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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Fie

  1. not taking IRL money for this one here but you can commission me @Hanrahan
  2. HI! It's time again. Da Rulez: 1) Bidding starts at 50 Mina and have to always be increased by 10 Mina. 2) If you get outbid and want to continue to bid on a skin, you have to make a new comment - not edit the old one. 3) You MUST be able to pay for each skin you bid on right after the closure of the auction. 4) This auction closes on Friday, the 11th of December at 5 pm EST. 5) Each bid you make has to be in the following format; Side note – all bids that are not in this format will be ignored: Skin: Bid: Discord: Zuzie's skins: Polka Dots Elvish Neon Pirates go arrggg Blueberry Halfling Imperial Sash Ice Gown Fie's skins: Slavic Horseriding Stateswoman The Queen of Blue Blue Winter Nightsky Princess of Roses
  3. Participation Form: IGN (MC Username): Fiiieee Discord: Fie#4300 Likes: Blue 😄 and cool items! anddd skins! and ya idk man suprise me Dislikes: IRL MONEY SPENT ON ME PLS DONT OK!!
  4. dude im the weird ravenclaw kid that gets her **** hidden all the time @SilkieSilky
  5. Thus, the de Selm sat within her lonely cell, her fingers twirling around a rosary's pearls. Her lips were pursed into a thin line, her expression remaining stoic. She could not cry, she could not scream, she could not do anything. In silence, she awaits the incoming trial, composed and as proper as she could be. She did not know what the near future may hold - she did not know what will happen. But one thing, she does know. In a wicked and incredibly crude way, she did the right thing. Deep within her heart, Minerva knows her father would have brushed it under the rug, would have smiled and kept up the family's public image. A tear rolls down her bruised cheek as she thought of such, her head shaking slightly. Where have they gone so wrong? Once upon a time, Emma and Minerva were like ying and yang - not to be torn apart at all. Something within her changed, and even back then, Minerva knew it was bad. Things escalated - and there was nothing she could do against it. Minerva felt a sting within her chest as she thought about it. But... such a cruel person? A person who killed her dogs - a person who killed fifteen others? A person who ruined oh-so many lifes? She set her mind firmly upon the fact that if She had not done it, noone would have. And the cycle would have continued.
  6. @armajesty damn, i thought i was ur wife???

    1. zuziee


      Fie.. I thought I was YOUR wife.

  7. lava is stone juice

    1. Urahra


      lava is forbidden honey

    2. Fie
    3. Astrophysical


      Lobsters are scorpion mermaids.

  8. Fie


    Discord: Fie#4300 Skin: Tea Party, Yellow Ballgown, Waistcoat Lady Bid: 5 USD for Waistcoat Lady, 6USD for Yellow Ballgown, 22 USD for Tea party
  9. Fie


    Discord: Fie#4300 Skin: Tea Party, Yellow Ballgown, Waistcoat Lady Bid: 5 USD for Waistcoat Lady, 6USD for Yellow Ballgown, 20 USD for Tea party
  10. Fie


    Discord: Fie#4300 Skin: Tea Party, Yellow Ballgown Bid: 6USD for Yellow Ballgown, 20 USD for Tea party 🙂
  11. Fie


    Discord: Fie#4300 Skin: Tea Party, Yellow Ballgown Bid: 6USD for Yellow Ballgown, 12 USD for Tea party :upside_down:
  12. Fie


    Discord: Fie#4300 Skin: Tea Party, Yellow Ballgown Bid: 6USD each ❤️
  13. hi i hope u all are ok ,,,!

    1. snoopie12


      I am, thanks! I hope you are too 🥰

  14. [!] A letter would arrive per dove, being dropped at the traveler's feet. If opened, it'd read; "Greetings to you, brave traveler. I would be honored to accompany you on your travels to an unknown land. I truly am an adventurous young spirit seeking for a greater purpose in life. I am looking forwards to your response, sir. I am rather skilled in medicine, cooking and if need be - fighting, as support, and I would appreciate it greatly if you allowed me to stand alongside you men and women. Signed, M.d.S."
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