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The Black Legion

No Remorse, No Pity, No Fear.



   A young elf by the name of Nicholas the Grey always felt honor bound to do what he believed was right for the Empire of Oren. He lived his entire life in the Empire, and he always wanted to serve it when he came of age. After sailing for many weeks with the rest of the Empire as a young boy, he came across the new lands. The lands of Anthos! As he was a boy of just sixteen, he mainly stayed inside the city of Salvus, always looking up the the Salvus Shields that served as the first line of defense against the other nations that might try to threaten them. On his seventeenth birthday, he joined the Shields!
   After a few years inside the Shields, he was resting from a recent stab wound, when he heard a commotion outside the barracks. Wincing in pain, the boy ventured out into the palace where he heard a battle brewing! He saw a fellow Shield was trying to harm a little girl! Drawing his blade, he tried to stop the conflict in hopes of saving the little girls life! As he was about to strike the Shield with the flat of his blade, he heard a voice behind him. He turned and saw another Shield with a bow. Only the Shield had the bow aiming right at Nicholas! 
   After a heated argument, the trio of Shields left the palace and went out into the courtyard. Again, he spied the Archer with his accursed bow. He was aiming it at yet another Shield! Thinking it has gone on long enough, Nicholas drew his blade and tried to sneak up on the Archer. He would have killed the Traitor if his chain-mail had not given him away! The Archer turned and fired an arrow into Nicholas's gut and branded him a traitor to the Shields! He the traitor? Fleeing from the palace, he vowed to get his revenge against the Shields! He started worshiping the orcish god Krug. 
   One night after sacrificing a pig to Krug, he had an idea! He'd start his own band of warriors. The Forgotten. The Skull Bearers. The Black Legion! He would force the Shields to their knees. With this army, he would be feared by all. If they want a traitor, then they have gotten one!


  • Be an avid Role Player.
  • Be mature! 
  • Be nice OOC even if you want to be an arse IC!
  • Be willing to wear the Legion Uniform.
  • If you are wearing our uniform on other servers, please do not make us look bad!
  • Be willing to have fun!



Initiate- The lowest rank of the Legion. He has not yet proven himself to be a full member of the Legion and has not yet earned his Skull.

Skull Bearer- The bulk of the Legion are the Skull Bearers. They do as their commanders order without question. They wear an iron Skull on their tunics branding them.

Skull Squire- Taken under the wing of a Knight of the Skull he/she is currently being trained to become the elite soldiers of the Legion.

Knights of the Skull- The best of the best. Has command over all below him. Is usually training at least one squire. Training takes at least one full IRL month to become a Knight from a Squire.

Knight Commander- Second in Command. There are usually three Knight Commanders at any given time. Has to be a Knight to be chosen as a Commander.

Grandmaster of the Skull- The leader of the order. He follows no kingdoms laws. He is highly religious and believes that Krug is the one true god. Any insult to Krug is deadly in his presence.



  • Do NOT harm a fellow Legionnaires
  • Do NOT disclose any information about the Legion until I say so.
  • Do NOT cause other players OOC grief. We are a mature group.
  • Do NOT EVER Power-Game, God-Mod, or Meta-Game.
  • Do NOT start fights with orders we are not at war with.
  • Do NOT steal from the Legion.



At War With-



Allied With-




Character Name-
Character Race-
Character Age-
Reason for joining (at least a paragraph please)-
IC- "I, [insert name here], promise to uphold the laws of the Grandmaster. To trust in my commanders that they are doing what is right. To never bring harm to any of my Brothers and Sisters. I vow that until I die or am released from my oath by the Grandmaster, that I will never betray the Legion on pain of death."
Final Notes

You need to be really committed if you are to join this Order. We do not want to become the group known OOC as the upstart dogs. Please be nice OOC and if you have poor Role Playing ability, then you will either be willing to improve or do not return. If caught Power-Gaming, God-Modding, or Meta-Gaming, you will be purged from the Legion and most likely never allowed to rejoin depending on the severity. If you are caught doing any of the three, I will personally do what I can to get you banned. We do not need any of this.

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It has not been years since we have been in Anthos.

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[Actually its been 3 years. So technically that is years.]

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((Still, is 19 years old really enough to start something as edgy as the Black Legion? :P))

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((Still, is 19 years old really enough to start something as edgy as the Black Legion? :P))

((Anyone can be edgy when they put their mind to it.))

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It has not been years since we have been in Anthos.



[Actually its been 3 years. So technically that is years.]


((OHH BURN!!!!!! Moogle you have the uncanny knack for completely shooting down ideas before they start and half the time your comments are incorrect, maybe not half the time but i've seen you twice XD On another note I say good job for starting something, you'll be kicked and punched verbally in OOC and physically in RP for starting some new organisation whos purpose is to beat up a current successful organisation, but good luck! Dont give in mate!))

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((Thanks again Minea! You're one of the few people on the server who isn't so against new additions into the server! Besides, I have posts on Planet Minecraft and Minecraft Forums advertising the Legion and LoTC! I have one person already interested from MF and I hope to bring many more people! A thank you to Talf and Marek as well for setting things straight time wise!))

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((Was this inspired by 40k? Just want to know.Best of luck.))

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((No it wasn't actually, yes I took the saying from the Black Legion, only because it fit. It is more inspired by a few pictures I found online:


The legion would be the ones in the black. They are different than the rest of the Humans by their worship of Krug, and their distrust of the Oren Military. Though the latter might not be true :P


Change for Oren is wanted by my character...  and finally:



The darkness that just radiates from this picture is something that my character feels he is becoming.

  So as you see, WE ARE NOT SPACE MARINES :P! Though I have played 40K in many forms, I don't believe they have a place here. Sorry Teuts!

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((No it wasn't actually, yes I took the saying from the Black Legion, only because it fit. It is more inspired by a few pictures I found online:


The legion would be the ones in the black. They are different than the rest of the Humans by their worship of Krug, and their distrust of the Oren Military. Though the latter might not be true :P


Change for Oren is wanted by my character...  and finally:



The darkness that just radiates from this picture is something that my character feels he is becoming.

  So as you see, WE ARE NOT SPACE MARINES :P! Though I have played 40K in many forms, I don't believe they have a place here. Sorry Teuts!

((Very nice pictures, very nice indeed. Just to let you know mate, there is an order that is literally styled after the German version of Templars (teutonic Knights) they're even called Teutonic knights, but as fasr as i've seen they're not recruiting so go for it.))

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((Oh, I am not basing the Legion off the Teuts. I just saw the pictures and they made me think about what the Legion is becoming. I have considered joining the Teutonic Knights on a different character, but it wouldn't make any sense for my character who despises most of the current Oren Military, to join them. Note: Considers military as Shields, Lions, Roses, Teuts, and Sapphire Shield Masters/Bronte Boars.



NOTE: Put on Hold until character wishes to resurrect the idea. Is to busy and not as motivated IC as I am OOC to start this))

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((My character doesn't know that...))

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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