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Creative Elven Names


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Many of you may be wondering: How do I name my new elven character? Well, for one I highly discourage you from using Tolkien elven. Particularly because we have our own brand of LotC elven found HERE.
Now, many of you may have seen Spordaic's Elven Naming Guide. This guide is very good, and this gem of a guide has too often been ignored.
Allow me to suggest to you, you read this guide before naming a character. Some general elven naming tips to make your name more unique.

  • Avoid using the word sil (sword)
  • Avoid using the word ceru (strong)
  • If your character is a dark elf, do not use ker or khel in your name
  • Use the 'El' prefix to make it 'The X' as opposed to just 'X'
  • Vallel is overused
  • Vallei is overused
  • Yuln is overused
  • Chirr is overused

Now we have some good guides to help us name elves, let me suggest to you a few interesting names. Indeed, I find names which are less 'awesome' (i.e. Not Blade-Kill-Die-Die in elven) to be far more entertaining. Let us have some names:

  • Elacal - The Cursed
  • Salumir - Empath
  • Iheiuhii'ame - Voice of The Forest
  • Beloun - Pig
  • Oem'laureh - Chosen one
  • Pern - Potato (Anyone who names their high elf potato will forever be worshiped by me)
  • Suliin - Vision
  • Athri - Serpant
  • Puerir - Writer
  • Ehierir - Finder

Your elf's name needn't be the be-all and end all. In some cases a less than fortunate name can add to your RP. In a rather amusing twist of fate Sporadic made "Uradir" mean "Naysayer". Is it the most awesome sounding name ever? No. Though personally, I really like it (it is quite awesome to me personally). It is a reprieve from the generic "Darkness", "Water" and "Sword" names which float around in elven cities.


So yes! Pick a creative name! Don't settle with calling your elf "Sword"! Be imaginative!

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  • If your character is a dark elf, do not use ker or khel in your name
  • [


*Hits Khel on the back of the head*


I like this, a good guide with a good idea behind it.


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Or... you can exist with a name that doesn't hold meaning in the LOTC universe.


Iatrilemar... meant Day dancer of joy or dances in the joyful sun from where I got it. Now my character is doomed to lurk the LOTC universe with a meaningless name ;( Dah feels.

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Don't worry Iat, maybe Sporadic can add meanings for our names too. :P Although there's nothing wrong with meaningless names when they sound nice.


I'd also suggest you think like an Elven parent. Names like Illera (gift) and Elahern (the blessing) would probably be popular baby-elf names for their meaning. And along the lines of a high elf named potato, we need a wood elf named Raell (carrot). That would be fantastic.

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Varstivus. Sounds elfenish... but means jack all. Be creative, make up some cool sounding gibberish!




Though that doesn't mean you can't have the name Art. I think it's perfectly 'elven'.


I don't suppose you have some Dark Elf lore that made it through the endless filters?

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