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Reims Guard

Bashar al-Assad

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*A large poster is nailed on the pillar of Father Edward's Manor.*

The Guard of Reims



The Guard of the Cathedral of Reims is one that has been founded to preserve and protect the great Bishopric of Reims, they have three duties which they must discharge dutifully. These men will be given a bunk and food as long as they are in service.

1. To Follow the Creator's will, Deus Vult!

2. To Preserve the mighty Cathedral of Reims and to protect the books and artifacts it holds, the guard's duty is to protect it with their lives.

3. To Protect the Bishop of Reims, his life is important, as a the shepherd of the people in his Bishopric, he leads them dutifully and tasks his life with teaching them of the Creator. The guard's third duty is to protect this important man with their very lives.

Crusader/Levy: This is a wartime rank only and consist of volunteers (Crusaders) and peasants who are levied into the battlefield when the bishop is at war. There is a minimum of 1 levy per household within any prince-bishoprics or prince-archbishoprics that the bishop may acquire. These men are given basic provisions.


Current Levies and Crusaders:


Footman: The basic soldier of the Guard, they are tasked with the majority of the tasks and are given basic training, generally peasants or cottagers willing to dedicate their lives to the Bishopric Guard, these men are picked based on their loyalty to the cause. These men will be paid 50 minas an Elven Week.



Raomir Armon

Malikoy Vineperch

Men-at-Arms: A rank that requires more wealth to usually fulfill to pay for their extravagant armor and steed, they are the second-in-command for a small group of Footman, these are generally experienced men who have fought quite often and have proven themselves as effective soldiers. They are paid 75 minas an Elven Week.



Sergeant-at-Arms: This is a position reserved for the most experienced of the Guard, these will most likely consist of bourgeois and nobles and are in charge of a small group of Footman, they will have a Man-at-Arms as a second-in-command and will be receiving 100 minas an Elven Week for their dedication and service.



Captain of the Guard: The head of the entire Cathedral guard and only to be given to the most faithful, dedicated soldier that has proven himself time and time again. This man will be tasked with leading the entire force and protecting the entirety of it, the holder of this position shall receive 125 minas an Elven week and perhaps a large plot of land.


Captain of the Guard:


Specialized Ranks:

Quartermaster: The holder of this position is to make sure each and every soldier receives their standard issue set of armor, sword and food. Food rationing is to be every other Elven day with 16 loafs of bread, and 4 carrots.  


Medical Assistant: The holder of this title makes sure every single soldier is fit and ready for service as well as treating wounds in the field of battle. This is one of the most important roles in the Reims Guard as the holder of this position make sure that nobody dies in battle.

I {Insert name} pledge my blade to the Holy Cathedral of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that I will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven Week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Cathedral of Reims.

Fill out one of the applications below ((Coming soon)) or find and talk to Father Edward if you wish to join, he will ask you some questions and for you to repeat the oath. If you are knighted then you will be given the rank of Knight. Those who can afford to purchase fine steel armor and weaponry may be given the rank of Man-at-arms.

Accepted applicants will be given their uniform by a courier. They are expected to wear their uniforms at all times. Failure to comply will be punishable with temporary removal from the Guard. ((I will give the uniforms through the forums.))

​((This guard will be fully implemented in 3.0 along with pay, food and a place to stay.))

*Several applications are nailed to the bottom of the poster.*



MC Name:


How active you are (per day):


Timezone (Completely optional):


Your Name:

Tell us about yourself:

Why you want to join?:

What you want to achieve:

Reims Guard Oath:

Please send this to Father Edward via bird or courier and he will respond as soon as possible. ((Leave a comment below depicting RPly sending it by a bird or courier.))


A bird drops a letter at the doorstep of every guard's home. It reads.


"Guards, the Reims Guard has been disbanded, hang up your equipment and your uniform."

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Good luck.

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Dimitri wanders through human lands with nothing but a small rucksack at his side. As he stumbles upon the note at Father Edward's manor he takes a moment to read it. After reading he produces a crumbled piece of parchment, ink well, and feather from his sack. He then procedes to scribble his application in basic handwriting that looks almost childlike in nature. After finishing his application he attaches it under the original note and heads to the nearest inn to await the response.


