here. On the final page, in golden ink, the final passage is written.








There is a signature on the last page, but it is too smeared to make out. Deciding to take the book back home for further study, you stow it away in your bag.

[OOC Note: Those who are interested in joining, proceed to emote B. To those who are not, proceed to emote A.]

A: The next time you check inside your bag, the book has vanished, and in its place is a single black rose. You pick the rose up and sniff it, its acrid smell entering your nostril. You quickly toss the rose away and continue on your journey. Slowly, the memories of the book fade from memory, until it is completely and irrevocably forgotten.


B: The next time you check inside your bag, the book has vanished, and in its place is a single sheet of parchment.

To whoever this may concern:

We have sensed that you are interested in joining the Order. Fill this form out, and we will send out a man to come speak to you.

[font="Trebuchet MS"][size="3"][b][u][i]Application For the Order:[/i][/u][/b]

[i][b]Out of Character information[/b][/i]




[b][How much time you can be online per day]:[/b]

[b][How long have you been playing on the server?]:[/b]

[b][Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?][/b]:

[b][Do you have TS?][/b]:

[b][Do you have a Skype?][/b]:

[i][b]In Character Information[/b][/i]


[b]Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:[/b]




[b]Why do you wish to join?:[/b]

[b]Describe your personality:[/b]

[b]Describe your personal attributes:[/b]

[b]Personal Biography:[/b]

[b]Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:[/b]

[b]Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:[/b]

[i][b]Some Additional Out of Character Questions[/b][/i]

[b][Show me you know how to talk in OOC:][/b]

[b][Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?][/b]:

[b][Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:][/b]

[b][Link to Server Application (if findable):][/b]

[i][When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!][/i]


You quickly return home and begin to work on the application.


OOC Note:

While we do assassinate when required, we aren't a purely assassin group. We do other activities besides assassinations also. Just putting that out there!

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((I would love to do this, but I am doing another thing with this character, a business, and it would probably not be to good if A business owner was a murderer.........well, not good just yet))

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

[MCname]: Crippledbaboon

[Age]: 16

[Time-Zone]: GMT +0 England

[How much time you can be online per day]: I can manage a couple hours every day, if need be.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: I've been a member since August 2011, but I haven't been playing all of that time. I've played for just over a year, roughly.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: Although I've got planned things to do roleplay-wise (people to meet, places to go) I've been finding a lot less rp than hoped, so hopefully this will help me out.

[Do you have TS?]: Indeedy

[Do you have a Skype?]: I have Skype, but Windows 8 isn't pretty at all. So my best Skype's on my phone.

In Character Information

Name: Sircaylin Burtart

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Of course, it seems rather well thought-out.

Race: You could say I'm an Elf, if you like.

Age: 79 251 140 something.

Experience: I saw my fair share of blood in Aegis, some of it my own. Trust a stranger's word, I'll be of use to you.

Why do you wish to join?: If you really are from Aegis, you've already got me in. It's been a while since I've met someone from "ye' ol' lands", I'd feel a little better knowing I've got someone who's seen their own fair share to watch my back.

Describe your personality: I keep myself to myself. Though I'm not going to be going anywhere when the going gets tough, I never have. I'm not a fool, so don't think I'll be going around inviting my flowery friends to come pick daisies on our doorstep. If I don't have trouble with you, you won't have trouble with me. Respect isn't the same story, unless I know you've proved yourself. I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

Describe your personal attributes: I'm an Elf, so I don't exactly leave muddy footprints trailing after me. I'm light on my feet, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty and I can 'do my job' from a modest distance when the situation demands it. Tactics and strategies are my game, I'm the man with a plan and the confidence to execute it alone if required.

Personal Biography: Ask the next guy, and you'll get the same response I'd imagine. A dull life, if Aegis ever had one. I grew up in Al'khazar, worked for Dawn's Bakery to put bread on the gutter then when the time came I enlisted into the Rangers. Like I said, bad things happened from there and I wasn't exactly living the sweet life in Asulon, but I got-by. So here I am, looking to get some hard work done again. I'm sure we can talk about me more over a candle-lit dinner if you'd like.

