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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Fie

  1. Fie

    See ya (for now)

    take your time and take some space from this toxic mess. youre loved and appreciated 🖐
  2. "Oh my!" Anne's eyes widened briefly as she gazed over the adorable builds. "How I wish I had a plot of my own! A weekend getaway would be amazing..."
  3. Fie

    yet another skin auction

    c l o s e d, ill contact you in a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. "What my sister does is none of your concern, wench," commented Elisabeth dryly upon reading what they wrote about Joanne. Her nose wrinkled upwards in disgust before she tossed the paper onto the muddy streets.
  5. A wide scowl appears upon Thea's lips upon hearing the news. "I'm sorry about how we parted, Lauritz. How I wish we could be twenty and alive again!"
  6. hi. new skin auction. gimme all ur money. thx. rules: 1) bids start at 70 Mina 2) your bids have to be increased by at least 10 Mina 3) dont edit your previous comments, post a new one 4) you must be able to pay the price you've bid when the auction closes 5) You must follow the format: Skin: Bid: Discord: 6) if you've stolen any of my skins before, you're EXCLUDED from the auction 7) you may NOT resell my skins on a new auction btw i do commissions so like... take a look ig. minas only, no irl money. https://forms.gle/RCu6C4hzN5fL2fwo9 OH **** UHHHHHHH this closes on the..... 9th of march at 3 pm est
  7. love u and hope u are ok. im so sorry that whole situation escalated the way it did
  8. "And... since when do haensemen concern themselves with imperial court drama that has been blown out of proportion by the author?" Anne Caroline asked her handmaiden.
  9. mfw ppl try to kill the regency >:( i have a comprimise tho...................... lets go back to renaissance?
  10. Anne Caroline's visage scrunched up upon seeing yet another edition of such scandalous paper. Her hand clenched over her belly as the lady's whole posture tensed. "Outrageous!" was the only thing she commented on it before throwing the paper into the fire.
  11. Fie

    retirement AMA

    what was ur biggest dafuq moment
  12. @capiital"Oh wow, that aspiring druid eats." Anne Caroline uttered to her friend upon seeing the missive.
  13. "First time?" a certain lady asked Alexandra with a light huff. "Some people deserve it- trust me." The other kinslayer then turned around in order to saunter off further into the city.@AnonymousAlexa
  14. Fie


    its a thing, yeah but its not easy to get.

    1. Kholibrii



    2. hemomancy



    3. TheCapybara
  16. A certain lady found herself beaming at the missive, her hands soon clasping together in front of herself; "A man and friend such as himself shall be a wonderful head of our faith... Greatness awaits us, I can tell." After such, she turned on her heel and got back to tending to her garden.
  17. lets stop wig rp and go back to renaissance rp
  18. Character name: Anne Caroline Age: 16 Discord: Fie#0010 Best/Worst skill: being a little ***** and probably running away from her guards.
  19. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit bro i need this
  20. discord: Fie#0010 bid: 50 skin: 2. so... you want to be the queen of haense
  21. Fie

    Skin Auction!

    that was WILD LOL
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