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Everything posted by Somersetting

  1. no ur wrong actually
  2. They should make the prebuild period shorter actually
  3. Rosebud nods along to this, " Damn roigh' " she says, hearing the announcement in the pub while polishing a mug with a rag, " A fantas'ic firs' move "
  4. I still maintain we should largely get rid of mina, or at least let people have a different system. Scrap chest shops, bring in villager trading shops. It'll make cities way less cluttered as a single villager can be like 10 transactions, and it'll mean settlements can mint their own currency and have it actually be useful. Think of the roleplay this actually creates: Banks have a reason to exist Currency will actually feel real between nations Someone getting robbed is actually more meaningful than number-go-down Lets actual economies exist which right now are impossible, due to the fuckyness of mina and the massive oversupply of absolutely everything Trading rp on the server is basically non-existent right now, but its genuinely fun when it has. I'm thinking of Helena last map when for a few months the guilds were actually really fun and unique. Let mina become a stand in for gold bullion, something nations trade between them that has some inherent value, but not something everybody is carrying around all the time. Maybe nations can have a way of selling their local item-currency for it, but most shops not be dependent on it.
  5. This is an @argonianappreciation post for making 2/3 of the posts in the server discussion forum over the last year

  6. I'm trying to find a blank version of any of maps of Almaris that have been made over the last couple years, theres been quite a few, and any would do really.


    If anybody has one I'd greatly appreciate it, already messaged the creators of some of them.

  7. I've got some feelings about resources and the economy. For common building blocks it should be made easy to get them from nearly any place on the map. There's a big difference between things used to build settlements, and things that there can actually be economic activities around (iron, food, coal, gold, diamonds, this sort of thing). So what if each tile had a few resources that it generated on a clock. A given tile might have an iron mine that once every 3 days generates a stack of ore to be mined, it might have a field that can grow carrots or wheat that mature once a week, it might have a grove that produces a specific plant or flower (alchemical and benign), or a quarry that has prismarine. But it doesn't have everything, to have a functioning, well equipped society either trade or expansion are needed. I think it should be fine for large nations to control land without rping in it regularly in little towns, because the server benefits from the concentration of RP massively. The way to account for this is to have those resource nodes be open to anybody who comes by, if a nation is over-extended then they aren't going to be able to harvest them before bandits do, and they're going to start feeling that bite. Theres massive ways that this creates rp that the current go-play-survival-minecraft system doesn't: If a nation has farmers who go out to harvest those fields then great If those farmers or miners get attacked by bandits because their nation is weak militarily or over-extended thats awesome If they rally and send people out to defend the gold from the mine in their province then great If they make treaties with their neighbours to respect each others' territories thats fantastic rp If they're inactive and others start taking their food and resources then thats nature healing itself and the server self-regulating If a nation is getting more players than it can feed/supply they're going to need to either trade for more resources or expand militarily Theres now an actual reason to do villainy and bandit rp, which our current post-scarcity world doesn't have Right now none of this happens much because there isn't a real mechanical incentive, and this isn't a crazy complicated plugin I don't think, it can pretty much be done with command blocks referencing a few variables on node regeneration time to be tweaked by staff when things need fixing, or adjusted to match server activity. This was long and rambly, but I hope maybe it has some sort of an interesting idea. Right now production and prosperity on the server is about who wants to go play the shittiest version of survival single player minecraft you've ever seen for an hour, instead of being about rping in your nation, trading, forming treaties with your neighbours, and having a functioning military/society that can control resources and land. I think thats the fundamental issue here, and going to a system where economic resources spawn in on a timer could fix a lot of this.
  8. Rosebud sees the listing of "Grand Applefoot Pie" and is filled with terror, eyeing everybody she sees around the village with suspicion.
  9. I think there is significant value in trying to pick a couple days in the week and then consistently have some kind of RP we do on those days. If its consistent I think people will turn up in much higher numbers. The ideal is to try and cultivate activity to the point where thats less needed and people can confidently log on at peak to find people, but for now I think scheduling it for specific days could be a good move. Doesn't have to be the same thing every day/week, I just think the consistency is important. I also think people are crapping on taverns a bit, "tavern rp" is more about a venue than it is an actual activity, and its very approachable for people, especially newer players. I'm also not too convinced people really will want to go through the specifics of winnowing grain, but I could be wrong.
  10. People got so mad about it but that was unironically the period the server had some of the best RP, right at the very start of that map, and then later during the plague. It was a total shitshow and it was beautiful.
  11. Here's a general take; the concentration of roleplay, lore, and the playerbase is good, the dilution of these things is bad. It isn't actually that fun to be one of two members of a group, actually interesting roleplay experiences come from social interaction and groups of people. The Kha community would benefit from people like you dedicating themselves to it, instead of writing a new CA race that will exist for a month with 10 people, then six months with 2 people, then die. Its happened so many times and it always goes the exact same way.
  12. With the medicine technology we have, you’re probably powergaming if you lose an arm and don’t die. My character lost the bottom half of one of his legs and I was fully going to PK him before a Cleric showed up and stabilized him.
  13. Homophobia is bad, and homophobes are bad people. People telling you that your actions and beliefs have negative impacts on the world and others, does not make you the victim, despite how desperately you wish it did. “You not accepting me being a bigot makes you the intolerant ones!” has got to be the most boring, lazy argument that conservatives have come up with this century.
  14. I don’t know how to put this lightly, It’s not ageism to not want to do some kinda of roleplay with minors, be that particularly violent, romantic, or just generally dealing with heavier themes.
  15. I unironically agree with some of this lmao The aesthetics and daily practice of it is like 75% + just ripped from Catholicism, which just feels lazy. And yeah, I’ve read the holy scrolls and they have deeper lore (though are still HEAVILY Christian) but tbh they matter hardly at all compared to what is actually rp’ed by most people as the religion.
  16. Those conifers unnnnghhhhhh 🍆😨💦
  17. Abram signs the petition, remarking “If this dude has to PK then so does literally everyone with a name derived from Christopher, Abraham (oh ****), or any other biblical name. This is dumb. Wait is this IC I’m confused.” he’d conclude
  18. Was moreso thinking of having some kind of ‘pure redstone’ or something be a nodal resource. Though so long as its fine that those symbols will be absurdly common.
  19. Having redstone be that powerful of a reagant feels like it cheapens it... Considering that the stack of blocks in my e-chest now equals 576 earth and aether signs. Perhaps this could be changed to something found in nodes? Idk what would be good. Also, I 100% want to make a humorist doctor now. Gonna look at some kid that clearly has an arrow in his chest and say “Ah he’s got too much yellow bile ya see!”
  20. Thimble Clearwater rolls in his shallow, Axios grave.
  21. Implying Americans are human beings
  22. This is just absolutely correct, and its the main source of the massive economic issues we have. I know the WT had that post a while back about the economy, and I desperately hope they implement much of what people said there. To stop the devaluation of mina the amount injected each day would need to be ~ = to the amount lose every day, to CT shops and players leaving the server / deleting personas. Right now those two are best I can tell the only minas sinks that remove it from the economy? If there were either additional sinks created or just the amount cut even just in half it would seriously help it out.
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