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: You won't be needing a dagger under your pillow when you sleep to say the least. I don't bite...friends.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I was a Ranger, long ago. We got spread, disbanded, dead. You know how it is.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((What's OOC? Lol)) - I'd only really use OOC if a group of people had to be addressed for something. If someone directly adressed me in L/OOC I'd simply message them in response.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Indeed I will. I'll be sure to dedicate the majority of my time on the server towards the Order.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/78492-bircalins-villain-app-44/page__p__664540#entry664540

[Link to Server Application (if findable):] N/A

Note: This is Bircalin, he's simply masking his identity before he gets too comfortable. He knows that with such a mysterious Order, anyone could work inside it.

EDIT - 700th post!

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((The MTG beat you to my character :P))

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information


[Age]: 16

[Time-Zone]: PST

[How much time you can be online per day]: 1-3 hours

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: Since early Aegis.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: For some time I've been intent on having my character expand on what his RP has progressed into. In the Order, I would like to do something along the lines of "bookkeeper" and maintain information on everything that is needed.

[Do you have TS?]: Yes

[Do you have a Skype?]: Yes

In Character Information

Name: Dun Irongut

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes.

Race: Dwarf

Age: 70

Experience: I am intent on learning all that I can. I am a simple Dwarf by name. A trader, a brewery, a nephew, a politician, and a philosopher. I have done many things in my short life and seen much. I suppose this is just another opportunity to gain experience. I hope that if you accept me, it yields much more.

Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join a group where benefits can be mutual. To gain a group of friends honor and cherish. Instead of writing that kind of crap, I refer to the first sentence. To be frank, simply I wish to provide my services in information keeping.

Describe your personality: I am honorable, at least that is what I believe. Perhaps you will judge for yourself? Regardless, I enjoy reading, writing, and discussion. However, when I must enter in a fight, I will.

Describe your personal attributes: I am a Dwarf, that is really all you need to know, as much can be inferred from that. But I will tell you that I would prefer to remove my accent and associate myself with Humans often. I also enjoy a strong brew of Vodka, so I suppose the best way to describe me would be almost a stereotype.

Personal Biography: I was born in the icy wastes of Hanseti, in Asulon, some time ago to a father that cared little and a mother who I don't know. That's not to say I hated my bastard of a father, but he was a bastard nonetheless. I traveled for years, meeting many and earning many friends until I finally stumbled upon the dwelling of my father, Kal'Dwain. It turned out he was dead, so I ended up joining my clan and earning their respect. During this time, I studied religion and learned much about the Dwarven god Dungrimm. I entered service in Dwarven politics and did much, but that should be discussed at a later date, as it's not important quite yet. All and all, I've gone through my life learning. That is what I will mention several times here and it is the truth. I wish to learn what you have to offer and in turn, I will provide what I have to offer.

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I am loyal and I will be loyal to the order, if the same respect is given to me. I intend to build something in this "order" and I don't wish to be killed while doing it. So, with that said, yes, I will be loyal and I am a loyal person.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:I have always been loyal to my clan, which is an extended family of sorts. They have taken me in and provided hospitality and I have provided the same to them, in times of peace and in times of need. I think it is fair to say that those I am loyal to deserve it and it is because of this that I remain loyal. But to answer your fears as to whether or not I will be loyal to this group, the simple answer would be if a document such as this were to be used against me, I would do what needs to be done. But if trust is kept, then no issues should arise and perhaps friendships can be developed, eh?

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((I prefer tells, but brackets or double parenthesis are the norm for talking in OOC.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Mhm. I've really wanted to find an order/group for a while without starting my own, so I can build on to others RP instead of creating my own entirely. It looks like a fun and fresh experience, so hey, why not?

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:]http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77201-dun-ironguts-va-1/

[Link to Server Application (if findable):]

[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

[MCname]: Crippledbaboon

[Age]: 16

[Time-Zone]: GMT +0 England

[How much time you can be online per day]: I can manage a couple hours every day, if need be.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: I've been a member since August 2011, but I haven't been playing all of that time. I've played for just over a year, roughly.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: Although I've got planned things to do roleplay-wise (people to meet, places to go) I've been finding a lot less rp than hoped, so hopefully this will help me out.

[Do you have TS?]: Indeedy

[Do you have a Skype?]: I have Skype, but Windows 8 isn't pretty at all. So my best Skype's on my phone.

In Character Information

Name: Sircaylin Burtart

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Of course, it seems rather well thought-out.

Race: You could say I'm an Elf, if you like.

Age: 79 251 140 something.

Experience: I saw my fair share of blood in Aegis, some of it my own. Trust a stranger's word, I'll be of use to you.