MC Name: XxPhogxX
Your Name: Dimitri
Tell us about yourself ((Short Biography)):
I was born in the early reign of Godfrey. My parents were and still are farmers that help cultivate the land outside of Arethor. As such I grew up in a poor house and we never had much. From the time I was able to walk, I aided my parents in cultivating the land. We often ate only one meal a day and I received no formal schooling. Everything I know was taught to me by the Church during and after the weekly masses my family attended. 
As I grew older the crops stopped growing and my parents became more desperate. By the time I grew to seventeen years of age, my parents had become indebted to the local count to the point that they would never be free of the debt. With this in mind I decided to set out to new lands in search of fortune. The reason I am applying for this guard position is two fold: firstly I wish to generate coin to send home to my parents and secondly I wish to return the good-will the church has given me over the years by serving in its defense.
Why you want to join?: I wish to serve the Creator through service in this guard.

What you want to achieve: I only wish to serve the Creator well, and make enough coin to support my family.

Reims Guard Oath:

I Dimitri pledge my blade to the Holy Bishopric of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that I will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven Week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Bishopric of Reims.


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Dimitri wanders through human lands with nothing but a small rucksack at his side. As he stumbles upon the note at Father Edward's manor he takes a moment to read it. After reading he produces a crumbled piece of parchment, ink well, and feather from his sack. He then procedes to scribble his application in basic handwriting that looks almost childlike in nature. After finishing his application he attaches it under the original note and heads to the nearest inn to await the response.


MC Name: XxPhogxX
Your Name: Dimitri
Tell us about yourself ((Short Biography)):
I was born in the early reign of Godfrey. My parents were and still are farmers that help cultivate the land outside of Arethor. As such I grew up in a poor house and we never had much. From the time I was able to walk, I aided my parents in cultivating the land. We often ate only one meal a day and I received no formal schooling. Everything I know was taught to me by the Church during and after the weekly masses my family attended. 
As I grew older the crops stopped growing and my parents became more desperate. By the time I grew to seventeen years of age, my parents had become indebted to the local count to the point that they would never be free of the debt. With this in mind I decided to set out to new lands in search of fortune. The reason I am applying for this guard position is two fold: firstly I wish to generate coin to send home to my parents and secondly I wish to return the good-will the church has given me over the years by serving in its defense.
Why you want to join?: I wish to serve the Creator through service in this guard.

What you want to achieve: I only wish to serve the Creator well, and make enough coin to support my family.

Reims Guard Oath:

I Dimitri pledge my blade to the Holy Bishopric of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that I will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven Week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Bishopric of Reims.


Father Edward is swirling a glass of wine as he dully reads through the small pile of papers that gathered on his desk, he shuffles through them until he reaches the application and lets a small smile curve up his face. He thoroughly reads the application, he takes out a bar of wax and the shape of the seal and prints the seal over the paper, showing the sign of Acceptance. He hands the application to a courier standing by him, the courier runs hurriedly to the local inn in search of the man and leaves a small parcel to the innkeeper after confirming the man's stay. The parcel consists of the uniform and the letter with the seal of acceptance posted upon it. ((I will message you the skin.))

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Sees the ranking "House Knight" as he walks by the Friars Manor. And curious of it now by the false knights on it he reads it fully shaking his head grumbling as he heads home to write a letter to the Clergyman it takes him a few hours to finish it as he does he hands it to one of his household servants and the servant goes off to deliver it to the clergyman the letter stating the following once opened. And sealed off with the Grand Knights Seal.


"Greetings Father Edward, If ye have ever ready the Holy Order of the Red Dragons many posters through out the land ye will know that one of the primary duties of the Chapters of the orders are to protect the Holy Lands held by the church when they fall into danger. If the High Pontiff has passed this then there shall be no issues execpt for one of the false titles you are giving out, but warning these men are not to interfer with the Holy Orders duites. And the House Knight rank is to be removed at once as only I or the Emperor can give out Knightly titles that affect the whole empire, while kings may give out the minor "Sir" rank to kingdom knights. But these house knights must go as they were abolished in the Edict of Chivlary and these knights or thier rank has been deemned unfit and are to be removed at once."


The Letter is signed and sealed by the Grand Knight.

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Sees the ranking "House Knight" as he walks by the Friars Manor. And curious of it now by the false knights on it he reads it fully shaking his head grumbling as he heads home to write a letter to the Clergyman it takes him a few hours to finish it as he does he hands it to one of his household servants and the servant goes off to deliver it to the clergyman the letter stating the following once opened. And sealed off with the Grand Knights Seal.


"Greetings Father Edward, If ye have ever ready the Holy Order of the Red Dragons many posters through out the land ye will know that one of the primary duties of the Chapters of the orders are to protect the Holy Lands held by the church when they fall into danger. If the High Pontiff has passed this then there shall be no issues execpt for one of the false titles you are giving out, but warning these men are not to interfer with the Holy Orders duites. And the House Knight rank is to be removed at once as only I or the Emperor can give out Knightly titles that affect the whole empire, while kings may give out the minor "Sir" rank to kingdom knights. But these house knights must go as they were abolished in the Edict of Chivlary and these knights or thier rank has been deemned unfit and are to be removed at once."


