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[Lore] Redstone Tattoos

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Redstone Tattoos



Redstone tattoos are special tattoos that glow faintly, and are powered by the electrical signals that pass through the nervous system.






The first recorded redstone tattoos were first made in Nar-Diffen, a small, and obscure village wriddled with old traditions.  and was used to signify the rank of Rthulan priests. and for many years, and still is, a trade that was passed down from generation, to generation, and could only be learned from one of the remaining priests.






Redstone tattoos are made with an intricate mixture of ink, salt, and redstone, and tattood the same way any other kind would be made.





Redstone tattoos are extremely intricate, and never truly fade. ((unless the tattood area has been cut or off worn down extremely over time)) when calm, the tattoos glow faintly, only visible when in an extremely dark area, and appear to be simple, red tattoos in daylight.



when in a time of, strain, excitement, euphoria, or stress, the tattoos will pulse a light in time with the heartbeat, the brightness of the tattoos are similar to that of moonlight, and can barely be seen in daylight.





Redstone tattoos slowly poison the body for the first few months, and will cause the body to be physicly weaker, and the area the tattoo would be will be numb for a month. If one were to get his entire arm tattood in one day, he would die a week later.



the more redstone tattoos someone has, the weaker he would be. if one were to have his entire body tattood, he would  physicly weaker his entire life, and would experience fits of numbness were the tattoo was made in times of stress or strain.






What is the purpose of redstone tattoos?


The purpose of redstone tattoos is to add a slight significance and tradition to the religeon of Yeu Rthulu,


Why do the tattoos have such severe side-effects?


to add a balance to the tattoos. if there were to be no side-effects, there would be close to no reason to not have these tattoos as oppose to normal ones, and would cause a certain unbalance.


Why Do redstone tattoos glow with the pulse?


To add a twinge of strangeness and culture to the tattoos, the religeon of Yeu Rthulu is one with a special significance on the heart, and the redstone tattoos are said to be bound to the heart. as one can hear, and feel one's pulse, a redstone tattoo allows one to see one's pulse.


Feel free to comment, ask questions, and give suggestions!


((note: if accepted, and someone were to wish to learn this trade, you would have to learn it from my character Quavinir. LM DISCLAIMER: You may also contact a LM to learn this, if sufficient RP is provided to discover it.))

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I mean, it sounds alright but what is the point behind it... why not just get a red tattoo that doesn't kill you slowly?

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I mean, it sounds alright but what is the point behind it... why not just get a red tattoo that doesn't kill you slowly?


it does not truly kill you, it ould cause you to become weaker. and it's original creation was for religeous purposes.

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I like it, tradition would be the reason for these. And the glowing in the dark considering the side effects and the way redstone works, is clearly alright.

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It's pointless and silly, no offence Quav. I serves no purpose at all.



 no offence taken. The purpose of this tattoo is more for religeous significance, and it truly is not realy to serve any purpose, just a glowing tattoo used for religeous things.

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Well I suppose if it really couldn't cause any harm so I see no reason why it shouldn't be accepted...

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I wish it didn't weaken you to such a degree.

Then you'd have people running around doing backflips, but now with super special glowy tattoos!

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Then you'd have people running around doing backflips, but now with super special glowy tattoos!



Well said!

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"Ehh call it pointless but does everything in lotc have to be game-changing?" Can't it just be some nice intricate details that help us indulge ourselves into this world that is being built in this world. It sounds great as it creates mystery and a nice bit of lore rather then: "I HAVE INVENTED THE HANDCANNON" 


So sure, why not. 

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