Why do you wish to join?: If you really are from Aegis, you've already got me in. It's been a while since I've met someone from "ye' ol' lands", I'd feel a little better knowing I've got someone who's seen their own fair share to watch my back.

Describe your personality: I keep myself to myself. Though I'm not going to be going anywhere when the going gets tough, I never have. I'm not a fool, so don't think I'll be going around inviting my flowery friends to come pick daisies on our doorstep. If I don't have trouble with you, you won't have trouble with me. Respect isn't the same story, unless I know you've proved yourself. I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

Describe your personal attributes: I'm an Elf, so I don't exactly leave muddy footprints trailing after me. I'm light on my feet, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty and I can 'do my job' from a modest distance when the situation demands it. Tactics and strategies are my game, I'm the man with a plan and the confidence to execute it alone if required.

Personal Biography: Ask the next guy, and you'll get the same response I'd imagine. A dull life, if Aegis ever had one. I grew up in Al'khazar, worked for Dawn's Bakery to put bread on the gutter then when the time came I enlisted into the Rangers. Like I said, bad things happened from there and I wasn't exactly living the sweet life in Asulon, but I got-by. So here I am, looking to get some hard work done again. I'm sure we can talk about me more over a candle-lit dinner if you'd like.

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: You won't be needing a dagger under your pillow when you sleep to say the least. I don't bite...friends.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I was a Ranger, long ago. We got spread, disbanded, dead. You know how it is.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((What's OOC? Lol)) - I'd only really use OOC if a group of people had to be addressed for something. If someone directly adressed me in L/OOC I'd simply message them in response.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Indeed I will. I'll be sure to dedicate the majority of my time on the server towards the Order.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] http://www.lordofthe...540#entry664540

[Link to Server Application (if findable):] N/A

Note: This is Bircalin, he's simply masking his identity before he gets too comfortable. He knows that with such a mysterious Order, anyone could work inside it.

EDIT - 700th post!

Application For the Order:

Out of Character information


[Age]: 16

[Time-Zone]: PST

[How much time you can be online per day]: 1-3 hours

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: Since early Aegis.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: For some time I've been intent on having my character expand on what his RP has progressed into. In the Order, I would like to do something along the lines of "bookkeeper" and maintain information on everything that is needed.

[Do you have TS?]: Yes

[Do you have a Skype?]: Yes

In Character Information

Name: Dun Irongut

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes.

Race: Dwarf

Age: 70

Experience: I am intent on learning all that I can. I am a simple Dwarf by name. A trader, a brewery, a nephew, a politician, and a philosopher. I have done many things in my short life and seen much. I suppose this is just another opportunity to gain experience. I hope that if you accept me, it yields much more.

Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join a group where benefits can be mutual. To gain a group of friends honor and cherish. Instead of writing that kind of crap, I refer to the first sentence. To be frank, simply I wish to provide my services in information keeping.

Describe your personality: I am honorable, at least that is what I believe. Perhaps you will judge for yourself? Regardless, I enjoy reading, writing, and discussion. However, when I must enter in a fight, I will.

Describe your personal attributes: I am a Dwarf, that is really all you need to know, as much can be inferred from that. But I will tell you that I would prefer to remove my accent and associate myself with Humans often. I also enjoy a strong brew of Vodka, so I suppose the best way to describe me would be almost a stereotype.

Personal Biography: I was born in the icy wastes of Hanseti, in Asulon, some time ago to a father that cared little and a mother who I don't know. That's not to say I hated my bastard of a father, but he was a bastard nonetheless. I traveled for years, meeting many and earning many friends until I finally stumbled upon the dwelling of my father, Kal'Dwain. It turned out he was dead, so I ended up joining my clan and earning their respect. During this time, I studied religion and learned much about the Dwarven god Dungrimm. I entered service in Dwarven politics and did much, but that should be discussed at a later date, as it's not important quite yet. All and all, I've gone through my life learning. That is what I will mention several times here and it is the truth. I wish to learn what you have to offer and in turn, I will provide what I have to offer.