The Letter is signed and sealed by the Grand Knight.

Father Edward is standing at the altar of St. Amyas's Chapel and watches the pious citizens walk in and out, taking a seat and praying for a good half-an-hour. As Father Edward is leaning on his crosier dully, he notices a courier running into the chapel, pausing as he rests from his running, a young man, panting after the hurried message. The courier hands him the envelope and takes a seat exhaustedly, waiting for Father Edward's response. Father Edward snatches the letter from the courier's hand and takes out an envelope opener and hastily opens the letter, revealing it. He tilts his head sub-consciously as he reads through the letter thoroughly. He quickly grabs a piece of parchment and an ink well and begins writing a new letter to him.


"Dear Grand Knight,

I understand this is your duty and I thank thee for letting me know about this sudden change, I did indeed go over your edict but must have browsed over the portion about abolishing House Knights. I will oblige to abolish my House Knight rank. Though I must say, the Holy Order of the Red Dragon have never helped me in guarding my land before, I suppose you must understand why I created this guard. Though nonetheless I will destroy this rank immediately.



Father Edward"


Father Edward proceeds to wrap the letter up in an envelope and seal it by taking out a bar of wax and stamping his seal which consists of the flag of Reims. He hands the envelope to the courier and waves him out of the Chapel with his crosier.

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Raomir reads the application paper.Slowly reading all of it.

"Hmm,looks promising..."

He takes out his ink and quill and begins to fill the application out.





MC Name:Raomir


How active you are (per day):I play during the weekends.

Maybe a bit during the week,but not often.



Timezone (Completely optional):Pacific


Your Name:Raomir Armon

Tell us about yourself ((Short Biography)):Born
in the bustling City of Arethor, he never found out who his mother or
father were. He lived in an abandoned shack in the Slums of the
city.Raomir made his living by catching stray cats and selling them to
Burning Kat a
restaurant that bought cats. Sometimes the money he got was enough for a
dinner sometimes it wasn’t. There were many nights when Raomir had
nothing to eat and went to bed hungry.One day he was walking down an a
dark alley when he saw a man trying to steal an Elderly woman’s
purse.Raomir quickly but quietly walked up to the man and jumped him and
put his arms around his throat and started to pull back. The man
flailed left and right desperately trying to throw Raomir off, but the
boy held on until slowly the flailing stopped and the man’s body went
limp.The elderly women stared at Raomir,petrified. Raomir started to
run,but she yelled after him,”No no come back little boy!”Raomir warily
turned back and came over.She invited him to her house where she gave
him dinner and put him to bed.After that Raomir never went hungry
again.He started to go to school and was educated like a proper man.
Why you want to join?:I would like to join because I am handy with a sword and have always desired to be a Guard or Soldier of some sort.I am also in need of a steady pay.

What you want to achieve:I would like to protect the Bishop and all of his land and make some coin to buy myself a house.
Reims Guard Oath:I Raomir Armon pledge my blade to the Holy Cathedral of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that I will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven Week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Cathedral of Reims.


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Raomir reads the application paper.Slowly reading all of it.

"Hmm,looks promising..."

He takes out his ink and quill and begins to fill the application out.





MC Name:Raomir


How active you are (per day):I play during the weekends.

Maybe a bit during the week,but not often.



Timezone (Completely optional):Pacific


Your Name:Raomir Armon

Tell us about yourself ((Short Biography)):Born

in the bustling City of Arethor, he never found out who his mother or

father were. He lived in an abandoned shack in the Slums of the

city.Raomir made his living by catching stray cats and selling them to

the Burning Kat a

restaurant that bought cats. Sometimes the money he got was enough for a

dinner sometimes it wasn’t. There were many nights when Raomir had

nothing to eat and went to bed hungry.One day he was walking down an a

dark alley when he saw a man trying to steal an Elderly woman’s

purse.Raomir quickly but quietly walked up to the man and jumped him and

put his arms around his throat and started to pull back. The man

flailed left and right desperately trying to throw Raomir off, but the

boy held on until slowly the flailing stopped and the man’s body went

limp.The elderly women stared at Raomir,petrified. Raomir started to

run,but she yelled after him,”No no come back little boy!”Raomir warily

turned back and came over.She invited him to her house where she gave

him dinner and put him to bed.After that Raomir never went hungry

again.He started to go to school and was educated like a proper man.  

