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Status Replies posted by Orlanth

  1. what are your lotc hot takes

    1. Orlanth


      CRP is more imbalanced than PVP. (That is to say it's easier to win crp fights than pvp fights).

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. @Orlanth BOO! Did I scare you? I'm an iron block!

  3. summer is heating up in the northern hemisphere. i think it's time for a reminder to all you pvp-goons out there to take your monthly shower before going out into public! 💖

    1. Orlanth


      24 hours in a day times 7 days a week = 168 hours in a week. 3 days is 72 hours. Assuming 8 hours of sleep on average for 7 days is another 56 hours. Sure hope you take some time out of your remaining 40 hours a week to attend to your own hygiene.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. new admins should be chosen via pvp

    1. Orlanth


      This is the most based take I've heard in a long time. You never fail to disappoint oh wise one.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. forever tired, wilted rose moment

    1. Orlanth


      It's ok joel. You can retire whenever you want. <3

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. riddle me this batman. what do pvpers provide to the server?



    1. Orlanth


      @shartings I completely agree, but in all honesty I think that has very little to do with 'pvp mindset.' There are, unfortunately, just as many people that powergame excessively in CRP for the same reason. It's an overall flaw in the server.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  7. can we remove nations for 9.0 and just see what happens

    1. Orlanth


      can we remove ST for 9.0 and just see what happens

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. riddle me this batman. what do pvpers provide to the server?



    1. Orlanth


      I welcome anyone that isn't a staff member to do the simple thought experiment of remembering what the most significant things to happen on LOTC were, especially on prior maps. 

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  9. I came out of retirement to say this - imagine getting triggered by a clickbait snoreland post

    1. Orlanth



  10. What the hell, Snoreland?

    1. Orlanth


      You story team striggas so focused on the cheese that you forget about the trap.

  11. Give us /cex nationality Ferrymen

    1. Orlanth


      Sure as long as other nations have adequate warnings.

      "This player may be found grooming and attempting to ERP at any opportunity, do not contact administration for assistance, they will not help."

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. looking forward to villainy from both magic and not without having to worry about how many hours i got logged on hcf this week 

    1. Orlanth


      worrying about how many hours of CRP I have to log this week.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. not even an hour since new rules dropped and we already got our first 30 man CRP battle

  14. ppl be like “man I can’t wait for ## ppl shit CRP battles waahhh.”


    choose them wisely click-cuck **teleports behind u

    1. Orlanth


      I think the distinct difference in ppl who are happy about being able to have their advantages as dark creatures, and the ppl who are worried that they're going to get locked in unreasonable CRP encounters says a lot. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. bandit family that fights for oren and sweats HCF...where have I heard this one before...? 🤣

    1. Orlanth


      Cope and Seethe. Nottingham was better liked than rustlers.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. selling djinn for monster hunter rise

  17. This entire OOC Anti-Oren obsession that has existed since Alty became Emperor in late 2019 is turning this server in a completely toxic place. How many times any of you have witnessed Anti-Oren messages in OOC channels within the server? Because it has been constant during all this time. What has the Admin Team done to address this issue? Nothing, and now we see the consequences of this negligence: more toxicity and more OOC, which is a very bad impression for a new player (see JoshBright's post).


    Also, and I hope that what happened recently made us all learn this, which is that I think that it has been completely proven that forcing your character to act in a certain manner for the mere fact that it benefits you more oocly (e.g.: to assume the leadership of a nation) is something that is completely bad for the community as it just generates more OOC and toxicity.

    1. Orlanth


      @grnappahate to be the bearer of bad news but saying someone shouldn't be upset with Oren when their emperor was a pedophile is a bad look for a mod.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  18. rolling up to the LOTC DMV to pay my respects to the bureaucracy that determines whether or not i get to have fun on a childrens block game

  19. When the going gets tough, the tough get dead. 

  20. I've become so much like Avaeramos Yaeger it's scary. I wear black armor, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight, fight in common.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut **** up Spoon! I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control. When I see kha being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. I can't ftb with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Rhaella or Naeri, both of whom remind me of Dael. When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them freedom fries. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.(edited)

  21. i told norland that we'd coup them

    1. Orlanth


      A process a whole year in the making that started with 1000 mina...

  22. I have no mouth and I must scream

  23. I need to do a multi-line emote to place a block. https://imgur.com/FlfbmWC

    1. Orlanth


      Nono he's serious. I had to make a staff report about it. Goofy AF mods.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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