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I am loyal and I will be loyal to the order, if the same respect is given to me. I intend to build something in this "order" and I don't wish to be killed while doing it. So, with that said, yes, I will be loyal and I am a loyal person.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:I have always been loyal to my clan, which is an extended family of sorts. They have taken me in and provided hospitality and I have provided the same to them, in times of peace and in times of need. I think it is fair to say that those I am loyal to deserve it and it is because of this that I remain loyal. But to answer your fears as to whether or not I will be loyal to this group, the simple answer would be if a document such as this were to be used against me, I would do what needs to be done. But if trust is kept, then no issues should arise and perhaps friendships can be developed, eh?

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((I prefer tells, but brackets or double parenthesis are the norm for talking in OOC.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Mhm. I've really wanted to find an order/group for a while without starting my own, so I can build on to others RP instead of creating my own entirely. It looks like a fun and fresh experience, so hey, why not?

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:]http://www.lordofthe...-ironguts-va-1/

[Link to Server Application (if findable):]

[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

Both of the applications slowly dissolve, the crumpled pieces slowly forming a white rose. Attached on it is a small note

"Welcome. At the gates of Oren, you will find Order."

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font="Trebuchet MS"]Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

[MCname]: Bryanwaffles

[Age]: 12

[Time-Zone]: PST

[How much time you can be online per day]: 6 - 7 hours I don't have after school sports or anything but that may change.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: I've been playing sense July 18th of 2012.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: I'm really curious and believe some good RP will come from the Order.

[Do you have TS?]: Yes, but don't use it often or talk on it.

[Do you have a Skype?]: Yes.

In Character Information

Name: Nug

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yub.

Race: Sub-race of Orc, Goblin.

Age: Unknown, but looked upon as a immature teenager/new adult

Experience: Nug hab experienze wiff olig agh warhammuh, Nug trained wiff olig agh warhammuh az kub agh ztuff. Mi am zmart tuu, mi zmart wiff mojo bud mi nub hab mojo yet.

Why do you wish to join?: Mi wan'uh join becuz, Hawk azked mi tu wen mi wun 'een 'is shootin' tourneh.

Describe your personality: Mi kan ged obah excited bud mi kan bi calm 'eef needed! Mi am loyal agh lub karrotz.

Describe your personal attributes: Mi am quik agh mi am hozh wiff olig agh warhammuh! Mi liek tu 'eet karrotz agh mi liek tu dreenk watur. Mi am zneekeh becuz mi kan bi zpy!

Personal Biography: Mi grow ub wiff momo agh popo, mi ran 'way frum blarg becuz mi momo wuz bein' 'tuupid agh nub'hozh. Mi bekame bez' frind wiff Raktar agh Zalah, mi am part ub order blahed 'da Gobonik Ordah, mi am Raktar am commandarz agh mi 'den bekame dedikant 'een 'da Drooidik Ordah agh mi hab blarg 'dere agh mi hab blarg 'een 'da uruk kamp. 'dat all Nug wan'uh write!

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: Mi migh' leev 'eef mi hab tu gu focuz awn drooidz ur famuhlee. Mi nub 'undred perzent loyal 'doh.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: Mi am loyal tu 'da drooidz agh Gobonik Ordah! Mi am ztill loyal tu 'demz naow.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] You type double (('s and then after that type the message you'd like to send through local OOC, and /msg <playername> <message> or /tell <playername> <message> to send private messages or you can /join ooc for global OOC.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: ICly Nug might leave for family and friends, learning magic, or the Druids.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] Accepted Minor : http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/75406-nugs-minor-evils-app/page__p__619273__hl__bryanwaffles__fromsearch__1#entry619273

Denied/working on : http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/78595-askauks-first-va-32/page__p__665701__hl__bryanwaffles__fromsearch__1#entry665701

[Link to Server Application (if findable:(] http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/63605-bryanwaffles-3rd-application/page__p__496302__hl__bryanwaffles__fromsearch__1#entry496302

[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

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font="Trebuchet MS"]Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

[MCname]: Bryanwaffles

[Age]: 12

[Time-Zone]: PST

[How much time you can be online per day]: 6 - 7 hours I don't have after school sports or anything but that may change.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: I've been playing sense July 18th of 2012.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: I'm really curious and believe some good RP will come from the Order.

[Do you have TS?]: Yes, but don't use it often or talk on it.

[Do you have a Skype?]: Yes.

In Character Information

Name: Nug

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yub.

Race: Sub-race of Orc, Goblin.