Why you want to join?:I would like to join because I am handy with a sword and have always desired to be a Guard or Soldier of some sort.I am also in need of a steady pay.

What you want to achieve:I would like to protect the Bishop and all of his land and make some coin to buy myself a house.

Reims Guard Oath:I Raomir Armon pledge my blade to the Holy Cathedral of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that I will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven Week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Cathedral of Reims.


Reading over the application given to him by Raomir, he thoroughly looks over it, he nods every so often and gazes back up to Raomir with a slight nod. Father Edward lets a slight smile curve up his face as he emits the words, "You have been accepted into the Guard."

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It seems Malikoy Vineperch's decision to visit Kalos was his best in a while. Although his search for iron wasn't going very well, he stumbled upon something else of great interest. After a short conversation, Malikoy had already decided he wanted to join The Guard of Reims. He ripped the parchment from Father Edward's hands as though somebody else sought to fill the vacancy before him. After apologizing to Father Edwards for his lack of formality, he ran to find somewhere to fill out the application form in peace. He figured the abandoned house would be as good a place as any, plucked a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and began to fill out the form...


Out of character


MC Name: juicebox182


Minecraft activity: 3 - 5 hours per day


Timezone: GMT+0 (UK)


In character


Tell us about yourself:


Malikoy's lack of interest in wealth and power does not reflect his rich upbringing in the estates of Malinor at all. His evil parent's were not at all bothered when their son decided to travel the world of Anthos rather than take up their tax collection lifestyle at the age of 19. Malikoy's distant relationship with his parent's became an extremely beneficial aspect in his life. From a very early age Malikoy would escape his family and venture the magical Elven forests where he gained his most favored skills of climbing and archery, and bonded with the wildlife deep in the Elven lands.


Malikoy hopes to apply his brave and caring personality in a profession where he will protect the people of Anthos and become part of a new community and perhaps one day have a house and a family of his own.


Why do you want to join?:


I believe my skills in Archery and combat will provide the Guard with a valuable asset. I also wish to learn and uphold the ways of the Creator and defend the Bishop and the Cathedral of Reims. 


What do you wish to achieve?:


I wish to become a valuable part of the Guard, become a part of the community the guard is based in and uphold the ways of the Creator.


Reims Guard Oath: 


I Malikoy Vineperch pledge my blade to the Holy Cathedral of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that i will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Cathedral of Reims.

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It seems Malikoy Vineperch's decision to visit Kalos was his best in a while. Although his search for iron wasn't going very well, he stumbled upon something else of great interest. After a short conversation, Malikoy had already decided he wanted to join The Guard of Reims. He ripped the parchment from Father Edward's hands as though somebody else sought to fill the vacancy before him. After apologizing to Father Edwards for his lack of formality, he ran to find somewhere to fill out the application form in peace. He figured the abandoned house would be as good a place as any, plucked a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and began to fill out the form...


Out of character


MC Name: juicebox182


Minecraft activity: 3 - 5 hours per day


Timezone: GMT+0 (UK)


In character


Tell us about yourself:


Malikoy's lack of interest in wealth and power does not reflect his rich upbringing in the estates of Malinor at all. His evil parent's were not at all bothered when their son decided to travel the world of Anthos rather than take up their tax collection lifestyle at the age of 19. Malikoy's distant relationship with his parent's became an extremely beneficial aspect in his life. From a very early age Malikoy would escape his family and venture the magical Elven forests where he gained his most favored skills of climbing and archery, and bonded with the wildlife deep in the Elven lands.


Malikoy hopes to apply his brave and caring personality in a profession where he will protect the people of Anthos and become part of a new community and perhaps one day have a house and a family of his own.


Why do you want to join?:


I believe my skills in Archery and combat will provide the Guard with a valuable asset. I also wish to learn and uphold the ways of the Creator and defend the Bishop and the Cathedral of Reims. 


What do you wish to achieve?:


I wish to become a valuable part of the Guard, become a part of the community the guard is based in and uphold the ways of the Creator.


Reims Guard Oath: 


I Malikoy Vineperch pledge my blade to the Holy Cathedral of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that i will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Cathedral of Reims.

 Father Edward hastily reads over the forum, nodding at some parts and raising a brow at other. He takes out a small bar of a wax and the seal of Reims and proceeds to paste it over the letter, nodding with satisfaction as he does so. Father Edward then puts it in Maikoy's hand with a nod as he speaks the words,"You have been accepted into the Guard."

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If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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