Age: Unknown, but looked upon as a immature teenager/new adult

Experience: Nug hab experienze wiff olig agh warhammuh, Nug trained wiff olig agh warhammuh az kub agh ztuff. Mi am zmart tuu, mi zmart wiff mojo bud mi nub hab mojo yet.

Why do you wish to join?: Mi wan'uh join becuz, Hawk azked mi tu wen mi wun 'een 'is shootin' tourneh.

Describe your personality: Mi kan ged obah excited bud mi kan bi calm 'eef needed! Mi am loyal agh lub karrotz.

Describe your personal attributes: Mi am quik agh mi am hozh wiff olig agh warhammuh! Mi liek tu 'eet karrotz agh mi liek tu dreenk watur. Mi am zneekeh becuz mi kan bi zpy!

Personal Biography: Mi grow ub wiff momo agh popo, mi ran 'way frum blarg becuz mi momo wuz bein' 'tuupid agh nub'hozh. Mi bekame bez' frind wiff Raktar agh Zalah, mi am part ub order blahed 'da Gobonik Ordah, mi am Raktar am commandarz agh mi 'den bekame dedikant 'een 'da Drooidik Ordah agh mi hab blarg 'dere agh mi hab blarg 'een 'da uruk kamp. 'dat all Nug wan'uh write!

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: Mi migh' leev 'eef mi hab tu gu focuz awn drooidz ur famuhlee. Mi nub 'undred perzent loyal 'doh.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: Mi am loyal tu 'da drooidz agh Gobonik Ordah! Mi am ztill loyal tu 'demz naow.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] You type double (('s and then after that type the message you'd like to send through local OOC, and /msg <playername> <message> or /tell <playername> <message> to send private messages or you can /join ooc for global OOC.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: ICly Nug might leave for family and friends, learning magic, or the Druids.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] Accepted Minor : http://www.lordofthe...__1#entry619273

Denied/working on : http://www.lordofthe...__1#entry665701

[Link to Server Application (if findable:(] http://www.lordofthe...__1#entry496302

[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

A white rose takes the place of the application sheet, with a small note attached "Welcome"

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information






East coast, Untied States

[How much time you can be online per day]:

Depends, anywhere from an hour to eight.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]:

Just over a year now, active all the way through.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]:

RP opportunity of course!

[Do you have TS?]:

Yes, although its only right that I tell you, I prefer to shy away from TS, I think it ruins RP, and is a soup for OOC drama, but that's my personal opinion.

[Do you have a Skype?]:

Yes, and I have no problems with using it.

In Character Information


White Raven

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:

I believe so.




Lost count.


I spent many years in the White Raven guild, becoming a senior member. I have also held medium to high up government positions.

Why do you wish to join?:

From what I read your organization may hold many ideals that I do, along with my old days as a White Raven.

Describe your personality:

I conceder myself a fair and just person. I see conflict as the last resolution, however a necessary one in some circumstances. I am reliable, and I am open.

Describe your personal attributes:

I am hard to anger, I rarely take up weapon but am trained with one. I conceder myself intelligent, rarely will I hold a grudge, and I hold no negative view towards other due to their race.

Personal Biography:

I am a son of Aegis, I fought in the undead wars and stayed with my guild until they proved to me to be corrupt from within, since then I have have been taking up government positions in various nations.

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I do conceder myself loyal, however I can not truthfully pledge "one hundred percent" to something I know so little about.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:

The White Ravens, still conceder myself loyal to their ways, although its hard to be loyal to something that exists only in memory. Holm, Holm also unfortunately exists only in memory.

* scribbled into the bottom of the page is a small note:

"See the back" it reads

"This group, "The Order" it intrigues me. I am a guildsman who hails from an ancient, and mighty guild of similar upbringings, however this guild has since been disbanded, and I find myself part of a dying breed of honorable men who still feel and fight for the great old cause.

My question to you is; do you still uphold the beliefs stated in the first part of the book? Coming from origins of all races and seeking justice and safety for all peoples?

If so I will revile more information about myself, I do apologize for this manor of elusiveness, however I must admit I do not trust something as elusive as this appears to be.

An old, and proud,

-White Raven"

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:]

Although I prefer to stay away from OOC, here I am, good day to you sir.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Unless OOC issues pull me away.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:]


[Link to Server Application (if findable):]


[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

[MCname]: Crippledpope

[Age]: 15

[Time-Zone]: GMT: 0

[How much time you can be online per day]: A couple of hours, give or take some.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: I Can't recall the exact date I joined, I believe it was early 2012.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: Lack of RP in general for my character, I'm sure this'll provide some great RP and help develop my character.

[Do you have TS?]: Yes.

[Do you have a Skype?]: No, it seems to run my computer to halt, but I could use it for a short time if it's important.

In Character Information

Name: Rigrud.

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: I have, yes.

Race: Short, plump and with a mighty head of flame-kissed hair. Most call me dwarf, or handsome, either way suits me.

Age: I'm about 200, give or take 60 years.

Experience: I've killed my fair share of orcs, humans, elves and other dwarves, and fought of the occasional undead back in Aegis. All with my bare hands and dwarven might.

Why do you wish to join?: I believe I'll be able to find my fair share of ale in the stocks of A friend of mine, of which I'm sure you know, pointed me in this direction. I'm only happy to oblige.

Describe your personality: I'm loved my the women, and the occasional man, depending on your taste. What can I say? I'm a dwarf. I like to drink, I like to eat and I like to smash hot metal with a hammer.

Describe your personal attributes: My body's sleek, muscular, my beard forms a perfect goatee on my chin, petruding from the face of a mighty Dwarven God. Besides all that, I like a drink, I like a laugh, and I like to get work done.

Personal Biography: Right, so my dad was a smithy, proper job that is, not one of those scholars, or a librarian. He took me to the forge pretty often, crafted my first dagger when I was a lad of 11, damn thing wouldn't cut butter but it was mine. Well, few months later, old man gets himself mixed up with the wrong people, murdered in cold blood on the way back from work. Years later, I move to a small fishing village - lakeside. Turns out, they were in deep with the wrong type of people, one bandit raid later and a hell load of blood three of us are alive, and the town in ruins. Aegis fell, carried a dead-weight on the boats to Asulon, and from there, well, you don't need to know about that.

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I've been loyal to those that have been loyal to me so far, so I don't see why not.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: Sircaylin, he's practically my side-kick, bloody kid worships me, thinks I'm the creator. I let him stick around, I feel sorry for the kid, old pointy ears is a bit of a laugh, too. The knights of the North, back in Aegis. I was their smithy for a good 20 years, however during the fall of Aegis, the order deteriorated and fell apart, never really saw members of the guild. I was loyal then, and would still answer their call if they came to me now.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] (( No, do it yourself. )) I rarely even speak in local, or global OOC. I usually just observe what is being said unless spoken directly to.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Of course, I myself need a commitment and I'd gladly have The Order as this. Rigrud is an extremely loyal character to those who are mutually loyal, so yes.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/79000-rigruds-villain-application/ Currently waiting for references. I should hopefully be accepted and thus opening my options and benefiting those I RP with.

[Link to Server Application (if findable):] This was a very long time ago, and I am unable to find it.

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

[MCname]: KellyQuinn

[Age]: 16

[Time-Zone]: -6

[How much time you can be online per day]: Hmm... 3-5 hours?

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: About a month.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: I finally found people who have the same interests as me. There is so much evil out there, I would die if it means I could stop it.

[Do you have TS?]: I can get it.

[Do you have a Skype?]: Yes - Emigold10

In Character Information

Name: Kelly Quinn (Lots of thinking on that one :P )

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yeppers.

Race: Wood Elf, Mali'ame. (I have hidden my ears with my hair to keep my race a secret.)

Age: 162, but I tell people I'm 19.

Experience: I have gotten myself into much trouble while defending someone or something I believe in.

Why do you wish to join?: I wish to be trained for good, and eliminate all evil spirits who wish harm among innocents.

Describe your personality:

Describe your personal attributes:

Personal Biography:

Kelly was born 162 years ago in Normandor. Her mother died in childbirth, and never got to meet the newborn Kelly. Her father was somewhat of an important figure in the government, always busy, but still had plenty of time for his daughter. loved her very much, being as though she was his last child. He gave her all of his attention, gifts and love. 144 years later, roughly that of a 16 year old human, her father died of cancer. Grief took over her whole life. She couldn't get out of bed for nearly 18 years, all she did was eat, sleep, and go to the restroom. Then one day when she was particularly restless, she got to thinking. I'm such a lazy bum... i should get up and read the news. See whats happening lately. She walked into town to the notice board. She sees plenty of notices, but is very uninterested in the lot. She looks around town, and likes what she sees. She missed the fresh air and all the people bustling about. She likes to watch people work and work herself, although she hasn't worked in 18 years. She's always been somewhat of a follower, always following her father around to help with fixing the house, doing chores, collecting, and mining. She thinks of herself as a follower and frowns. She doesn't want to be a follower... Her father wasn't. Why should she be? She'll be a leader like he was in the government. No... she'll be better! She has to fit in her father's shoes now, she can't afford to waste any more time wallowing in her own tears. Instead she'll wallow in sweat and hard work.

Since then, Kelly has moved to Stelmar in the nation of Relicar. She had many suitors, but two caught her heart. Their names were Keith and Zonorf. They fought for her, but in the end, Zonorf won, though Keith doesn't know that at this point. She joined the Relicar order, to fake her suicide and run from the unfairness and selfishness of the Knights. She ran around Asulon, leaving behind her daughter with instructions to find either Keith or Zonorf, that they would take care of her. When she returned to Stelmar, masked, she saw how much the town grew and prospered. She missed Stelmar and her citizens. She revealed her identity to the Master Knight, only to be told to meet with Lord Keith to decide her punishment for going back on her oath. She has yet to meet with him. In the mean time, her daughter and the love of her life, Zonorf, has died. She found out about her daughter, but has no clue about her love. She continues to search for him, hanging around the place where they first made love, and Noble, where he lived. -To be continued-

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I do consider myself loyal. I only left the Order of Relicar because their intentions were not pure. I believe I will be able to stay with this for the rest of my life.

Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I used to be very loyal and helpful to the Order of Relicar. I am still loyal to them even though I have broken my oath. I still help them and take orders from them even though I no longer serve them.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:] I usually just make this face if something is funny- xD Or I tell them my internet is effed up or something. I try not to talk in OOC.

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Of course.

[Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:]

[Link to Server Application (if findable):] http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/78379-kelly-quinns-fourth-attempt/

[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

I agree!

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Application For the Order:

Out of Character information

This is just a archetype I am toying with until 3.0 (when I shall dazzle the world), so don't expect a VA quality submission.







[How much time you can be online per day]:

1-2 hours after end of January.

[How long have you been playing on the server?]:

Almost 2 years.

[Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]:

I do not like the stagnant guilds and organizations all over LotC, where RP is usually dry and pointless, focusing over minor events, but instead I prefer living forces, planning, acting, and changing the lore of the server as they see fit, changing the course of every character in the server.

[Do you have TS?]:


[Do you have a Skype?]:


In Character Information


I do not keep one.

Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:





Twenty and five summers.


I tended my father's farm when I was young, and other than that I've never worked in a city, preferring to travel in the wild.

Why do you wish to join?:

Pay, shelter, and ale. Living in danger also enthralls me, it makes me feel change is afoot.

Describe your personality:

I'm a man who does what he's told, but can find something to do without orders. I know how to lie, and I also prefer solitude in nature or climbing rooftops rather than filling out paperwork.

Describe your personal attributes:

I've spent my whole life outside, climbing trees, eavesdropping people, and camping out in the wild. I know how to move fast, scale city walls, and I'm a fit man.

Personal Biography:

Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:

I'll be loyal to the order, aye, but you can't expect liars to be always obedient.

Some Additional Out of Character Questions

[show me you know how to talk in OOC:]

Do you wish to know if I know the commands? If I can summarize efficiently? If I know how to convert OOC messages into RP? This is not a question well worded.

/looc - For local OOC.

/join ooc + /ooc - To talk and listen in Global OOC.

[OOC] No armor clad ninjas on the roof!

OOC message - Go to the forums and read my PM.

RP- "Lad, I sent a messenger boy of mine to drop off the scroll with the report. It should be in your room.[OOC - Check your forum inbox.]

OOC- I want you to PM me the report.

RP - "I want the blasted report on my desk in the base by next fortday! [OOC- PM me.]

OOC- I want you to decide which applicants to approve.

RP - Look over the applications I left in the base [OOC- Check thread].

[Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]:


[Link to Server Application (if findable):]

N/A, they wiped them all.

[When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

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All three applications receive a white rose, with a note attached "Welcome. At the gates of Oren, you will find Order.


This application also receives a white rose, but has a special note attached. "Though you are welcome in the Order, you have much to learn about right and wrong, good and evil. Wait in Noble, and we will find you."

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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